NOMS 2010, Apr. 19-23, 2009, Osaka, Japan 1 Dates: April 19-23, 2010 Venue: Osaka International Convention Center Osaka, Japan NOMS 2010.


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Presentation transcript:

NOMS 2010, Apr , 2009, Osaka, Japan 1 Dates: April 19-23, 2010 Venue: Osaka International Convention Center Osaka, Japan NOMS 2010

NOMS 2010, Apr , 2009, Osaka, Japan 2 Table of Contents OC Members Osaka Venue: Osaka International Convention Center Accommodation Travel Tourism

NOMS 2010, Apr , 2009, Osaka, Japan 3 NOMS 2010 OC Members (1/3) General Co-ChairsNobuo FujiiNTT-ATJapan James HongPOSTECHKorea TPC Co-ChairsYoshiaki KirihaNECJapan Lisandro GranvilleUFRGSBrazil Deep MedhiUMKCUSA Keynotes & DEP Co-ChairsJohn StrassnerWITIreland Joe BetserThe Aerospace CorpUSA Application session Co-ChairsMakoto TakanoNTT WestJapan Alex KellerIBMUSA Tutorial Program Co-ChairsChoong Seon HongKyung Hee Univ.Korea Prosper ChemouilFrance TelecomFrance Panels Co-ChairsRobert WeimayerVerizonUSA Alex ClemmCiscoUSA Atsushi TakaharaNTTJapan Posters Co-ChairsSven van der MeerWITIreland Hong-Taek JuKeimyung Univ.Korea Workshop Co-Chairs Georgios Kormentzas University of the AegeanGreece Luciano Paschoal UFRGSBrazil

NOMS 2010, Apr , 2009, Osaka, Japan 4 NOMS 2010 OC Members (2/3) Patrons Co-ChairsKazuhiko KinoshitaOsaka Univ.Japan Claudio BartoliniHP LabsUSA Exhibits Co-ChairsKiminori SugauchiHitachiJapan Burkhard StillerUniv. of ZurichSwitzerland Publication Co-ChairsToshio TonouchiNECJapan Myung-Sup KimKorea Univ.Korea Finance Co-ChairsNoriyuki SasakiNTT ComwareJapan Student Travel Grant ChairJacques SauvéUFCGBrazil TreasurerBruce WorthmanIEEE ComsocUSA Local Arrangement Co-ChairsShingo AtaOsaka City UniversityJapan Go HasegawaOsaka UniversityJapan SecretaryHikaru SeshakeNTTJapan IEEE/ComSoc CoordinatorPhyllis O'NeillIEEE ComsocUSA Publicity Co-Chairs JapanYuji NomuraFujitsuJapan Canada Hanan Lutfiyya UWOCanada USA Gabe Jakobson AltusysUSA Latin America Carlos Westphall UFSCBrazil Europe, Middle East & Africa Nazim Agoulmine U. of EvryFrance Asia Pacific Yan Ma BUPTChina

NOMS 2010, Apr , 2009, Osaka, Japan 5 NOMS 2010 OC Members (3/3) Advisory BoardMasayoshi EjiriIT StudioJapan Yoshiaki Tanaka,Waseda Univ.Japan Seong-Beom KimKTFDSKorea Kyung-Hyu LeeETRIKorea Roberto SaraccoTelecom ItaliaItaly Steering CommitteeRaouf BoutabaU. of WaterlooCanada Seraphin CaloIBMUSA James Won-Ki HongPOSTECHKorea Aiko PrasU. of TwenteNetherlands Morris SlomanImperial CollegeUK Doug ZuckermanTelcordia TechnologiesUSA

NOMS 2010, Apr , 2009, Osaka, Japan 6 Venue City: Osaka, Japan

NOMS 2010, Apr , 2009, Osaka, Japan 7 About Osaka (1/2) One of the most popular cities in Japan. The third largest city in Japan (population of 2.6 M) with lots of history as well as the modern excitements 60 minutes from Kansai International Airport by airport limousine bus or train Kansai Airport has many direct flights from/to cities around the world

NOMS 2010, Apr , 2009, Osaka, Japan About Osaka (2/2) borders several cities such as “Kyoto”, “Nara” and “Kobe” is called as “Mizu no Miyako (Aqua Polis)” has an unique aliment culture (e.g., Takoyaki, Okonomiyaki …) The weather in April is excellent and the average temperature is 15.5 C (approx. 60 F) April is Cheery Blossom season in Osaka

