Campaign Manager : Monica Ceraolo Social Media Director : Jackie Perl Event Planner: Taylor Howard Community Manager : Ashley Plotts Graphic Designer: Victoria Del Purgatorio OUR TEAM MEMBERS
PAST & PRESENT CLIENTS Past Clients The Jacksonville Suns McDonalds Forever 21 Baptist Health Jacksonville Jaguars Present Clients The Jacksonville Sharks Bubba Burger University of North Florida Future Clients SafeTouch Security Systems
SECONDARY RESEARCH Lester Jackson created SafeTouch when he was 22 years old SafeTouch is recognized as the largest, independent communications security company in the United States Guaranteed response time of 45 seconds and an average response time of 11 seconds! SafeTouch has a wide variety of services Main competition: ADT Security Reliable security protection Strong passion to protect families
SECONDARY RESEARCH JACKSONVILLE AREA Jacksonville's population is 821, % Caucasian, 30.7% African-American, 4.3% Asian and 0.4% American Indian/American Native Duval County Schools Statistics: 14,728 children in Preschool 87,617 children in Elementary schools (grades 1-8) 42,722 children in high school There are 323,106 households in Jacksonville 207,760 family households 4,354 family households with children under the age of 18
SECONDARY RESEARCH PREDATORS AND SEX OFFENDERS According to FDLE there are 1,823 registered sex offenders and predators in the Jacksonville area Southside: 64 registered offenders Ponte Vedra area: 6 registered offenders Northside: 137 registered offenders Westside: 50 registered offenders.
PRIMARY RESEARCH MAIL SURVEYS An efficient way to reach many demographic regions in the Jacksonville Area FOCUS GROUPS We would hold 3 focus groups in Jacksonville, allowing PRime Agency to get a better look at the individuals in your target audience ONLINE WEB SURVEYS The use of social media is a great way to get the attention of large groups of people for a low cost
SWOT STRENGTHS guaranteed 45-second response time, 11 second average time 20 years of reliable security installation and monitoring services WEAKNESSES lack of social media appearances no online bill payments OPPORTUNITIES to use advancing technology such as wireless technology to partner up with new security technology companies THREATS Competitors -ADT, ESI people prefer the do-it yourself approach to home security
SITUATIONAL ANALYSIS During a 1 year period, more than 797,000 children under the age of 18 were reported missing About 2,000 children are reported missing each day Protecting our children and keeping them safe is a priority That is why you, at SafeTouch Security Systems, want to sponsor a safety program for children by reaching out to families and schools
CAMPAIGN GOAL To gain the support of one non-profit organization during one fiscal year. This will help raise money and increase awareness for SafeTouch Security so it can have good name recognition in the community.
TARGET PUBLICS Families Northside Southside Ponte Vedra Schools Duval County Elementary, Middle and High Schools Children
THE SOMER THOMPSON FOUNDATION The Somer Thompson Foundations’ goal: “to provide education in the form of awareness and prevention to both parents and children to avoid the tragedy of experiencing the loss of a child.”
OBJECTIVES To increase awareness for child safety and reach out to at least 20 percent of the 125,000 children in Duval County. To raise 20,000 dollars for our non-profit organization in the next fiscal year. To reach a target audience of parents 24 to 38 and children 4 to 17 in the 2013 fiscal year. To give SafeTouch good name recognition in the community
PROGRAMMING: CREATIVE CONCEPTS In order to raise awareness about child safety, you must first teach safety to children Encourages parents to take 15 minutes to talk to their children about child safety and to teach them important safety tips
PROGRAMMING: CREATIVE CONCEPTS Newsletters PSA’s Radio & TV ads Social media
EVALUATION Objective 1 See if 20% of children in Duval County schools attended the Share 15 Safety Walk Objective 2 How much money the Share 15 Safety Walk raised Objective 3 Use social media sites to see if our target audiences expanded Objective 4 Check for an increase in your security systems from last year prior to the campaign Release surveys to the Duval county area and receive their feedback of the Share 15 campaign
BUDGET SAFETOUCH CAMPAIGN BUDGET PER QUARTER Printing ……. $18, ,000 Newsletters/flyers- $10,000 20,000 Mail surveys- $8,200 Advertisements/Focus Groups …… $5,200 Public Service Announcement/ Radio Ad-$3,000 Social Media Design/Online surveys- $400 Focus Groups- 3 groups- $1,800 Share 15 Safety Walk…….. $3,500 Catered Food-$1,500 Event Entertainment- $1,000 Event Equipment- $1,000
Each Jolly Rancher in your bag stands for a child that has gone missing during this presentation