PROMOTING CROATIAN EXPORT OF INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS & SERVICES Role of CCE Bruxelles, May 26, 2010 Lahorka Ropac, CCE – Pula County Chamber
THE CROATIAN CHAMBER OF ECONOMY – main scope of CEE’S activities Promotion of the Croatian economy abroad Establishment and development of all types of international business relations Running of Goods and Services/Waste exchange Organization and promotion of education and encouragement of invention in the business sector Information on relevant economic regulations & laws Trade missions & participation at fairs and exhibitions Provision of advisory assistance in the field of business legislation
CCE –leading business institution in the Republic of Croatia serves the business community in order to strengthen economic growth by cooperating with government institutions, by cooperating with government institutions, Croatian Exporters, APIU – Trade and Investment Promotion Agency promoting the Croatian economy and linking it with wider international environment, fostering entrepreneurship, quality standards and environmental protection, foreign investment establishing business schools extending the scope of its public authority
INDUSTRY AND TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT Industry (section B,C and D according to NCEA) employs approximately persons (i.e. 22% of total employment with legal entities) active companies (13,3 % of total number) Accounts for 20.5% GDP Leaders are the manufacturer of foods and beverages, electricity, gas and water supply, manufacture of chemicals and chemical products, refined petroleum products In the terms of exports, shipbuilding and the manufacture of refined products, electrical and optical equipment, chemicals and chemical products, food and beverages traditionally lead the way
Croatia’s trade amounted to $10.05 billion in 2009 and the country ranked 80th in the world when it came to export volumes. This figure was, however, lower than the previous year’s performance of $14.36 billion. The exported commodities were: Transport equipment, Machinery, Textiles, Chemicals, Foodstuffs, Fuels MAIN EXPORT PARTNERS
As far as Croatian imports are concerned, the 2009 volumes were recorded at $20.47 billion and the country was the 66th in the world in terms of the volume. In 2008, imports were reported at $30.42 billion. The imported commodities were: Machinery, Transport, Electrical equipment, Chemicals, Fuels, Lubricants, Foodstuffs MAIN IMPORT PARTNERS CROATIA
Country % of total FDI Country % of total FDI 1. Austria29% 2. Netherlands15% 3. Germany13% 4. Hungary10% 5. France 6% 6. Luxembourg 5% 6. Luxembourg 5% 7. Italy 5% 8. Slovenia 5% 9. Belgium 2% 10. United Kingdom 2% LEADING FOREIGN INVESTORS
CCE’s activities in supporting export Organizes Croatian business delegations visits abroad Organizes B2B meetings for foreign business delegations to Croatia Disseminates information to potential foreign business partners about domestic businesses environment Disseminates information on foreign markets to Croatian companies Organizes seminars about marketing to individual foreign markets Informs on the EU single market through the EEN (EU News, EU Support Programmes, Calls for funding, Public Procurement, professional seminars) Maintains a network of CCE’s representative offices in abroad Maintains statistics on the exchange of commercial goods between Croatia and the world Disseminates information on the WTO, Free Trade Agreements, regional initiatives and trans-border projects...etc Develops cluster association with the aim to create new product and services and represent common interestsDevelops cluster association with the aim to create new product and services and represent common interests
CCE’s activities in preparing our companies for the export on single market – few examples Organizes educations, seminars and workshops about CE marking and similar technical standards and requirements Quality improvement -the program for the introduction and development of quality management standards and systems in companies and institutions. Organizes workshops about implementation of HACCAP standards Informs companies about European policy for quality agricultural product i.e. Protected Designations of Origin (PDO), Protected Geographical Indications (PGI) and Traditional Speciality Guaranteed (TSG ) Preparing for the REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and restriction of Chemicals), CLP (Classification, Labeling and Packaging) and IPPC (Integrated Pollution, Prevention and Control) for environmental protection Organizes different conferences and workshops for companies on EU policy- Energy conference, CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) etc, Develops CBC cooperation with the neighbouring countries Disseminates information about EU acquis
EEN Consortium of Croatia: CCE + partners: The Business and Innovation Centre of Croatia – BICRO, Croatian Technology Institute Zagreb, Technology Park Varaždin, Technology Development Centre Osijek, Regional Development Agency Rijeka and the Technology Transfer Office, Split. CCE is the coordinator and responsible party for the EIC component informing on open EU calls, finding potential partners for international cooperation, helping entrepreneurs in the creation of new products and services and identification of new markets, facilitates TT by using of a central information system, counsels entrepreneurs about technology development issues, IPR, sources of funding for innovative projects etc.
OFFSETS - CCE’s Industry and Technology Department – Offsets are compensatory arrangements related to public procurements in the defense and aerospace sector. The main objective of offset arrangements is to provide benefits for the economy of the buying country. Offsets office within the Department performs, in collaboration with the Offset Committee of MELE, following activities: Linking Croatian companies with potential foreign partners in order to establish cooperation Educating companies on the opportunities generated by indirect offset
The PV (English issue available as well) magazine represents a communication medium that facilitates cooperation between the Croatian and foreign economies, e.g. publishing public procurement calls and advertising business opportunities at home and in the region