Reporting Staff in the school year NERIC Data Warehouse Team Lynn Bedeaux Michele Hausmann Jeff Bittner Julie Sica Mary McGeoch, Manager
Overview 1.New in School Year 2.Templates Overview a.Snapshot b.Assignment c.Tenure d.Attendance 3.Collecting Data for Snapshot and Assignment 4.Permissions needed to access staff information in Level0 5.Next steps moving forward… 6.Working with Staff Records on Level0 7.Common Errors 8.SIRS Reports & Reporting Timeline 9.References
New in All Systems will export 9 digit (00 padded) TEACH IDs whenever teachers are part of export. Teacher Attendance Template New Teacher Tenure Codes Changes in Level0 functionality in regards to Staff Data All Non-Teaching Professionals Staff Assignment PMF records will be certified in EOY 15-16, not just principals. PMF Codes are in the SIRS Manual.
Snapshot must be reported before any other staff template can be reported. a.Includes all Teachers and Non-Teaching Professionals. b.EVERYONE needs a valid TEACH ID ●Apply here: Once you create an account: log into your TEACH account. Click “Account Information” to see your TEACH ID. “Teach. Title” should only be populated for teachers (Field 8 (or column H)). All others leave blank. A few things to note when Teach. Title = TEACHER. 1.Ties teacher to school and district in TAA for ePMF purposes. Can’t fill in ePMF in until a Staff Snapshot record with teach title has been submitted. 2.If a teacher has never created a TAA account in the past, the Teach. Title = TEACHER triggers a PIN to be created. 3.Teach. Hire Date, Contract Work Days, Profesional Indicator are all required fields. 4.Should have a corresponding Staff Tenure record. “Prin. Title” should only be populated for principals (Field 105 (or column DA)). All other leave blank. A few things to note when Prin. Title = PRINCIPAL. 1.Prin. Hire Date is required. 2.Staff Member should have a corresponding Staff Assignment Record with an PMF Title that ties them the proper Building and Grades. 3.Should have a corresponding Staff Tenure record. Staff Snapshot
R District Code R Staff ID (Local ID) C TEACHER TITLE (if teacher) R Primary Location Code R Gender C Original Hire Date (if teacher) C Exit Date (if exiting) C Employment Separation Reason (if exiting) R Birthdate R Active/Inactive Indicator R Yrs. Prof. Educ. Exp. In Dist. R Annual Salary C Contract Work Days(if teacher) R Alt. Staff ID (TEACH ID) R Employment Basis R First Name LongR Last Name Long R Tot. Yrs. Prof. Educ. Exp. C Principal Title (if principal) C Principal Hire Date (if principal) R Staff Educ. Level Code R Annual Contract Work Month R Prof. Dev. Indicator (if teacher) R Snapshot Date C Certification Exemption Code (blank for Districts & BOCES, Y or N (for Charter Schools ONLY.) Race/Ethnicity and Hispanic Indicator are NOT required; however, if Y or N are selected for Hispanic Indicator or at least Race 1 Code is reported, the other must be too. (Dependent fields) ALL of this data will need to be in your HR system in order to extract the file for loading into Level 0. Some of the HR programs have import capability to get some of this information in more easily (i.e. Finance Manager, nVision and Wincap). Please contact your NERIC or vendor support as applicable for support and/or documentation. Staff Snapshot Expanded Fields R = Required C= Conditional
Staff Snapshot
Staff Assignment must be reported for all Non-Teaching Professionals employeed during the 15=-16 school year. DO NOT REPORT TEACHERS in staff assignment. Must already have a valid Staff Snapshot record reported to L2. These are staff who would have filled out Pink Bubble Sheets on BEDS day, however there are no Bubble Sheets in There is a form to gather necessary information from new Non-Teaching Professionals. Easy way to gather information such as TEACH ID, highest level of education, number of years professional education experience, hispanic indicator and race (optional), and PMF Description. On DW site under “Forms” Non-Teaching PMF codes are found in the SIRS Manual. If you do not see an exact title description for a staff person, choose the non-teaching PMF code that most closely matches the staff person’s current assignment. Principals: PMF assignment codes will be used to link the principal to the students enrolled in the program/location that they supervise for APPR purposes. If a principal is not responsible for all grade levels within a location, report multiple Staff Assignment records for the principal, one for each grade level the principal is responsible for. All Staff Assignment records will be part of the EOY certification, not just principals. Staff Assignment
The official source of PMF data for Non-Teaching Professionals will be the data you submit via the Staff Snapshot and Staff Assignment templates into L0. ●There are no Bubble Sheets this year. The official source of PMF data for teaching staff will be the data they submit via the TAA on the ePMF form. District will again have to certify the PMF data entered into the TAA. ●Teachers can’t enter ePMF data in the TAA until district loads a valid Staff Snapshot record for them and their Teach. Title = TEACHER. Official Sources of PMF Data
For anyone reported as “TEACHER” or “PRINCIPAL” in Staff Snapshot. NEW TENURE AREA CODES. “Teacher” is no longer valid. Includes each staff member’s Tenure Area Code, current Tenure Status as teacher and/or principal, effective date of the Tenure Status being reported, and when their probation ends/ended. Staff Tenure
New in school year for TEACHERS ONLY. Collect this data throughout the year for End Of Year submission. Report the total number of days taken for each type of absence. A teacher is absent if he or she is not in attendance on a day in the regular school year when the teacher would otherwise be expected to be teaching students in an assigned class. Only report full days. Partial days should not be combined. Teacher absenteeism does not include administratively approved leave for professional development, field trips, or other off-campus activities with students. Staff Attendance
