Joanne Chen Irvine Valley College
SLOs are statements that specify what students will know, be able to perform and to demonstrate. SLOs specify an action that students are able to demonstrate What are Foreign Language SLOs? Performance in 4 language skills including oral communication, compose essays and demonstrating knowledge of culture aspects
Will help students be able to explain what they are able to do with particular skills or knowledge. Will provide the teachers and schools with feedback Will help the instructors and schools understand how to better facilitate student learning.
1. Ask yourself: what are the most important things a student should know, be able to demonstrate after completing this course? 2. Make a list 3. Talk to and work with other instructors in your department 4. Consult resources outside the department 5. Review and edit
The four steps of writing SLOs IIIIIIIV Student Learning Outcome (What do students do to show they have learned from this course ?) Assessment Method (How are you going to test or measure students’ learning?) Assessment Schedule (Who, when, where will gather assessment data?) Assessment Results (What did you find?) Use of Results (Why are these results important, and how will you sue them in your course or program?) Level of Class_______________ Date_______________ Teacher _____________________
Course Description: This course is designed to develop the fundamental skills in communicating in Mandarin Chinese, including listening, comprehension, reading and basic conversation. IIIIIIIV Course / Student Learning Outcomes (What do students do to show they have learned) Assessment Method (How are you going to test or measure) Assessment Schedule (Who, when, where will gather assessment data?) Assessment Results (What did you find?) Use of Results (Why are these results important, and how will you use them?) SLO #1: Demonstrate comprehension and recognition of 400 spoken Chinese words SLO #2: Interpret spoken Chinese appropriately and correctly respond to questions orally and/or in written form. SLO #1: Oral and quizzes and tests, homework assignments and classroom activities. SLO # 2 Oral participation, class work, and classroom discussions. SLO # 3 Cultural presentation and reports SLO #1: Weekly, bi-weekly or semester exam. SLO#2: The 4 skills all included in the assessment SLO #3 Instructor Joanne Chen will gather assessment data. SLO#1: 70% of the students met the criterion of 80% correct. SLO#2: 60% of the students are not able to answer the listening comprehension questions without hearing 2 times. SLO# 3 Students lacking of speaking / listening exercise outside of classroom SLO#1: A online audio resource was implemented from fall / 08 SLO #2: Listening and speaking activities are developed with clear objectives. SLO # 3: Managing large and small group learning activities. SLO #4 Instructor Chen designed a interactive video program as a method of improving learning of this SLO. Course: Beginning Chinese I Date: _ _ Instructor: Joanne Chen_
Focus on what the student should be able to perform in the four skills. Use active verbs. Review & modify SLO yearly. Step I Chinese I Course Student Learning Outcomes Students will : 1. Demonstrate comprehension and recognition of 400 spoken Chinese words 2. Be able to construct written sentences that demonstrate appropriate use of vocabulary and grammatical structures. 3. Be able to compose short essays of more than 250 characters in length 4. Be able to respond to questions orally and be able to sustain a conversation on semantic, functional or cultural topics. 5. Be able to compose reports in English or Chinese on Chinese cultural aspects, including geography, food, housing and holidays.
1. Determine the types of specific method 2. Assessment criteria 3. Use the Foreign language Rubrics Step II Chinese I Assessment Method 1: Oral: pronunciation, conversation, presentation 2: Written: quizzes, test, composition 3: Classroom – oral participation and performance 4: Cultural presentation and reports 4. Final Exam - a.Students will respond to two short answer essay of 100 characters in the final examination. b.Students in Chinese I course will perform a conversation on an assigned functional topic in the final examination. c. Students in Chinese I course will compose paper for Chinese culture aspect with a final oral presentation in the target language.
1. Who will gather the data 2. Where the data will be gathered. 3. When / (how often) the data will be gathered. 4. What types of date will be gathered. Step III Chinese I Assessment Schedule Instructors Joanne Chen will administer the assessment in three fall (2008) and three spring (2009) Chinese I courses in Irvine Valley College. 1: Weekly or bi-weekly quizzes, and semester examination. 2: The 4 skills including speaking, listening, writing and reading should be all included in the assessment data.
1. Summarizing the main findings from your data. 2. Describing how the findings will be used in the course or program. 3. Describe what can be done to improve the course Step IV Irvine Valley College Chinese I Assessment Results and Uses MAIN FINDINGS: 1) We judged that 70% of the students scored as high or higher than 80% correct. (70% students earned a B or above.) 2) We judged that 40% of the students did not meet the criteria of pronunciation and oral performance (score under 3 on a 0-5 scale) HOW FINDINGS ARE BEING USED: 1) A new instructional method / textbook with audio companion web-site is being used from fall of ): Teacher’s “Blackboard” was implemented in fall 08. 3): Listening and speaking activities are developed with clear objectives. 4): Managing large and small group learning activities. 5) Instructor Chen designed a interactive video program as a method of improving learning of this SLO in spring 09. View the video from IVC Media Site. With assistance of IVC Mediasite staffs, Sonya Bangston and Joe San Juan.
Work with colleagues to brainstorm and produce a list of SLOs in your program. Select the highest priority 2-3 SLOs for each skills. Use SLO action Plan worksheet to determine the SLO for each lesson.
Joanne Chen 蘇芳儀 Chinese Instructor Yulin Chinese School, Fountain Valley, CA Irvine Valley College, Irvine, CA