Science Workshop Summary and Applied Science & Research Committee Report Co-Chairs Dean Flett & Lars-Anders Breivik
Continued focus on Modeling and Data Assimilation Good cross section of topics –Observations and Mapping…to –Modeling and Data Assimilation Dynamic/thermodynamic models in place are good but.. –Room for improvement in mechanics/kinematics for further exploitation at smaller scale Data –Assimilation of SSMI-based concentration widespread –Other data: drift vectors, ice thickness, SST, etc. in development Science Workshop Summary
DA Methods –Direct insertion / nudging techniques - simple, efficient and gives reasonable results for e.g. SSM/I data –Statistical / Optimal Interpolation gives possibilities for more optimal error handling/improved weights and thereby techniques for filtering and interpolation –Kalman Filtering gives the possibility to model forecast the development of the background errors and thereby the assimilation weights –Variational Methods 2,3,4 D-VAR gives opportunity for direct assimilation of e.g. brightness temperatures – limited work done for ice model application to date Science Workshop Summary (2)
Further Work and Development –Need a focus on analysis of the associated errors both in the observations and models – optimal weighting –General demand for medium to short range forecast models (1-2 km / hours) to fill the observation gaps and produce operational medium scale ice forecasts. General Comments –Official recommendations from the IICWG in support of the work does/would assist in getting funding for further development. Science Workshop Summary (3)
Initial Objectives 1.Revisit and close out IICWG-4 AI’s 2.GEO “document” Data Utilization AI 3.The future of the White Paper?! 4.IICWG input and contribution to IPY? Discussion was centered around 2. and 4. Did not have adequate time to address 1. and 3. However... –Only “Direct Assimilation” and “White Paper” related AI’s remain (3 AI’s) Summary of Committee Sessions
Key Discussion Points –Ice services will receive increasing requests for regional analyses in future for planning requirements – don’t have “Science Analysis” resources to address –DA White Paper can be used for GEO AI, but need more supporting documents/references –Lots of interest in IPY participation – need to act now to get “our irons in the fire” for consideration –Debate around whether or not IICWG and Science activities is viewed as a recognizable and “credible” body –Generally agreed that the Science Committee/IICWG needs to link/make contact with organizations with “clout” to validate/raise awareness of our importance Summary of Committee Sessions (2)
Applied Science and Research Committee Carry-over Action Items SC4.3: IICWG recommends converting sea ice model output in a common data format, netCDF, in order to better share/exchange data. Responsible: Members of Science Committee. Status: OPEN and CIS have or are moving towards netCDF format for future model output; other ice services still to consider and reply.
Applied Science and Research Carry-over Action Items SC4.4: Investigate the possibility of direct assimilation of passive microwave radiance, scatterometer backscatter, infrared radiances, and visible reflectance. Responsible: Members of Science Committee. Status: OPEN – ONGOING Topic raised at IICWG-5 Science Workshop and to be included in future DA activities.
Applied Science and Research Carry-over Action Items SC4.5: Identify national science leads at each ice center in order to develop a structure for collaboration. Responsible: IICWG National representatives. Status: OPEN - ONGOING US, Canada, and Norway leads presently identified. Former Russian and Denmark leads no longer involved and need to be re-identified. Others national leads still required.
Applied Science and Research Carry-over Action Items SC : Gather additional input from Baltic Sea Ice nations and finalize and publish the "White Paper on Data Assimilation," under an official publication. Responsible: T. Carrieres, L-A. Breivik. Target Date: September 30, 2004 Status: OPEN Potential target publications suggested (below). Actionees to pursue. NSIDC Glaciological Data series publications WMO report/publication EOS electronic supplement Journal of Nature, Journal of Science Journal of Geophysical Research Other cryospheric publications(?)
Applied Science and Research IICWG-V Action Items SC5.1: Draft initial GEO Data Utilization Subgroup letter/document for discussion by Monday, May 10 (pre- JIWG Science Meeting). Responsible: M. Van Woert. Target Date(s): May 10, Status: CLOSED 1st draft completed May 5, 2004
Applied Science and Research IICWG-V Action Items SC5.2: Gather wider Science Committee input to have 2nd draft for review by IICWG Co-Chairs at JIWG 2004, Hanover. Responsible: D. Flett and T. Carrieres. Target Date(s): June 7, 2004.
Applied Science and Research IICWG-V Action Items SC5.3: Complete final version of GEO Data Utilization Subgroup and provide to IICWG Co-chairs for transmission to GEO. Responsible: D. Flett. Target Date(s): June 30, 2004.
Applied Science and Research IICWG-V Action Items SC5.4: National IICWG Science leads to solicit information on IPY from their respective country IPY representatives to identify status of and potential for IICWG Science input and target organizations or bodies (e.g. WCRP). National leads to exchange information and develop limited set of potential project concepts of interest to IICWG for IPY and identify IICWG IPY Focal Point. Responsible: National Science Leads. Target Date(s): July 30, 2004.
Applied Science and Research IICWG-V Action Items SC5.5: Mirror of 5.7 from Main Meeting Based on outcome of SC5.3, draft a letter (to be signed by IICWG Co-Chairs) indicating IICWG interests and IPY Focal Point to be sent to: WMO Secretariat Secretary General, IPCC, ICUSU, and Arctic Council, and others. Upon completion of IPY inventory (SC5.3) and identification of limited set of projects, consider communication to international polar community via ArcticInfo distribution list or other means. Responsible: Science Co-Chairs and David Grimes Target Date(s): August 31, 2004.
Applied Science and Research IICWG-V Action Items SC5.6: Linked with 5.10 from Main Meeting Science Co-Chairs and IICWG organizing committee to insure that next Science Workshop does not conflict with other science meetings. Reformat the meeting so that committee meeting day follows the workshop to encourage the greatest participation. Objective to develop a science or research plan at completion of workshop and committee meeting(s). Responsible: IICWG Organizing Committee and Science Co-Chairs. Target Date(s): Next IICWG.
Applied Science and Research IICWG-V Action Items SC5.7: Mirror of 5.11 from Main Meeting Science Committee to consider the organization of an event during the inter-sessional period, (e.g. a special session at an appropriate forum), to advance and promote IICWG science objectives. Responsible: Science Co-Chairs. Target Date(s): September 2005.