Teachers who filled out a ePMF form in the school year. When the Superintendent logs into the TAA system, there is a link to download all PMF Data at the bottom of the page. This will include the ePMF information they filled in last year. TAA is currently going through updates, this file may not be available right now. The file will be available once updates are complete. Non-Teaching Professionals who filled out a Pink Bubble Sheet in the school year. On the IRS Portal, there is a document “Non-teaching PMF ”. This is an electronic version of what they entered on their Pink Bubble sheets last year. NEW Non-Teaching Professionals - form to gather necessary information for the Staff Snapshot and Staff Assignment templates. Non-Teaching Professional PMF Information Form available on the Data Warehouse Downloads page under “Forms”. Collecting required PMF Data
Make sure you have proper access to upload the Staff Templates. All four are now found in the Elect. Import and Manual Import sections of Level0. We will cover this new L0 functionality later. If do not see these at the bottom of your drop down, you do not have the proper access. Form for HR/Staff Permissions on L0. /HR%20User%20Profile.pdf /HR%20User%20Profile.pdf Level 0 Access to Staff Information
1.Make sure all teachers and non-teaching staff have a valid TEACH ID in your HR system. If they do not have a TEACH ID, they must apply for one ASAP. Enter Snapshot expanded fields information into your HR system. 2.Export Staff Snapshot from your HR system and import into L0. DO NOT PUSH to L1 until you have thoroughly reviewed this data. a.In L0, go to Reports > Staff Snapshot > Dist. School Summary. Click on each location with staff reported and check the following: i.Make sure only teachers have TEACHER in column “Title” ii.Make sure only principals have PRINCIPAL in column “Second Title” iii.All Teachers and Non-Teaching professionals are included. Only those employed in the school year should be included. iv.Only staff working at district level and those working in more than one building should be reported at the District Location. v.Double check all TEACH IDs. b.Make changes in your source system (HR) until all issues are resolved. Moving Forward…
3.Once done making changes in your source system, do a new export a new Staff Snapshot from your source system (HR), and import to L0. (Repeat step 2 and 3 as needed) 4.If, during this initial loading of staff, you realize you have mistakenly imported a staff member who should not be part of Staff Snapshot AND YOU HAVE NEVER PUSHED THEIR RECORD TO L1, delete their Staff Snapshot record using the delete button on their Snapshot Record on L0. 5.Once data is as clean as possible on L0, push Staff Snapshot data to L1. 6.When data refreshes on L2RPTs (Mondays), review SIRS-320. Resolve issues in source system, create new export from source (HR), import into L0, review, and push to L1. If you see a record on SIRS- 320 that should not be there, call us at DW and we will walk you through what to do. 7.Once data is correct on SIRS-320: Import Staff Assignment to L0. Review via L0 > Reports > Staff Assignment. Make changes in source system as needed, push clean data to L1. Review in SIRS-318. (Not due until Jan.) Import Staff Tenure into L0. Review via L0 > Reports > Staff Tenure. Make changes in source system as needed, push clean data to L1. Review in SIRS-322. (Not due until Aug.) Moving Forward…cont.
New Staff Functionality on L0
SX7313 v7.03 Missing, Invalid or Inactive Location Code for selected school year: & bad data -Make sure your location codes are set up correctly in your HR system, i.e. they match those in L0 SX7358 v10.01 Race 1 Code required when Hispanic Ethnicity Indicator equal Y -You have Hispanic indicator = Y but no Race is selected. SX7359 v10.01 Hispanic Ethnicity Indicator required when Race 1 is provided -Opposite of above. You provided a race with the Hispanic indicator is blank. SX7356 v10.0 Exit date expected when Employment Separation Reason Code is provided -You have a separation reason code with no exit date. Likely the staff left in a previous school year. If that's the case, change HR set up so they do not export. SX7342 v10.0 Years Educational Experience in District invalid or outside valid range (must be a whole number) & bad data -Years experience cannot be less than 1 Common Snapshot Import Errors
SA7611 v8.06 Missing or Invalid Staff ID: & bad data (No matching Staff Snapshot record.) -The staff you imported in Staff Assignment does not have a valid Staff Snapshot record Common Assignment Import Errors
ST8104 v10.01 Invalid Alternate Staff ID: & bad data -The staff you imported in Staff Tenure does not have a Staff Snapshot record ST8105 v10.01 Missing or Invalid Tenure Area Code: & bad data -Check the SIRS for valid Tenure Codes (“Teacher” is no longer a valid tenure code) Common Tenure Import Errors
SIRS reports are found in L2RPTS and refresh on Mondays. SIRS-318 Staff Assignment Verification Report Includes Non-Teaching Professionals. Principals will have link to the staff/students/courses they are tied to for Growth Scores once those records are on Level 2. SIRS-320 Staff Snapshot Verification Report Includes all reported staff with their expanded fields. SIRS-322 Staff Tenure Verification Report All reported Tenure records. SIRS- XXX Staff Attendance Report Not released yet. SIRS Reports
Document on the NYSED Information and Reporting Services Site: MFandSIRSStaffCollectionTimelinefor pdf **Keep in mind the NERIC Reporting Deadlines may be earlier** Reporting Timeline
NERIC DW site: NYSED Information and Reporting Services Teacher/Staff Data site with many very useful links: NYSEDs ePMF and Staff Collection timeline: NYSED ePMF FAQs: eScholar Templates: SIRS Manual: Level 0 v11.0 Validation Checks: Non-Teaching Professional PMF Information Form under “Forms”: Self Rigester for a TEACH ID here: Level0 HR Access form: References