AAE 450 Spring 2008 Brandon White 1/17/2008 Structures Group Contact Interface Loads Pressure Vessel Materials
AAE 450 Spring 2008 Strength vs. Mass and Cost Structures $ $ $ $ $ $ TBD $ $ $ $76942 TBD Composites?
AAE 450 Spring 2008 Tank Specification Model Outputs possible tank configurations given different combinations of input. Compares Spherical Tanks to Cylindrical Tanks Group Name (i.e.Trajectory Optimization) Future Work Investigation of Aluminum-Lithium Alloys/Composites, Chemical Treatments to prevent Corrosion Effects of Temperature on Material Strength
AAE 450 Spring 2008 Backup Slides – References Bedford, A., Fowler, W., and Liechti, K.M., Statics and Mechanics of Materials, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ Brandt, Steven., Introduction to Aeronautics: A Design Perspective, AIAA, Reston, VA, Roylance, David., “Pressure Vessels,” Department of Materials Science and Engineering, MIT, Cambridge, MA, Aug Anonymous, “Al-Li Plates," Alcan Aerospace, France, June, [ aerospace.com/aerospace/aerospace.nsf/0/BBFE58394E11E854C12572F A /$FILE/Alcan_2095_Al-Li_plates.pdf?OpenElement] aerospace.com/aerospace/aerospace.nsf/0/BBFE58394E11E854C12572F A /$FILE/Alcan_2095_Al-Li_plates.pdf?OpenElement Anonymous, “Online Metals Home Page,” ThyssenKrupp Materials, Seattle, [ Group Name (i.e.Trajectory Optimization)
AAE 450 Spring 2008 Backup Slides – Cost Group Name (i.e.Trajectory Optimization)
AAE 450 Spring 2008 Backup Slides – Cost Group Name (i.e.Trajectory Optimization)