Famous Appalachians Sabrina Lacy Lauren McMillan
Thomas Jefferson 3rd President of the United States Born in Goochland County, Virginia He studied at the College of William and Mary Drafted the Declaration of Independence
Booker T. Washington An American educator, author and leader of the African American community Went to school in Franklin County - not as a student, but to carry books – it was illegal to educate slaves Was freed from slavery as a child, gained an education, and as a young man was appointed to lead a teachers' college for black Americans
Walter Reed U.S. Army Surgeon Born and raised in Gloucester County, Virginia Attended college at UVA; then enrolled at the New York University's Bellevue Hospital Medical College in Manhattan, New York
James Madison 4 th President of the United States “Father of the Constitution” Was brought up in Orange County, Virginia Attended Princeton, where he studied history and government
Ella Fitzgerald Famous female jazz singer Born in Newport News, VA She produced over 200 albums
Sandra Bullock Famous actress Born in Washington, DC Played in the movie “Premonition” and is fluent in German.