Measurement Team Co-chairs – Lynn Shull (CON) and Becki Trickey (CHP) Members – Wally Bonaparte (President’s Office) Kathy Chessman (SCCP) Philip Hall (Steering Committee Liaison) Carol Lancaster (Provost’s Office) Sandra Morris (OEM) Betsy Pilcher (CDM) Joann Sullivan (Research Development, CGS) Bart Yancey (Steering Committee Liaison) Jim Zoller (CHP) David McNair (coach)
Measurement Team - Purpose Determine and/or develop Pillar Goal metrics Interpret and communicate progress toward goals Become the in-house experts Develop user-friendly, easy to read reports Identify trends, areas for improvements and ‘wins’!
Measurement Team - Assumptions Utilize current methods for measurement when available Minimize “survey fatigue” Recommend central office for collection and analysis of data, and reports Identify areas where confidentiality/security are an issue Determine appropriate timing for surveys Recommend methods to Steering committee
Year 1 Work Plan- People Pillar Faculty made right choice in selecting MUSC at __% or higher use baseline data if colleges/units already have develop new survey based on CON survey identify best timing for administration of survey __% of Staff pleased to be working at MUSC use baseline data if colleges/units already have develop new survey based on CON survey Identify best timing for administration of survey
Year 1 Work Plan – Service Pillar Graduating students believe they made the RIGHT choice in selecting MUSC at __% or higher or would choose this experience again Gather from college exit interviews Summer 09 Identify standard wording Summer 09 Gather results Summer 09 Define stewardship to our respective communities and identify measures by Jan 2010 Gather educational outreach activities that are currently occurring
Year 1 Work Plan – Quality Pillar Achieve Pass Rate on licensure credentialing, or board exams of 96% - Colleges report pass rates to Office of Integrated Planning and Assessment Summer/Fall 09 Achieve 95% graduation rate within each program OEM can generate reports Summer/Fall 09 Achieve E-Value score of 4.2 or higher for students satisfied with faculty eff. as teacher Use E-value to gather this information through provost’s office or colleges Data to be available Summer 09 Achieve top 50% ranking for total funding of research as compared to peer institutions Assoc Provost for Research Colleges/units may identify specific peer institutions
Year 1 Work Plan – Growth Pillar Graduating Student perception of Interprofessional cooperation Increase 3% Provost’s office (C3 initiative) has baseline Data to be available Summer 09
Year 1 Work Plan – Finance Pillar Budget to actual – Actual expenses will not exceed any revised budgets for FY 2009 Occurs with budget cycle Confidentiality issue – Mteam should not receive information but should know it has occurred.
Measurement Team - Considerations Determine communication methods Website Liaisons LDIs Questions Determine best methods for coordination with colleges and units Liaisons