Incubators on the Côte d’Azur Our experiences and our goals Metropolis forum Wien january 2003
Contents of the Presentation I The Two Incubators on the Côte d’Azur II Our problems and our objectives III Networking incubators in France
I Incubators on the Côte d ’Azur IPE: EAST PACA INCUBATOR: closely linked to the University of Nice Sophia Antipolis. CEI: CENTRE FOR ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND INNOVATION) linked to the Nice Business School CERAM and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Côte d ’Azur. NB PACA Provence Alpes Côte d’Azur
Nice Côte d ’Azur International Airport Nice/Sophia Antipolis area: two incubators
The Incubateur Paca Est Organizes « Doctorial Days », where entreprises meet universities and partners seek to promote common platforms for public and private researchers. Focuses on public sector research, hospitals (CHU) have just joined the partnership Diversity: Hosts projects from ICT, biotechnologies and e-learning musicology Delivers pre-seed finance via PACA VALO.
The CEI ( Entrepreneurship and Innovation Centre ) Combines academic research with incubation support (eg: studies startup success and failure, clusters, TT etc.) and delivers intrapreneuship seminars. Provides an incubator for high tech start ups AND the CERAM Business school students. Observation agency on the start up trends on the Côte d’Azur. Organizes the IVCS (International Venture Capital Summit).
Other incubation and business support and property facilities The CICA International Centre for Advanced Telecommunications provides floorspace for start up companies and offers a range of shared facilities such as seminar rooms, amphitheatre and technical office support (servers, photocopying etc). Antipolis Innovation Campus provides office and support services.
II Our problems and our goals Lack of low cost real estate facilities for creators leaving the incubators No physical incubator yet in the Nice urban area, opportunities in healthcare and biotechs. Further development of the public regional pre-seed funds (PACAVALO)
Creating new incubation structures Attract new research institutions and university labs to the Côte d’Azur to reinforce clusters and incubation activities. Essential to create links between Nice urban area and Sophia Antipolis Technopole. Nice University Valorisation structure is very young (<1year) but good potential. Support private sector incubation projects such as aerospace, multi media with Nice Chamber of Commerce, IRT Strategy etc.
III Networking French Incubators: France Technopole Entreprise Innovation FTEI develops exchange of experiences and promotes incubation network in France. This French network also encourages and assists the development of new incubators or technopoles. FTEI Network’s website ( connects all members’ websites towards 8700 innovative companies. Strong links with: IASP (International Association of Science Parks), EBN (European Business and Innovation Network),
France Incubation France Incubation: provides a network between all incubators. Key links: