Presidential Preference Primary North Carolina Then ~ Now
Must be Registered 25 days prior Must be Registered 25 days prior Polls open 13 hours – Curbside available with up to $1,000 fine for false statement Polls open 13 hours – Curbside available with up to $1,000 fine for false statement Observers – Yes Observers – Yes Polls open 13 hours – curbside available entire time Polls open 13 hours – curbside available entire time Observers – Yes... BUT MORE Observers – Yes... BUT MORE
Absentee Voting – No excuse Absentee Voting – No excuse Absentee Voting – Must be sick, disabled or expect to be absent from the county while the polls are open Absentee Voting – Must be sick, disabled or expect to be absent from the county while the polls are open What is One-Stop Voting? What is One-Stop Voting? What is a Provisional Ballot? What is a Provisional Ballot? One-Stop Absentee (Soooo many hours) One-Stop Absentee (Soooo many hours) Provisional Ballots – also with NO ID reason Provisional Ballots – also with NO ID reason
No limit for occupying a voting booth or machine No limit for occupying a voting booth or machine 5 Minute limit for occupying a voting booth 5 Minute limit for occupying a voting booth Voting Systems : Optical Scan, Punch Card, Lever Machines, Direct Record & Traditional paper ballots Voting Systems : Optical Scan, Punch Card, Lever Machines, Direct Record & Traditional paper ballots Optical Scan & DRE (M100, DS200, 650, Automark, & iVotronic) Optical Scan & DRE (M100, DS200, 650, Automark, & iVotronic)
“The names of all persons voting shall be checked on the registration records and entered on the pollbook or other approved record.” § (f). (Voters did not sign their name.) “The names of all persons voting shall be checked on the registration records and entered on the pollbook or other approved record.” § (f). (Voters did not sign their name.) Poll Book - Authorization to Vote (Epollbooks & ATV labels) Poll Book - Authorization to Vote (Epollbooks & ATV labels) Voters required to sign their name on ATV. Voters required to sign their name on ATV.
Preparing for the 2016 Presidential Preference Primary
February??? February??? March???
What’s on your Calendar for December 2015? A Well Deserved, Extended Vacation Christmas Shopping Christmas Parties December SOG Director’s Conference Extra Church Activities Extra Church Activities Family Gatherings Family Gatherings Maybe a Cruise!
December: Before, During, and Beyond …
Notify Polling Places of the Exact Date for the PPP as soon as you know Notify Polling Places of the Exact Date for the PPP as soon as you know Advise Precinct Officials of the exact date also Advise Precinct Officials of the exact date also Make sure you have good contact information on Precinct Officials, including s – it is so important to have access to officials for last minute issues Make sure you have good contact information on Precinct Officials, including s – it is so important to have access to officials for last minute issues Submit a special interest story to your local newspaper as soon as the date is set to help educate voters Submit a special interest story to your local newspaper as soon as the date is set to help educate voters
Make extra effort to advertise the Registration Deadlines Make extra effort to advertise the Registration Deadlines Complete VTD results report from municipal elections by late November (best practice) Complete VTD results report from municipal elections by late November (best practice) Prepare Legal Notices early Prepare Legal Notices early Check your supplies now, as you prepare for Municipal Elections, and immediately following the Municipals check your quantities again Check your supplies now, as you prepare for Municipal Elections, and immediately following the Municipals check your quantities again
Conduct Training for One Stop Poll Workers Early Conduct Training for One Stop Poll Workers Early Conduct Special (and/or Extra) training on Photo ID procedures Conduct Special (and/or Extra) training on Photo ID procedures Prepare Training Materials Early Prepare Training Materials Early Organize Office Organize Office Prepare for Candidate Filing / Be ready for new Campaign committees Prepare for Candidate Filing / Be ready for new Campaign committees
Have a designated Area for Absentee Ballots by Mail to be prepared Have a designated Area for Absentee Ballots by Mail to be prepared Ballot Proofing & Review ~ for PPP mainly State responsibility BUT Ballot Proofing & Review ~ for PPP mainly State responsibility BUT May Ballot proofing in early March May Ballot proofing in early March Schedule machine testing & certification Schedule machine testing & certification
Plan for additional precinct officials – A greeter will be essential Plan for additional precinct officials – A greeter will be essential Schedule Training early for Election Day precinct workers Schedule Training early for Election Day precinct workers Complete VTD results report early for PPP ( 60 days will be either April or May) Complete VTD results report early for PPP ( 60 days will be either April or May)
and did we mention…. EARLY TRAINING!! How are you at multi-tasks? We will be over-lapping primaries, tasks and responsibilities We will be over-lapping primaries, tasks and responsibilities
Remain CALM! It is going to be OK. We will do a great job! It will be Exciting!
Remember: One day at a time Yesterday is gone and tomorrow may never come!