Ellipsoidal Lighting Instruments
Follow spot
Characteristics of Ellipsoidal Lighting Instruments Has reflector Internal shutters Plano convex lenses Gel frame Gobo capable Sharp edged pool of light with a definite hot spot Use as front light (can be used as side/back light if you have enough of them) Halogen lamp
Tungsten metal alloy Halogen gas Clear quartz envelope Bi pin base Incandescent light bulbs Argon gas Glass envelope Screw base Halogen lamps come in lots of sizes and some with different bases. All are designated with three letters like EHG or FLE.
Iris Gobo frame
A gobo in a gobo holder, which goes in a stage lighting instrument. The discolored portion is oxidation of the stainless steel caused by the high temperature of the lamp, but the gobo is still usable.stage lighting instrument A gobo is a template or pattern cut into a circular plate used to create patterns of projected light. The name may be derived from go between, or from Goes Before Optics. Go between refers to its position between the lamp and the lens. Another origin may be: Graphical optical blackout.patternslight
Glass gobo (new)
Glass gobo of full moon
Fresnel Lighting Instruments
Characteristics of Fresnel Lighting Instruments Has Reflector Step lens Barn doors Gel frame Soft edged pool of light with no discernable hotspot Use as side or back light Halogen lamp
PAR Cans (parabolic reflectors
There is a halogen lamp inside this reflector/lens configuration
Characteristics of PAR Can Lighting Instruments Has Parabolic reflector Gel frame More powerful beam of light than fresnel and can throw further than fresnel Use as front fill or side light Halogen lamp
Scoops Which ones have a gel frame?
Characteristics of Scoops Instrument IS reflector Gel frame Use only as cyc or work light Uses incandescent light bulb-NOT halogen lamp
Characteristics of Scrollers Can do multiple moving patterns and multiple colors
Let there be light.