. SAROPS EDS Environmental Data Server Art Allen United States Coast Guard – Office of Search & Rescue Eoin (Owen) Howlett ASA
USCG Area of SAR Responsibility
CG wide SAR Statistics FYCasesLivesSaved ‘0529,7805,648 ’0628,3235,290 ’0727,0905,175
Create a SAR case when alerted Create a SAR case when alerted Search & Rescue Problem
Create a SAR case when alerted Create a SAR case when alerted Gather information about case Gather information about case Search & Rescue Problem
Create a SAR case when alerted Create a SAR case when alerted Gather information about case Gather information about case Get environmental data & uncertainties Get environmental data & uncertainties Search & Rescue Problem
Create a SAR case when alerted Create a SAR case when alerted Gather information about case Gather information about case Get environmental data & uncertainties Get environmental data & uncertainties Use model to determine search area Use model to determine search area Search & Rescue Problem
Create a SAR case when alerted Create a SAR case when alerted Gather information about case Gather information about case Get environmental data & uncertainties Get environmental data & uncertainties Use model to determine search area Use model to determine search area Estimate resource availability and capability Estimate resource availability and capability Search & Rescue Problem
Create a SAR case when alerted Create a SAR case when alerted Gather information about case Gather information about case Get environmental data & uncertainties Get environmental data & uncertainties Use model to determine search area Use model to determine search area Estimate resource availability and capability Estimate resource availability and capability Plan, promulgate & perform the next search Plan, promulgate & perform the next search Search & Rescue Problem
Create a SAR case when alerted Create a SAR case when alerted Gather information about case Gather information about case Get environmental data & uncertainties Get environmental data & uncertainties Use model to determine search area Use model to determine search area Estimate resource availability and capability Estimate resource availability and capability Plan, promulgate & perform the next search Plan, promulgate & perform the next search Evaluate the completed search Evaluate the completed search Search & Rescue Problem
Create a SAR case when alerted Create a SAR case when alerted Gather information about case Gather information about case Get environmental data & uncertainties Get environmental data & uncertainties Use model to determine search area Use model to determine search area Estimate resource availability and capability Estimate resource availability and capability Plan, promulgate & perform the next search Plan, promulgate & perform the next search Evaluate the completed search Evaluate the completed search Repeat above until survivors Repeat above until survivors are found and rescued Search & Rescue Problem
USCG Data Parameters Oceanographic Purpose: Search Object Drift and survival prediction parameters Currents - Sea Surface/Subsurface Turbulent dispersion coefficient Turbulent kinetic energy Turbulent velocity variance Temperature - Sea Surface/Subsurface River discharge Purpose: Search and Rescue Planning Water level - tides and meteorological Wave - Direction (sea/swell) Wave - Maximum height Wave - Peak period (sea/swell) Wave - Significant height (sea/swell) White cap probability Ice Cover Ice Type Ice Thickness Salinity Turbidity Currents - Sea Surface
USCG Data Parameters Atmospheric Purpose: Search and Rescue Planning Surface Wind speed / gusts Wind stress Wind turbulent kinetic energy Surface air temperature Air temperature daily max/min Area forecast information Most recent summary of current conditions Weather Type Dew point temperature Wind chill Icing potential Precipitation type/rate Relative humidity Atmospheric pressure Visibility Ceiling altitude Total Cloud Cover Cloud Layers Winds aloft (Altitudes of 5000 ft and greater) Icing/Freezing layer Electromagnetic refractive index (ERI) Surface Wind Speed (10m)
Environmental Data Server (EDS) Access to global/regional current and wind dataAccess to global/regional current and wind data Data from NOAA, NAVY, Regional Associations, Universities and commercial providers Data from NOAA, NAVY, Regional Associations, Universities and commercial providers Aggregation Services (temporal and spatial)Aggregation Services (temporal and spatial) Redundancy and BackupRedundancy and Backup Objective Analysis ToolsObjective Analysis Tools Web Services ProtocolsWeb Services Protocols
