Centre for Aerospace Research of the Earth: Modern State of the Research Centre for Aerospace Research of the Earth ( National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine ) Address: 55-b, O.Honchar str., Kiev, 01601, Ukraine Phone/fax: ( ) ; ( ) URL: WGISS Workshop, Kiev, September 2005 CASRE
General Facts Centre for Aerospace Research of the Earth (CASRE) was established in 1992 according to the Decree of Presidium of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine as a legal entity at Institute of Geological Sciences of Ukraine. To present time the Centre staff is about one hundred of employees, including 2 Corresponding Members of NAS of Ukraine, 3 Professors and 31 PhDs. The structure of CASRE consists of 5 Departments. CASRE Director is Vadym I. Lyalko, Corresponding Member of NAS. The Centre is specialized on remote sensing (RS) data acquisition and thematic interpretation, focusing on processing of air- and spaceborn images, and preparation of geoinformation products as well. The Centre is authorized by NAS of Ukraine and National Space Agency of Ukraine as a leading organization for integrated development of remote sensing scientific and methodical basics to survey natural resources and monitor the environment. CASRE is a first scientific organization in Ukraine that joined European Association of Remote Sensing Laboratories (EARSeL). The Centre develops international contacts with European Space Agency (ESA), Space Agenices of Germany (DARA-DLR), France (CNES), International Institute for Applied System Analysis (IIASA), and many other institutions and organizations abroad.
CASRE Structure CASRE Directorate Study of Energy Mass Exchange in Geo- Systems Department System Analysis Department Aerospace Research in Geo - Ecology Department Aerospace Research in Geology Department Geo – Information Systems Applications for Remote Sensing Department Scientific Council
Key Research Directions Natural Resources Monitoring Environmental Monitoring Systems Analysis for the Earth Observation Strategies optimization Study of Climatic, Socio-economic and Ecosystems Changes Geological structure mapping; Assessment of the petroleum potential of marine shelves; Forests phyto-sanitary and fire risk assessment. Crops yield inventory and forecasting; Forecasting and Control of hydrological and hydro-meteorological hazards; Investigation of the urban agglomerations (dynamics of cities growth and anthropogenic burden on the environment); Evaluate territories contaminated with heavy metals, radionuclides, pesticides and other toxicants. Optimal requirements to a multi-task platform onboard instrumentation sets for remote sensing; Efficiency evaluation of remote sensing onboard sensors and receiving stations. Modeling and calculation changes scenarios; Evaluation of the ecosystems evolution and carbon fluxes assessment; Natural disasters escalations analysis and forecasting in the context of global changes. GIS Application for Satellite Data Processing
Results: Resources Monitoring Satellite based technique for petroleum prospecting on the marine shelves
Results: Crop Yield Monitoring
Results: Climate Change in Europe The model is composed of three non-linear equations, which describe the dynamics of temperature and water of the Earth and the equation river dynamics: Climate Model River flow: Holard: Air temperature: Forecasting average annual temperature (to 1,5 – 2 C) and precipitation increase (to 10%) in some European countries to the middle of XXI century Transformation of the Natural Zones under the Further Global Warming at the Different Levels for the Ukrainian Area in 2005 Predictable warming: a – 1.0 -1.5 C; b – 2.0 -2.5 C Conventional sings: 1 – semi-desert; 2 – steppe; 3 – forest-steppe; 4 – forest a b
International Activity: Programs Northern Eurasia Earth Science Partnership Initiative (NEESPI) Land use and land cover changes (LUC) at IIASA Forestry (FOR) at IIASA Risk, Modeling and Society (RMS) at IIASA Bilateral Ukraine – Hungary Scientific Cooperation Program (Flood Risks Assessment in Tisza River Basin) Global Monitoring for Environment of Security (GMES) Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS)
International Activity: Partners United States Geological Survey (USGS) National Aerospace Agency (NASA) National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Environmental Research Institute of Michigan (ERIM) German Aero-Space Center (DARA-DLR) European Space Agency / European Space Research Institute of European Space Agency (ESA/ESRIN) Centre of National Space Research of France (CNES) International Academy of Astronautics (IAA) International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) Hungarian Geological Survey, Geological Institute of Hungary (MAFI) Russian Aviation and Space Agency (Rosaviacosmos) Space Research Institute of Russia (IKI) Institute of Radioengineering and Electronics, Russian Academy of Sciences
Attainments Since 1992 CASRE staff authored more than 300 scientific papers, 4 monographs, 8 handbooks & dictionaries, and 4 atlases. The scientific and training workshops and seminars are organizing on the base of Scientific Council of CASRE. Specialized Scientific Council D at Centre for Aerospace Research of the Earth, Institute of Geological Sciences of Ukraine, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, is authorized to be receivable and conduct defense of dissertations in candidacy for a Doctor of Sciences degree in speciality "Aerospace Remote Sensing" (physical, mathematical, geological, and engineering sciences) and has been established according to Decree #579 of High Certification Board on November 29, During last 3 years CASRE scientists have patented 5 inventions, techniques and methods.
Thank you for all your courtesies!