The MIDCAS Program is to be considered as one of the strategic components of the UAV Roadmap 2012 Health Monitoring ATOL Sense & Avoid Frequency Spectrum Allocation UAV Crew Licence Security CNS/ATM Airworthiness Certification MIDCAS … MIDCAS and EDA proposed MIDCAS and EDA proposed strategic objectives 2012 The objective of the MIDCAS program is to solve the critical sense&avoid issue and, hereby, together with other activities, enable the operation of UAVs in non-segregated airspace.
The MIDCAS demonstrator MID Air Collision Avoidance System for UAV Systems Control Station MIDCAS Flight Control System Separation provision Avoid function Module Imminent risk Collision avoidance Air vehicle performances model (if needed) Data link (ground terminal) Ground Air vehicle Cooperative sensors (TCAS, ADS-B) Non-cooperative sensors (radar, EO/IR, …) Data processing “intruders mapping” Sense function module Data link (air terminal) Non-imminent risk Analysis & decision Intruders position Semi Automatic flight mode Inputs (heading/altitude) Separation assistance
MIDCAS Overview Start of work : 2008 Duration : 4 years Value : To be negotiated Technical Input : EDA R&T “Demonstration study on Sense & Avoid technologies for long-endurance UAV” National studies from Participating Nations Technical Output : Deliverables open to all pMS and UAV stakeholders to provide the technical back-up needed for the establishment of a Sense & Avoid standard. A Sense & Avoid technological demonstrator that will enable the use of UAV Systems in non-segregated airspace
Status of Countries April 2008 : FR, ok. SE, ok - government check before signing PA. GE, proposal on the program content, discussions initiated. IT, expressed interest, has requested clarification from EDA in order to avoid duplication. SP, recently asked for information about the current program status and possibilities to participate.
Ad hoc category B “Join in” conditions 1/ Demonstrated know-how and expertise on technological aeronautical skills directly applicable in the “Sense & Avoid” area, 2/ Contributing Members are committed, in 2008, to a minimum budget of 10 M€ during the 4 years period of the program (This budget might be mixed Gov/Ind). 3/Agree and respect basic MIDCAS IPR principles.
MIDCAS Basic IPR Principles list of deliveries Class 1 System level (mid-air collision avoidance) outputs Project progress synthetic data CONOPS & ATM compatibility Mid-air collision requirements Mid-air collision system architecture Operational procedures Performance assessment through simulation and demonstration (& associated environmental conditions) Safety analysis results Human factor study results MIDCAS system features (for integration purposes) Class 2 (MIDCAS eyes only) All other deliverable outputs Justification of the system level output
Class 1 (open to all UAV stakeholders) Feeding the regulatory & standardisation bodies with pertinent inputs To obtain their feedback To ensure consistency of the MIDCAS project with ongoing standardisation works To allow CAAs to prepare information for the manned aviation community Informing the aviation community (manned & unmanned) pilots &ATC associations, airlines… To make them aware of the proposed system solutions (transparency) To obtain their feedback Class 2 (MIDCAS eyes only) All other deliverable outputs MIDCAS Basic IPR Principles delivery purposes
01/08 09/0703/08 Programme definition & convergence (industries & pMS) Outline Description Form Submitted to EDA 06/08 Programme Arrangement preparation EDA Steering Board approval Silence procedure EDA contract award no later than fall 08 EDA R&T study Contract preparation Project Presentation to EDA by initiating pMS Project Presentation to NAD Steering Board EDA ad hoc category B process Presentation to potential European Participants 06/07 Programme set up at EDA 09/08 CONTRACTAWARDCONTRACTAWARD
+ Totally in line with EDA intentions for UAV-traffic insertion and development + Visibility and leverage relative airworthiness agencies + Visibility and leverage relative major stakeholders + IPR rules and contract template are in place + No money across borders + MoU in place EDA as contracting agency
MIDCAS contacts Tomas Eriksson Program Manager MIDCAS Joint Materiel Command – FMV Régis Brigaud Head of the UAS management department DGA/DSA/UM MID/UAS