1 - © 2008 Stamats, Inc. – University of Pittsburgh at Bradford Objectives and Method Primary objectives – To evaluate the effectiveness of the ad campaign – To determine if the University should consider rolling out a similar campaign in other DMAs Method – 210 telephone surveys completed with prospective students in the Erie, PA area for the 2006 post-campaign during November and December of 2006 – 200 telephone surveys completed with prospective students in the Erie, PA area for the 2008 campaign during May of 2008 – List purchased by Stamats through the NRCCUA – Survey development, fieldwork, data entry, and analysis conducted by Stamats – Sampling error estimated at ±6.9% at the 95% confidence level
2 - © 2008 Stamats, Inc. – University of Pittsburgh at Bradford Top-of-Mind Colleges and Universities (Top 14 in 2008) When you think of colleges/universities in the area, what top three come to mind? 2006 Post-Campaign % 2008 Post-Campaign % Gannon University55%62% Mercyhurst College40%54% Edinboro University43%44% Penn State40%37% Penn State – Behrend23%29% University of Pittsburgh15%10% Allegheny Community College13%5% Clarion University11%5% Slippery Rock University6%4% Indiana University of Pennsylvania3%2% University of Pennsylvania1%2% Case Western Reserve University<1%2% Tri State University--2% University of Pittsburgh at Bradford4%2% During the 2006 post-campaign, 4% had the University of Pittsburgh at Bradford as top-of-mind; that percentage has dropped only slightly to 2% in Gannon, Mercyhurst, Edinboro, and Penn State continue to be top-of-mind among most prospective students in the Erie, PA area
3 - © 2008 Stamats, Inc. – University of Pittsburgh at Bradford Top Sources of Information (Top 8) School remains one of the top sources of information among prospective students Recruitment publications have made a modest increase in popularity through the duration of this campaign Notice the large increase in television advertisement recall, just over a 10% jump from the 2006 post- campaign study has also been cited as a growing information source among prospective students
4 - © 2008 Stamats, Inc. – University of Pittsburgh at Bradford Colleges and Universities Associated with the Word “Beyond” (Top 8 in 2008) What college or university in the area comes to mind when you hear “Beyond?” 2006 Post-Campaign % 2008 Post-Campaign % Don’t know/none33%23% Gannon University14%20% Penn State16%17% Penn State – Behrend9%12% Edinboro University8%7% Mercyhurst College5%7% University of Pittsburgh at Bradford2%6% University of Pittsburgh3% University of Pennsylvania--1% Association of the word “Beyond” with the University of Pittsburgh at Bradford has made a slight increase in recognition since 2006 However, Gannon and Penn State are still the most-often mistaken colleges associated with this word
5 - © 2008 Stamats, Inc. – University of Pittsburgh at Bradford Familiarity with Area Colleges and Universities How familiar are you with the following colleges/universities? 2006 Post-Campaign % 2008 Post-Campaign % VerySomewhatNot very/ Not at all VerySomewhatNot very/ Not at all Penn State - Behrend70%22%8%73%24%3% Edinboro University58%30%12%66%29%5% Gannon University64%26%10%66%27%7% Clarion University31%38%31%23%43%34% University of Pittsburgh at Bradford19%42%39%24%46%30% Jamestown Community College6%16%78%5%15%80% Mansfield University5%11%84%4%12%84% Familiarity with the University of Pittsburgh at Bradford increased from 61% to 70% Many other schools also saw modest increases in familiarity during this time period
6 - © 2008 Stamats, Inc. – University of Pittsburgh at Bradford Perceptions of Area Colleges and Universities Please indicate your overall opinion of the school Post-Campaign %2008 Post-Campaign % Very good/ good AveragePoor/ very poor Very good/ good AveragePoor/ very poor Penn State - Behrend80%16%4%86%12%2% Edinboro University41%39%20%55%35%10% Gannon University69%24%7%74%20%6% Clarion University42%43%15%42%43%15% University of Pittsburgh at Bradford40%45%15%46%42%12% Jamestown Community College9%58%33%12%60%28% Mansfield University10%56%34%14%58%28% Both familiarity and perceptions of the University of Pittsburgh at Bradford have made some improvements The percent of respondents rating the University as “good” or “very good” has increased 6%
7 - © 2008 Stamats, Inc. – University of Pittsburgh at Bradford Advertising Recall (2008 post-campaign) Effect of the Advertising/Information on Your Opinion of the University of Pittsburgh at Bradford 37% Like the University more 63% Had no effect on opinion
8 - © 2008 Stamats, Inc. – University of Pittsburgh at Bradford 2008 Post-Campaign Content of Advertisements In general, what were the ads/information about? “Just about their school overall.” “Small student-to-professor ratio and how good that was.” “The advertisement was trying to convince me to attend the open house.” “The advertisements about the University of Pittsburgh at Bradford said you should weigh your options before you choose a college.” “The advertisement had a girl on a see-saw and she was weighing her options.” “The pride they take in their students.” “It was very general, a lot of it was just about the opportunities and how it was a good school.” “The girl on the teeter-totter. I think that the ad was telling me to weigh my options when I am choosing a college.” “Weigh your choices for college.” “You can do good things at Bradford, there are lots of options.” “A good place to start and then transfer to the University of Pittsburgh.” “I think it said ‘Go Beyond at the University of Pittsburgh at Bradford’.” “It was an invitation to come and visit campus.” “It had a picture of a seal but I cannot remember what it was about.”