Workshop Summary Private Protected Areas and Stewardship
International Community World Parks Congress World Parks Congress PARKS journal PARKS journal WCPA Steering meeting WCPA Steering meeting
Governance of Protected Areas Government Government Community Community Co-Managed Co-Managed Private Private
Grazia Borrini-Feyerbend, 2008 World Conservation Congress
Community Conserved Areas Theme on Local Communities, Equity and Protected Areas (TLCPA) World Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA) World Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA) Commission on Environment, Equity and Social Policy (CEESP) Commission on Environment, Equity and Social Policy (CEESP)
Governance of Protected Areas Government Government Community Community Co-Managed Private Private (not privatized)
Protecting Public Land for Public Good & Private
A Conservation/Stewardship Continuum
Need for Broader Understanding Networking and connection at national / regional levels already happening Networking and connection at national / regional levels already happening
Workshop Objectives Outline status and trends Outline status and trends Task Force? Task Force? Identify key issues / themes / outputs Identify key issues / themes / outputs Summarize findings Summarize findings
Definition Common language - glossary needed Common language - glossary needed “Stewardship” is a broad term “Stewardship” is a broad term Land + Land + Networks Networks “Social property” “Social property” Entry-level Entry-level conservation conservation
“Making Conservation a Good Investment” Job creation is linked to conservation Job creation is linked to conservation Economical management Economical management New economic instruments New economic instruments - carbon economy - payments for ecological services
Conservation Effectiveness No direct government control No direct government control Opportunism vs. Strategy Opportunism vs. Strategy Selecting management tools Selecting management tools Systems approach Systems approach
Governance Transparency and accountability Transparency and accountability Terms of reference Terms of reference Subtypes (individual, NGO, corporate) still too broad Subtypes (individual, NGO, corporate) still too broad
Linking Conservation and Development Most effective in the context of economic, cultural and environmental needs of society Most effective in the context of economic, cultural and environmental needs of society Must adapt language Must adapt language, tactics/strategies, mutual recognition and inclusive approach, identity interests and common objectives V Voluntary programs must communicate effectively with people
Outputs Common Forum Common Forum Best Practice Guidelines Best Practice Guidelines Guidance on categories application Guidance on categories application Feedback to regional/national networks Feedback to regional/national networks Connect with other Commissions Connect with other Commissions World Database on Protected Areas World Database on Protected Areas Collect existing information Collect existing information Website Website World Parks Congress World Parks Congress
Muchas gracias Moltes gràcies Many thanks
Discussion Begin with questions of clarification Begin with questions of clarification Follow with questions/comments on the field of private protected areas and stewardship Follow with questions/comments on the field of private protected areas and stewardship Seeking input from a larger audience Seeking input from a larger audience
Motion PROPOSES the IUCN Council and General Director: Establish a Task Force on Private Protected Areas and Nature Stewardship within IUCN in order to organize and therefore tap the knowledge of a voluntary group of experts interested in private protected areas and nature stewardship.