Specialist Practice Qualification (SPQ) Pat Deeny, Course Director, University of Ulster.
What is Specialist Practice? It is an Academic and Professional Award, recordable with the NMC. Students have to demonstrate higher levels of clinical decision making in 4 main areas:- supervision of practice; clinical audit; development of practice through research; teaching and the support of professional colleagues; provision of skilled professional leadership. (UKCC, April 2001 superseded by NMC, 2004 but not changed)
Gross Structure. 3 core modules: Research and Evidence Base; Leadership, Management & Practice Development; Management of Long Term Conditions. 2 specialist modules ◦ Modules that are clinically focused on specific speciality. i.e. Emergency Care, Nurse Practitioner, Diabetes Nursing, District Nursing, Community Mental Health, Community Learning Disability, Community Children’s, Palliative Care etc 75 days practice learning. This will occur within the specific specialist field. Student will be supervised by a Sign-Off Mentor and Option Leader.
Entry Criteria/ Academic Levels Academic LevelsUniversity of Ulster Degree Level (6)2 years post registration. 40 credits at Level 5 Post Grad Level (7)2 years post registration. Degree in Nursing or health related subject. NB. CATS (APL). Discuss with Course Director
Roles associated with SPQ Student Sign – Off Mentor Pathway/ Option Leader Nurse Manager Course Director PEF
Roles and Responsibilities. Student:. responsible for completion of Specialist Practice Portfolio, achievement of learning contracts and 75 days practice learning. Sign –Off Mentor: Supervision and assessment of practice learning. Manager: supporting student (and Sign Off Mentor) in achievement of practice learning goals and academic award.
Roles and Responsibilities. Practice Education Facilitator:. Supporting Sign-Off Mentor in supervision and assessment of student. Monitoring practice learning. Pathway /Option Leader: Academic and practice learning supervision of student. Liaising with Sign-Off Mentor in the overall assessment of student. Course Director: Overall responsibility for management of programme.
Practice Learning: Key issues. Quality of Evidence in Practice Learning Portfolio: must show ‘higher level of decision making’. Must be up-to- date evidence and show good ‘reflection’ on learning. Management of time: Adequate time must be allocated for practice learning. Sign Off Mentor and Pathway /Option Leader must see evidence of constant progress within portfolio.
Time & Practice Learning Part-time: 75 Days across 2 years. Full-time: 75 days across 11 months. One day = 7 ½ hours. 7.5 hrs X 75 = 563 hours Sign-Off Mentor(direct and indirect Supervision) 40% of 563= 225 hours Supernumerary: Specialist Students cannot be counted in staff numbers during Practice Learning Days.