Into Ecology by : Conner, Roman, and Jonathan
What Is Ecology 1.the branch of biology that deals with the relations of organisms to one another and to their physical surroundings. 2.Ecology is the scientific study of interactions of organisms with one another and with the physical and chemical environment. Although it includes the study of environmental problems such as pollution, the science of ecology mainly involves research on the natural world from many viewpoints, using many techniques. Modern ecology relies heavily on experiments, both in laboratory and in field settings. These techniques have proved useful in testing ecological theories, and in arriving at practical decisions concerning the management of natural resources. 3.Ecology is the scientific study of organisms with one another and with the physical and chemical environment.
Concepts of Ecology (Species Population) Species Population Habitat Competition Commensalism Carrying Capacity Niche Community Symbiosis Prey Parasitism Limiting Factors Pioneer Species Succession Predator Mutualism 1.A group of similar organisms residing in a defined space at a certain time. 2.Number of one species living and inhabiting an area of space, land, or environment.
Concepts of Ecology (Habitat) Species Population Habitat Competition Commensalism Carrying Capacity Niche Community Symbiosis Prey Parasitism Limiting Factors Pioneer Species Succession Predator Mutualism 1. the natural environment of an organism; place that is natural for the life and growth of an organism: a tropical habitat.environment 2. the place where a person or thing is usually found: Paris is a major habitat of artists. 3. a special environment for living in over an extended period, as an underwater research vessel.
Concepts of Ecology (Competition) Species Population Habitat Competition Commensalism Carrying Capacity Niche Community Symbiosis Prey Parasitism Limiting Factors Pioneer Species Succession Predator Mutualism 1. the act of competing; rivalry 2. a contest in which a winner is selected from among two or more entrants 3. a series of games, sports events, etc 4. the opposition offered by a competitor or competitors 5. a competitor or competitors offering opposition 6. (Environmental Science) ecology the struggle between individuals of the same or different species for food, space, light, etc, when these are inadequate to supply the needs of all.
Concepts of Ecology (Commensalism) Species Population Habitat Competition Commensalism Carrying Capacity Niche Community Symbiosis Prey Parasitism Limiting Factors Pioneer Species Succession Predator Mutualism association between two organisms in which one benefits and the other derives neither benefit nor harm. 2.In ecology, commensalism is a class of relationship between two organisms where one organism benefits without affecting the other.ecology Similar Similar
Concepts of Ecology (Carrying Capacity) Species Population Habitat Competition Commensalism Carrying Capacity Niche Community Symbiosis Prey Parasitism Limiting Factors Pioneer Species Succession Predator Mutualism 1.the number of people, other living organisms, or crops that a region can support without environmental degradation. 2.the maximum, equilibrium number of organisms of a particular species that can be supported indefinitely in a given environment.environment
Concepts of Ecology (Niche) Species Population Habitat Competition Commensalism Carrying Capacity Niche Community Symbiosis Prey Parasitism Limiting Factors Pioneer Species Succession Predator Mutualism 1.a shallow recess, especially one in a wall to display a statue or other ornament.
Concepts of Ecology (Predator) Species Population Habitat Competition Commensalism Carrying Capacity Niche Community Symbiosis Prey Parasitism Limiting Factors Pioneer Species Succession Predator Mutualism animal that naturally preys on others. 2.a person or organism that exists by preying upon other organisms.preying 3.any carnivorous animal
Concepts of Ecology (Symbiosis) Species Population Habitat Competition Commensalism Carrying Capacity Niche Community Symbiosis Prey Parasitism Limiting Factors Pioneer Species Succession Predator Mutualism 1.interaction between two different organisms living in close physical association, typically to the advantage of both. 2.the living together of two dissimilar organisms, as in mutualism, commensalism, amensalism, or parasitism.
Concepts of Ecology (Parasitism) Species Population Habitat Competition Commensalism Carrying Capacity Niche Community Symbiosis Prey Parasitism Limiting Factors Pioneer Species Succession Predator Mutualism 1.Parasitism is a non-mutual symbiotic relationship between species, where one species, the parasite, benefits at the expense of the other, the host.
Concepts of Ecology (Succession) Species Population Habitat Competition Commensalism Carrying Capacity Niche Community Symbiosis Prey Parasitism Limiting Factors Pioneer Species Succession Predator Mutualism 1.a number of people or things sharing a specified characteristic and following one after the other.
Concepts of Ecology (Community) Species Population Habitat Competition Commensalism Carrying Capacity Niche Community Symbiosis Prey Parasitism Limiting Factors Pioneer Species Succession Predator Mutualism 1.a community or biocoenosis is an assemblage or associations of populations of two or more different species occupying the same geographical area and in a particular time.biocoenosisassociationspopulations
Concepts of Ecology (Prey) Species Population Habitat Competition Commensalism Carrying Capacity Niche Community Symbiosis Prey Parasitism Limiting Factors Pioneer Species Succession Predator Mutualism animal hunted or seized for food, especially by a carnivorous animal. animal hunted or captured by another for food
Concepts of Ecology (Mutualism) Species Population Habitat Competition Commensalism Carrying Capacity Niche Community Symbiosis Prey Parasitism Limiting Factors Pioneer Species Succession Predator Mutualism 1.a relationship between two species of organisms in which both benefit from the association.which
Concepts of Ecology (Limiting Factors) Species Population Habitat Competition Commensalism Carrying Capacity Niche Community Symbiosis Prey Parasitism Limiting Factors Pioneer Species Succession Predator Mutualism environmental factor that tends to limit population size. 2. A factor present in an environment that controls a process, particularly the growth, abundance or distribution of a population of organisms in an ecosystem.factorenvironmentprocess growthdistributionpopulationorganismsecosystem
Concepts of Ecology (Pioneer Species) Species Population Habitat Competition Commensalism Carrying Capacity Niche Community Symbiosis Prey Parasitism Limiting Factors Pioneer Species Succession Predator Mutualism 1.species which are the first to colonize previously disrupted or damaged ecosystems, beginning a chain of ecological succession that ultimately leads to a more biodiverse steady-state ecosystemspeciescolonize ecosystemsecological successionsteady-state