Airbus 380 vs. Boeing 787 Background Target Market Orders to Date Questions
Airbus 380 Boeing 787
Size !!!
The B 787
The A 380 Cargo
The A 380 Passenger
Size !!!
Weight = 165
Height = 5
Wing span
Basic Statistics FeatureAirBus 380B 787 Passengers Range8,000 NM Speed680 mph Wingspan Height80 ft.56 ft. Cost$320 M$150 M Fuel Economy11 tons/hr5 tons/hr
Marketing Strategies Comfort, Hub & Spoke service (A 380) vs. Direct Flight (B 787) Fuel economy through size (A 380) vs. Design (B 787) Airport modifications OK (A 380) vs. compatible with existing airports Longer boarding/deplaning time offset by increase flight comfort (A 380)
In flight luxury Singapore Airlines Singapore Airlines
Market Research “Demographic trends are changing…..Urbanization in Asia, coupled with the rise of a new middle class, a strong demand for air travel between the world’s growing mega- cities, and the airports at these cities are getting increasingly congested….” - Philip Lawrence, Aerospace Research Centre
Market Research “… a tremendously expensive way to address a small and shrinking market. Given the excessive weight, it can be operated profitably on only a small number of routes…” Richard Aboulafia of the consulting Teal Group
Distribution Paradigm Hub and Spoke Point to Point
How have things fared? A-380, ~ 257 firm orders Emirates Singapore Airlines Qantas Lufthansa Air France Korean Air B-787, ~ 859 firm orders Air India All Nippon UAL Air Canada JAL Qantas