SAROPS EDS Data Operational Forecast Model DataOperational Forecast Model Data Observation Data (NDBC buoys, satellite, drifters, Sea Surface Radar, etc.)Observation Data (NDBC buoys, satellite, drifters, Sea Surface Radar, etc.) Seasonal dataSeasonal data Tidal databases (harmonic databases)Tidal databases (harmonic databases)
EDS Services Global Product Coastal Product Aggregated Product Regional Product Surface Radar SLDMB’s
EDS Services Global Product Coastal Product Aggregated Product Regional Product Surface Radar SLDMB’s NAVY Global NCOM Served via EDS Data Service
EDS Services Global Product Coastal Product Aggregated Product Regional Product Surface Radar SLDMB’s Tidal AdCIRC served via EDS Data Service
EDS Services Global Product Coastal Product Aggregated Product Regional Product Surface Radar SLDMB’s Global NCOM and ADCIRC via EDS Aggregation Service
EDS Services Global Product Coastal Product Aggregated Product Regional Product Surface Radar SLDMB’s Great Lakes Regional Model
EDS Services Global Product Coastal Product Aggregated Product Regional Product Surface Radar SLDMB’s Aggregation of short and long range CODAR
EDS Services Global Product Coastal Product Aggregated Product Regional Product Surface Radar SLDMB’s Objective Analysis on Drifting Buoy Data
Example EDS Data Sources Winds Winds FNMOC NOGAPSFNMOC NOGAPS FNMOC COAMPSFNMOC COAMPS NOAA NCEP NAMNOAA NCEP NAM NOAA NCEP GFSNOAA NCEP GFS NOAA NDFD*NOAA NDFD* NOAA NDBCNOAA NDBC Regional Models (e.g GLERL)Regional Models (e.g GLERL) Other… commercial Currents Currents NAVO Global NCOMNAVO Global NCOM NOAA NCEP HYCOMNOAA NCEP HYCOM NOS RegionalNOS Regional ADCIRCADCIRC CODARCODAR Regional ModelsRegional Models Other… Bluelink, Satellite Data (AOML), commercial
EDS Catalog Server THREDDS OPeNDAP Winds Currents Drifters Weather Catalog DB
EDS Catalog Server THREDDS OPeNDAP Winds Currents Drifters Weather Catalog DB SAROPS Client Web Client Internet
EDS Catalog Server THREDDS OPeNDAP Winds Currents Drifters Weather Catalog DB SAROPS Client Web Client Internet Web Services Web Service XML Request
EDS Catalog Server THREDDS OPeNDAP Winds Currents Drifters Weather Catalog DB SAROPS Client Web Client Internet Web Services NetCDF Data Data ServiceData Service Spatial Aggregation ServiceSpatial Aggregation Service Temporal Aggregation ServiceTemporal Aggregation Service Objective AnalysisObjective Analysis
EDS Catalog Server THREDDS OPeNDAP Winds Currents Drifters Weather Catalog DB SAROPS Client Web Client Internet Web Services OGC WMS/WFS/SOS/WCS
EDS Catalog Server THREDDS OPeNDAP Winds Currents Drifters Weather Catalog DB SAROPS Client Web Client Internet Web Services JMBL
14 November 2007 Decision Status Integration Months 0-12Month 18 Transport Month 24 Test & Evaluation Month 36 Benchmarked Feb 2008Aug 2008Feb 2009Feb 2010 Salinity Winds Temp Currents Level Color Waves DATACONTENTSTDDATACONTENTSTD NWS NDBC NOS CO-OPS NESDIS Coastwatch OGCWFS-WCS-WMSOGCWFS-WCS-WMS GML/CSML & NetCDF CO-OPS E. GOM HABS BULLETIN PACOOS IEA NHC SLOSH CI MODEL HIF PROGRAM Color Currents Winds All 7 Winds Waves Level Temp Winds Waves Metrics Efficiency Speed Resolution Accuracy Length Economics scheduled actual May 2008Aug 2008Feb 2009Feb 2010
Davis/ CODE drifter Self-Locating Datum Marker Buoys (SLDMB) 30 minute GPS positions via Argos
SLDMB Deployments 1 Jan 2006 – 31 Dec 2007
Mariano Seasonal ship-set & drift Caribbean Sea
NOAA NCEP North Atlantic HYCOM New York Bight
EDS Uncertainties (knots) Product σu kts Гu hrs hrs σv kts Гv hrs hrs HR Radar Std HR Radar LR ADCIRC ADCIRC/NCOM GLERL FLDA Mariano HYCOM HYCOM NCOM
EDS Oil Spill Use
Conclusions SAROPS - operational in the USCG since January 2007SAROPS - operational in the USCG since January 2007 Use of open standards allows for interoperabilityUse of open standards allows for interoperability Adding improved regional coastal dataAdding improved regional coastal data Need for uncertainty measurements and dispersion coeff’sNeed for uncertainty measurements and dispersion coeff’s Researching new Lagrangian techniquesResearching new Lagrangian techniques
Questions Art Allen Eoin Howlett