/Projects/upload/ SPIN-UP-TYC-Booklet.pdf
Community colleges Junior colleges Technical colleges Sandwiched between HS and 4YC – perfect fit to the model of lifelong learning AIP Survey, 2001 – TYCs enroll almost half of all undergraduate students in the US
Returning students – recertification Adult education resource Local industry ties Smaller class sizes Faculty readily available Good option for non-traditional students, women, & underrepresented minorities
Four-year Two-year Discipline specific depts. Related discipline divisions Major / Minor Programs of study Budget autonomy No budget autonomy Separate Lecture & Lab Integrated Lecture w/ Lab Teaching + Research Teaching (larger loads) Change is a challenge Curricular flexibility
Serves academic studies Serves technical / vocational education Advantage of local colleges reaching the populace & making PHY accessible. AIP Survey, % of students take intro PHY nationwide at TYCs
Course types: Reform activities*: ConceptualCurricular Alg/Trig-BasedLaboratory Calculus-Based Recruitment TechnicalRetention K-12Career information *AIP Survey, ~50% were involved in curricular or pedagogical changes.
Isolation issues for some TYC PHY faculty Professional development source from 4Y research in current teaching pedagogy (PER, PEPTYC) Transfer populations – compatible course offerings Encourage more students to pursue STEM degrees Current PHY Research resource at 4Y (“Neutrinos, Exploding Stars, and the Origin of the Heavy Elements” at 4:30 pm!)
Collegiality – NCS-AAPT involvement at state and national levels. PD opportunities – The Science House, WebAssign Users Group, Southern Regional SPIN-UP Workshops Consultants - New bldg. N. Campus – labs, storage Collaborations - Student centered models – SCALE-UP (Fall, 2001), Peer Instruction, Lecture Tutorials Formative Assessment
Summative – Assessing learners for what they were supposed to learn after instruction. Formative - Conducted during instruction frequently, with the intent to improve instruction and student learning.
Share teaching methods that work Share experiences w/ technology Four year professors as guest lecturers in two-year classrooms – video conference, online forum, etc. Honors sections of PHY – lab demos, hand-me-down equipment SPS Collaboration
Denise M. Wetli Wake Technical Community College 9101 Fayetteville Road Raleigh, NC