The FI-WARE Project – Core Platform for the Future Internet 1 st Webinar Session on Registry, Torsten Leidig, Repository, and Marketplace May 28, 2013; June 5, 2013 FI-WARE Applications and Services Ecosystem SAP Research
The FI-WARE Project – Core Platform for the Future Internet Service Ecosystem Highly specialized services Collaborative service value chain Outsourcing, Cloud Computing We need a platform for the Service Ecosystem! Core enablers Open standardized interfaces Uniform Service Description Language
The FI-WARE Project – Core Platform for the Future Internet Unified Service Description Interface Protocol Parameters Infrastructure Interface Protocol Parameters Infrastructure Functionality Dependencies Interaction Composition Resources Functionality Dependencies Interaction Composition Resources Service Provider Agents Price plans Service levels Availability Licenses Service Provider Agents Price plans Service levels Availability Licenses USDL
The FI-WARE Project – Core Platform for the Future Internet Linked USDL Rationale Common description language for services and apps is needed Low entry barrier to allow easy onboarding Relying on existing standards as much as possible Extensible according to domain and life-cycle aspect Link linking information across the service/app life cycle
The FI-WARE Project – Core Platform for the Future Internet Use Case: Logistics Logistic services problems No common scheme for transportation services Planning of routes with many legs is cumbersome Main criteria are price, reliability and time Hard to find transport options if plan must be changed on the fly Vast amount of transport options is inaccessible Phone calls, paper work A spot market and planning tool based on Linked-USDL logistic service descriptions would have an enormous effect USDL roadmap 5
The FI-WARE Project – Core Platform for the Future Internet
Service Description
The FI-WARE Project – Core Platform for the Future Internet Example: Cloud Services Problems Countless offerings in the wild No coherent description of services available No common marketplace Comparison of offerings (price, SLA, capabilities, …) is very difficult for users Linked-USDL can help to put light into the dark and make Cloud offerings more transparent to the consumer!
The FI-WARE Project – Core Platform for the Future Internet Examination of IaaS Offerings CPU Power, Memory and Storage IP Addresses and I/O Performance Data Recovery Availability and Service Level Agreements Cedit system Legal issues Support services Third parties involved
The FI-WARE Project – Core Platform for the Future Internet How to express in Linked-USDL Generic USDL vocabularies: usdl-core usdl-sla usdl-price Complementing domain specific Cloud vocabularies cloud vocabulary taxonomy, specific qualitative and quantitative non- functional properties operating system taxonomy support vocabulary
The FI-WARE Project – Core Platform for the Future Internet Example service a usdl:Service ; dcterms:modified " "^^xsd:date ; dcterms:created " "^^xsd:date ; dcterms:title "Iaas demo ; dcterms:abstract "An IaaS demo ; dcterms:description "This a service demo description for an IaaS ; usdl:hasProvider :entity_IaaSDemoProvider ; usdl:hasLegalCondition ; usdl:hasPartMandatory ; cloud:hasCPUPower [ gr:hasUnitOfMeasurement "A86" ; # gigahertz gr:hasValue "1.5" ; gr;valueReference [ a cloud:numberOfCores ; gr:hasValue "2" ]] ; cloud:hasAmountOfDiskStorage [ gr:hasUnitOfMeasurement "E34" ; # gigabyte gr:hasValue "30" ] ; cloud:hasAmountOfMainMemory [ gr:hasUnitOfMeasurement "4L" ; # megabyte gr:hasValue "1250" ] ; cloud:hasUpstreamCapacity [ gr:hasValue "32" ; gr:hasMinValue "6" ; gr:hasUnitOfMeasurement "D36" ]. # megabit
The FI-WARE Project – Core Platform for the Future Internet High Level Architecture
The FI-WARE Project – Core Platform for the Future Internet Repository Generic Enablers
The FI-WARE Project – Core Platform for the Future Internet Repository: Rationale Storing service descriptions and associated resources Used by other components (marketplace, composition editor, …) Distributed storage (Linked Data) Defined by Open Specification based on HTTP Different implementations possible Authentication (IDMaaS) Etag handling to ensure consistency
The FI-WARE Project – Core Platform for the Future Internet Repository: Data Model The Repository is structured into Resources and Collections Collection: Packing Collection: Transport Collection: Insurance
The FI-WARE Project – Core Platform for the Future Internet Repository Principles „How to publish Linked Data on the Web“ by Chriz Bizer et al Respect Web Architecture principles A resource is identified by its „dereferencable“ URL Information resources (200 ok) Non-information resources (303 see other) HTTP GET should deliver meaningful information Content negotiation (RDF, N3, HTML, JSON, …) Use of resolvers like PURL (30x redirect) Easily crawled by search engines Accessed using generic data browsers Enabling linkes between data from different sources
The FI-WARE Project – Core Platform for the Future Internet Repository: Data Model and Operations Collections Identified by path e.g. /logistics/services/transport/ Resources Indentified by URI! E.g. /logistics/services/transport/service4711 Service descriptions Any kind of media type Operations Read, write, delete, list (Extensions: search)
The FI-WARE Project – Core Platform for the Future Internet Registry Generic Enablers
The FI-WARE Project – Core Platform for the Future Internet Registry: Rationale Used to store information on instance level (entries describing instances and their parameters) Somehow equivalent to directory services (e.g. LDAP) Is just an protocol specification, which is agnostic according the implementation (database, distribution) Our implementation is based on MongoDB
The FI-WARE Project – Core Platform for the Future Internet Registry: Data Model and Operations Register key Identified by (directory) path e.g. /provider/transport/ Register entry Indentified by URI, e.g. /provider/transport/dhl Is represented by a set of key/value pairs (JSON object) Operations Read, write, delete, list Filtering and attribute selection via query parameters
The FI-WARE Project – Core Platform for the Future Internet Marketplace Generic Enablers
The FI-WARE Project – Core Platform for the Future Internet Clerk USDL Repository Enterprise Infrastructure Enterprise Infrastructure Mobile Infrastructure Partner Infrastructure Community Available as platform services Matching offering and demand Negotiation of delivery constraints Service bundles and compositions Service configuration Business model support Marketplace
The FI-WARE Project – Core Platform for the Future Internet Marketplace – Architecture
The FI-WARE Project – Core Platform for the Future Internet Marketplace – Core Components Registry and Directory holds information of registered stores, participants and their role takes care of registering, updating, and deleting information about market relevant entities. Offering & Demand responsible for exchanging service offerings with stores and version handling/archiving of out-dated offerings. Discovery & Matching is about discovering and matching offering and demand
The FI-WARE Project – Core Platform for the Future Internet Marketplace – Core Components Recommendation provides the user service recommendations based on the users’ profile and context Review & Rating allows users of the marketplace to give textual and star-rating feedback for services and stores along predefined categories Reviews of users and their overall rating about applications and services can be used to improve the quality of recommendations