Famous Black Americans Mrs. Farr’s Class
Duke Elington By:Annie Binnix Duke was born on April 29,1899 in Washington D.C. He died on May 24,1974 in New York. He started playing the piano at age seven. First he started playing his music in New York in 1923 Also he played in Asia,West Africa,South America,and Australia.
Dred Scott by:Carrington Floyd Born in Southampton, Virginia. He died in1858. Scott escaped slavery. Allowed the expansion of slavery into formerly free territories
Harriet Tubman By Demarcus Underground railroad conductors. Help free over 300 slaves She came back 19 times She would shoot a slave before letting them go back into slavery
Booker T. Washington By:Garrett Mingus He was born in He was born as a slave in Hale’s Ford, Virginia. He was an Educational Administrator professor. He was asked to give a speech at all the Cotton States.
Martin Luther King By: Kowshik vadlamudi Martin Luther king jr. lived from 1929 to 1968 Martin Luther King jr. was born in Atlanta, Georgia Martin Luther King Jr. was born in Atlanta, Georgia Martin Luther King had a dream that blacks and whites could go to school together.
Jackie Joyner Kersey By: Austin Elkins She saw a man get killed She is an Olympic gold medalist She has a few world records She has the second longest long jump in history
Ray Charles By:Sammy Dawson Ray Charles was born on September 23, He died on June 10, Ray Charles started his job at five years old on a piano in a café. He Completely lost his sight by the age of seven. His mom died of cancer and his dad died when Ray was 10 years old. One of Ray Charles’ hit albums Modern Sounds in Country and Western Music sold more than 1,000,000 copies.
Maya Angelou By:Latika Martin. Maya Angelou was born in St.Louis,Missouri on April 4, Maya Angelou was raped at the age of eight. By her mothers boyfriend. In 1981 Angelou became a professor of American Studies at Wake Forest University, Winston Salem, North Carolina. Maya Angelou recited a poem for President Bill Clinton in
Rosa Parks By:Ally Cound *Rosa Parks was born on February 4, 1913 *She grew up on a farm with her maternal grandparents. *She was home schooled by her mother until she was 11 and then enrolled in a industrial school for girls in Montgomery. *On December 1, 1955 she got arrested for not giving her seat up to a white man. *Rosa Parks won many awards for many good reasons. *Rosa Parks was on a bus before she was arrested and it is now in the Henry Ford Museum. *She died on October 24,
Robert George seale By: Reed McKemie Robert George Seale with the nickname of Bobby was born on October 22,1936. Sadly, Robert was owned to a poor African –American family. Robert went to Oakland High School and wasn’t good at sports so joined U.S. Air Force. In 1963 he joined the Afro- American association because he wanted to fix most of the struggles in the American Civil Rights movement.
Richard Pryor By:Marquis Lockhart He was a comedian and actor. He also so acted in 19 movies. He started performing in the late 60’s. He also won many awards for stand up comedy.
Serena Williams By:Lauren Meredith Serena Williams was born in Saginaw, MI of September 26, At the age of 4 ½ she won her first tournament. Before age ten she won 46 out of 49 tournaments. By age 14 she became a pro tennis player. Serena Williams was ranked #1 female tennis player in the world of
Reggie White By:Anna McKenzie Saidla Reggie White played for the Green Bay Packers and the Philadelphia Eagles playing as a wide receiver. His nick-name was Minister of Defense Born: Dec. 19, 1961; Chattanooga, Tenn. He passed a way on Dec. 26,
Gordon parks By: Zack Tatum Gordon parks died on march 7, 2006 when he was 93. Gordon parks took pictures for the time life magazine. After that he became a director and directed the learning three and shaft Gordon parks was the youngest of 15 children Gordon's mother died when he was 16 then he moved to.St.Pouls Minnesota to live with his sister He was the first photographer to Get a fellowship from the Julius Raswald foundation
Tyra Banks By:Mckinna Chase Tyra has her own T.V. show that she wrote and produces. She was born in Los Angeles on Dec.4,1973. Before she wrote her show “Americas Top Model”she was a model for “Victoria's Secret. She also has a talk show called “Tyra.”
Tavis Smiley By.Selwyn Torbert Tavis was born Tavis was born on the golf of Mississippi. Tavis was on the radio commentator.
Thurgood Marshall By:Happy Guo Yen–Ting Born at Baltimore on July 2, He died at age 84. That he was a lawyer and used the law to win freedom. He was appointed U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit by John F. Kennedy. He was a Supreme Court Justice.
George Washington Carver By: Chasitie George Washington Carver was an inventor.That is how he became famous. George Washington Carver invented peanut butter products possibly to sell.George Washington Carver would get $ a year for his inventions.George Washington Carver got $ so he could continue his research on behalf of his country.
Jamie Foxx By: Tyamber Willis Jamie Foxx was born December 13, 1967 and still alive now and is 39. Jamie Foxx was born in Terrell, Texas. Jamie Foxx had 77 academy awards. When Ray died Jamie Foxx was the best Ray Charles.
Frederick Douglass By: Jack Hudon Born February17, Died February 20, 1895 He was born a slave. The first day of the year in 1836, he made a resolution he would be free by the end of the year. He always published the new newspaper The north star. He also helped recruit soldiers for the civil war.
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