ePSIplus - An Overview Chris Corbin ePSIplus Analyst Bird & Bird, London, funded by eContentPlus
ePSIplus Thematic Network - Purpose The thematic Network will: –Support the implementation of the European Directive on PSI re-use; –Facilitate the major opportunities for business to develop value added products and services based on PSI. The network will be active for 30 months from the 1 st September 2006 through to 28 th February 2009 (which covers the period leading up to the PSI Directive review in 2008 by the European Parliament.) Covers all Member (EU, EEA, EFTA) and candidate states Covers all PSI domains ePSIplus will focus on five major themes
ePSIplus - Major themes 1. Legal and regulatory progress and impact (including implementation of the Directive) 2. Public sector organisation and culture change (including compliance with the Directive) 3. Encouraging PSI re-use business 4. The financial impact of the Directive: pricing and charging (including impact on public sector costs and budget) 5. Information management, standards and data quality
Theme 1 - Legal & Regulatory progress & impact Legal Framework Monitor transposition progress & the process Monitoring changes within applicable laws/statutes Legal analysis (harmonisation - level playing field in law) Articulating (Guidance) the differences of the legal base across Europe Regulatory Framework Framework (at National (and sub national) and European Level) Monitoring changes within the Framework Analysis of the effectiveness of the framework Monitoring the decisions and actions of the regulators Articulating (Guidance) the differences within the framework and how to handle them Complaint/Appeal/Judication Framework Framework (at National (and sub national) and European Level) Monitoring changes within the Framework Analysis of the effectiveness of the framework Monitoring decisions Articulating (Guidance) the differences within the framework and how to handle them
Theme 2 - Public sector organisation and culture change Managing the consequences of frequent changes in public sector structure for PSI re-use. The experiences of local government in complying with the Directive and supporting re-use. The relationship between e-government, public-private partnerships (PPP), private financing initiatives (PFI) and their impact on PSI re-use at different stages of the value chain. The effects of public sector data sharing policies on PSI re-use (including IPR issues) Training and support initiatives and infrastructures (e.g. competence centres) for central and local government agencies to support PSI re-use.
Theme 3 - Encouraging PSI re-use business The role of European Associations in raising awareness of PSI re-use market potential and stimulating activity: possibilities for a Pan-European forum on PSI-re-use. Factors underlying demand for and creation of pan-European products. Inter-sector learning and analysis: what makes some sectors more successful in PSI re-use business and what lessons can be transferred? What business models work? Effective training, knowledge transfer and support mechanisms for entrepreneurs, role of organisations such as Chambers of Commerce.
Theme 3 - Encouraging PSI re-use business Create & Maintain Business Directory Cross border and pan European businesses Establish Industry Action Group (IAG) Objectives & Mission TOR’s Organisational Structure Document the value add of a PSI IAG (Consider reticent of existing pan European Associations) Test ideas and seek potential volunteers via debate on the discussion forum
Theme 4 - Impact on pricing The effects of the Directive on the PSI value chain, on costs, access and organisation within the public sector, including remedies for budget loss as a result of new charging policies. Developments in pricing and charging policies: emerging impact and approaches toward free of charge access, marginal costs charging, ‘reasonable return on investment’ policies etc Impact of varying fiscal and public sector cost-recovery approaches across Europe
Theme 5 - Information management, standards and data quality The impact on data quality for business re-use of public sector interventions, including through types of PPP. Approaches to interoperability between public and private sectors in support of re-use e.g. in relation to eGovernment standards frameworks and access architectures.
