Autonomous Vehicles in California Stephanie Dougherty Chief, Enterprise Planning & Performance California Department of Motor Vehicles July 22, 2015
California Legislation - Senate Bill 1298 As soon as practicable, but no later than January 1, 2015, DMV must adopt regulations setting forth requirements for: – Manufacturers’ testing of autonomous vehicles on public roadways Regulations approved and adopted in May 2014 Effective on September 16, 2014 – Operation of autonomous vehicles on public roadways Under development
California’s Definition of an Autonomous Vehicle Vehicle equipped with autonomous technology that has the capability to drive a vehicle without the active physical control or monitoring by a human operator Does not include vehicles equipped with one or more collision avoidance systems, such as electronic blind spot assistance, automated emergency braking systems, park assist, adaptive cruise control, lane keep assist, lane departure warning, and traffic jam and queuing assist
Testing on California Public Roadways $5 million in insurance, bond, or self-insurance Manufacturer has tested vehicle under controlled conditions that simulate, as closely as practicable, real word conditions and reasonably determined it is safe to operate the vehicle on public roads Test driver requirements: – No DUI, not an at-fault driver, and no more than 1 point – Successful completion of test driver training program – Employee, contractor, or designee of manufacturer Test driver must be seated in driver seat during testing Report any accident within 10 days and unanticipated disengagements of autonomous technology annually Testing permit valid for one year Vehicles excluded from testing: Commercial vehicles > 10,000 lbs GVW and motorcycles
Approved Testing Permits
Operation on California Public Roadways Development of Regulatory Package Statewide Steering Committee Consulting with University of California PATH Pre-notice workshops conducted in March 2014 and January 2015 RFI to solicit input from third-party entities with an interest and capability in conducting functional safety reviews of autonomous vehicles Regulatory Topics Certifications required by statute Conditions for operation Certification approaches
Permit to Deploy – The License to Drive Maintain $5 million in bond, insurance, or self-insurance Certify the autonomous technology meets and does not make inoperative any FMVSS Certify the autonomous vehicle has: – Mechanism to easily engage/disengage autonomous technology – Visual indicator that autonomous technology is engaged – System to alert the operator when a failure of the autonomous technology is detected – Separate mechanism to record sensor data 30 seconds prior to collision
Conditions for Operation Identify all areas where the vehicle can operate autonomously Identify commonly occurring restrictions on operation (snow, fog, rain, construction zones) Identify if vehicle is capable of operating without a driver inside Certify that the AV technology will obey traffic laws Identify what the vehicle will do if the autonomous technology fails
Vehicle Certification and Validation What should be certified? – Functional safety - Processes to identify hazards associated with the AV technology and procedures to mitigate those hazards – Behavioral competency - Ability to perform a minimal set of driving-related tasks and operate in the road traffic conditions the vehicle will regularly encounter By whom? – Federal government, state, manufacturer, third party As measured how? And verified how?
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