NOMS 2010, Apr , 2009, Osaka, Japan 9 Osaka International Convention Center Osaka International Conventional Center (aka Grand Cube Osaka; GCO) Located in Nakanoshima, the center of Osaka City

NOMS 2010, Apr , 2009, Osaka, Japan 10 Osaka International Convention Center Floor Plan 8th Floor 801 & 802 Tutorial Rooms 10th Floor Tech. Sessions & Workshops 1009 Keynotes & Panels 1008 Exhibitions & Posters

NOMS 2010, Apr , 2009, Osaka, Japan 11 Osaka International Convention Center

NOMS 2010, Apr , 2009, Osaka, Japan Access Map from Airport

NOMS 2010, Apr , 2009, Osaka, Japan Transportation From Kansai International Airport (KIX)  Approx. 55 min. to JR Osaka Station on the JR Line.  60min. to JR Osaka Station by Airport Limousine.  10min. to GCO from JR Osaka Station by TAXI. From Osaka International Airport (Itami Airport)  Approx. 30 min. to JR Osaka Station by Airport Limousine  10min. to GCO from JR Osaka Station by TAXI. From JR Osaka Station  Approx. 10 min. to GCO by TAXI.  Guests of Rihga Royal Hotel may use shuttle bus service between the hotel and JR Osaka Station Sakurabashi Exit. (Approx. 10 min.) - FREE

NOMS 2010, Apr , 2009, Osaka, Japan Map of the shuttle bus JR Osaka Station RIHGA ROYAL HOTEL

NOMS 2010, Apr , 2009, Osaka, Japan Time Table of the Free shuttle bus From JR Osaka St. to RIHGA  10: :00 Every 6 minutes  7: :00, 21: :15 Every 15 minutes From RIHGA to JR Osaka St.  10: :00 Every 6 minutes  7: :00, 21:00-22:00 Every 15 minutes For more info, pleas visit  

NOMS 2010, Apr , 2009, Osaka, Japan Access Map around Nakanoshima Osaka International Convention Center is next to RIHGA ROYAL HOTEL.  More information,

NOMS 2010, Apr , 2009, Osaka, Japan Accommodation GradeHotel NameRoom TypeRoom RateDistance Super Deluxe RIHGA ROYAL HOTEL Single\15,000 ($160)1 min. on foot Double/Twin\17,000 ($180) ANA CROWNE PLAZA OSAKA Single\16,000 ($170)5 min. by Taxi or 15 min. Subway Double/Twin\18,000 ($190) Deluxe RIHGA NAKANOSHIMA INN Single\9,000 ($100)5 min. by Taxi or 10 min. Subway Double/Twin\15,000 ($160) Hotel HANSHIN Single\9,000 ($100)10 min. by Taxi Double/Twin\11,000 ($120) Standard Hotel NCB Single\6,300 ($66)3min. on foot Double/Twin\10,000 ($110)

NOMS 2010, Apr , 2009, Osaka, Japan Sightseeings Osaka Castle Tsutenkaku Tower Shitennoji Temple Dotombori Doguya-Suji Shopping Street Osaka Aquarium KAIYUKAN Minami Sumiyoshitaisha Grand Shrine Minoh Park Ohatsu-Tenjin Shrine Universal Studios Japan

NOMS 2010, Apr , 2009, Osaka, Japan 19 Apr., 2008 : Distribute NOMS 2010 Call for Participation at NOMS 2008 Financial Plan and Session Organization for NOMS 2010 Aug., 2008 : Selection of OC Members Program at a Glance Jan., 2009 : Call for Papers out Feb., 2009 : Selection of TPC & App. Session Committee Members June 2009: Major Publicity at IM 2009, NY Sep. 1, 2009 : Technical Session Papers Due Oct. 1, 2009 : App. Session Papers, Tutorials/Panel Proposals Due Oct , 2009: Joint TPC/OC Meeting at ManWeek 2009, Venice, Italy Nov. 15, 2009 : Notification of Acceptance Nov. 30, 2009: Selection of Session Chairs Dec. 15, 2010: Submitting Revised Papers Due Jan. 15, 2010 : Final Camera-ready Papers Due & Author Registration Jan. 31, 2010: Early-bird Registration Due Mar. 15, 2010: Advance Registration Due NOMS 2010 Schedule

NOMS 2010, Apr , 2009, Osaka, Japan 20 Summary Most of the OC positions have been filled The preparation is well under way The venue is excellent and the location is superb for tourism as well We need your full support to make NOMS 2010 a big success!

NOMS 2010, Apr , 2009, Osaka, Japan 21 Questions?