Actors within the ePSIplus thematic network Network co-ordinator (MDR) Analysts (5 subcontracted) National Network Members (29) Pan European Network Members (2) –EUROGISpatial –PRIMETMeteorological Target registered stakeholders (5000+)
ePSIplus - Registered Stakeholders Roles/benefits Database of potential experts/invitees for meetings Newsletter publication notification Participate in online discussions Supply case information
ePSIplus - Meetings 1Network kick off meeting held in Prague, 30/31 October Thematic cross-border workshops (3 per thematic area) –Legal & Regulation theme Workshop 1, 16 February 2007, Hague, Netherlands (Report & Presentations published) Workshop 2, September 2007, Nicosia, Cyprus –Public Sector Organisation theme Workshop 1, 11 April 2007, Prague, Czech Republic (Presentations published) –Encouraging PSI re-use business theme –Pricing impact theme Workshop 1: April 2007, Helsinki, Finland (Presentations published) Workshop 2: November 2007, London Workshop 3: June 2008, Rome –Standards theme Workshop 1: 5 July 2007, London Workshop 2: November, Riga, Latvia 35 National and Federal level meetings –Cyprus 20 February 2007 (Presentations published) –France 14 June 2007 –Dublin 27 Sept 2007 Final Conference (May 2008) All the materials from the meetings are available on the ePSIplus web site Red - means the meeting has taken place or is taking place
The ePSIplus knowledge cycle Thematic agenda Thematic meeting National agendas Analytic updates on themes National meetings National issue updates
ePSIplus - Publications Other publications (that do not result from the thematic activities) Quarterly Update (Newsletter) Glossary Country reports PSI Media watch PSI Presentation watch PSI Tips PSI Bibliography Reports News All of which are available on the ePSIplus web site
ePSIplus - Publications
Web Site Quarterly newsletter Thematic Reports Country Reports Conference Report Final Conclusions & recommendations PSI Industry Action Group Terms of Reference Management documents Objectiv e & Aims StrategyMembership Information gathering and analysis Desk Research Surveys & questionnaires Analysis Information exchange and Consensus Building Thematic Meetings (3 Meetings for each of 5 themes) (15 off) Country meetings (25 off) Federal (Regional) Meetings (10 off) Final Conference Star t End Project Management, Monitoring internal indictors, assessment, and reporting Reports ePSIplus overview
ePSIplus Outputs (Deliverables) Assess and report on the impact of the Re-use PSI Directive. Demonstrate (through the network) the improved understanding of re-use of PSI across Europe Report and propose recommendations for the PSI Directive Review.
ePSIplus - The One Stop Shop to PSI Live: Objective: To become the first port of call for information on PSI re-use Target Registered PSI stakeholders Home page
ePSIplus - The One Stop Shop to PSI News
Scorecard level 1 ePSIplus - The One Stop Shop to PSI
ePSIplus - The One Stop Shop to PSI Maximum score for Legal Theme is 20
Support Transposition Implementation Awareness Enforcement ePSIplus Scorecard Legal Framework ePSIplus - The One Stop Shop to PSI
ePSIplus - The One Stop Shop to PSI
Forum - logged IN Only visible If you are Logged IN ePSIplus - The One Stop Shop to PSI
EU PSI Directive ( broad) Political Review Member States comply PSI directive came into force Started in 1987 may achieve its objectives by 2017: 30 Years! We are here! EC Info Soc monitoring via contracts and projects such as ePSIplus Estimate as to when all EU27 will have Transposed the PSI Directive ePSIplus ePSINet + ePSINetCee MEPSIR CUPI Report ePSIplus - within the European context MEPSIR: Measuring European Public Sector Information Resources
ePSIplus and the PSI Directive review Purpose: Has the Directive 2003/98 had the desired impact? ePSIplus thematic network (active) July 2007 Jan 2008 April 2008 July 2008 Oct 2008 Jan 2009 EC Online Consultation Geographic Information sector study ePSIplus & EC Conference Legal sector study Meteorological sector study EC Commissioned Sector studies EC Analysis of Consultation EC Communication European Parliament European Commission European Council EU Co-decision process Summer Recess Annual Review of Lisbon Strategy Annual Review of Lisbon Strategy EU Elections May 2009 MEPSIR 2?
The key to success is to KEEP IT SIMPLE! The ePSIplus thematic network - is devoted to the PSI vision and strategy - is people oriented! - provides a forum within which to share knowledge - acts as a catalyst to change - provides the only European PSI knowledge base currently in existence (The One stop Shop to PSI - via the web site) - is for everyone involved in PSI irrespective of which sector the stakeholder operates within. SO PLEASE STAY INVOLVED with ePSIplus ePSIplus thematic network - summary
EU Co-Decision Process Re-use PSI Months Member States Transposition 18 Months EU27 = 39+ Months months Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Member State Public Sector compliance Step 4 Impact on Current PSI re-users Compliance Time to Reach Critical Mass European Parliament, Commission, Council Review July 2008 Establishing the PSI framework
Establishing the PSI framework
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