Unit 2 Review Mr. Christie U.S. History
A:B: Large scale immigration The demand for factory workers. Which of the following was not a cause of the Growth of cities after the Civil War? C:D: Government policies to encourage people to leave small towns Machinery on farms meant that less farm workers were needed
C. Government policies to encourage people to leave small towns
A:B: Better relations between workers and bosses Improved health and safety conditions Large scale industrialization resulted in C:D: Long hours and brutal working conditions A desire by company owners for labor unions
C. Long hours and brutal working conditions.
A:B: SocialistsPhilanthropists During the late 1800s, critics of industrial leaders referred to them as C:D: Robber Barons Captains of Industry
C. Robber Barons
A:B: The telegraph allowed for more accurate train times The Bessemer Process made production of steel faster Railroads were able to expand rapidly when C:D: The Chrisholm trail reached the Kansas border Native Americans were restricted to reservations
B. The Bessemer Process made production of steel faster
A:B: The Dawes ActThe Homestead Act Which of the following allowed each head of household over the age of 21 to claim 160 acres of western land? C:D: The Morrill Act The Americanization Act
B. The Homestead Act
A:B: Cotton plantations to southern cities Northern cities to Mexico The transcontinental railroad connected C:D: New York to Washington DC The East to West Coast
D. The East to West Coast
A:B: Restrict the military involvement of the United States in foreign conflicts Protect domestic businesses from foreign competition The Americanization movement sought to C:D: Diminish the role of government in the regulation of industry Assimilate ethnic immigrant groups into the dominant culture.
C. Assimilate ethnic immigrant groups into the dominant culture.
A:B: Alcatraz IslandAngel Island Most immigrants from Europe entered the United States through C:D: Ellis Island Washington D.C
D. Ellis Island
A:B: Government housing programs for the poor Steel frame buildings 10 stories or higher Which would not have been seen in cities Around 1910? C:D: Street cars Different neighborhoods for different ethnic groups
A. Government housing programs for the poor
A:B: They eliminated crime in the ghetto They were free from corruption Immigrants supported city political machines because? C:D: They provided immigrants jobs and help Of threats from political bosses
C. They provided immigrants jobs and help
A:B: A company owned by more than one owner A group of companies Owned by one owner A trust is best defined as C:D: A portion of the profitsA group of companies that agrees to cooperate on prices
A:B: Sick leave Overtime pay. What would be the highest priority of labor unions During the late 1800’s and early 1900’s? C:D: Equal pay for womenSafer working conditions
D. Safer working conditions
A:B: Social Gospel Theory Laissez-faire : C:D: Social Darwinism Lifestyles of the rich and famous "The wealthy are wealthy because they are the fittest and strongest of society; the poor are not." This describes the philosophy of: (11.2.7)
C. Social Darwinism
A:B: helping to make electricity more widely available developing a more efficient way of producing steel C:D: inventing the telegraph and the telephone inventing the refrigerator One of Thomas Edison’s major accomplishments was
C. Inventing the telegraph and telephone.
A:B: Worked for less money than men Were more available in Massachusetts at that time Young women and children were hired for the Lowell mills mainly because they C:D: Were better workers than adult males Wanted to move to places like Lowell
D. It was careful about giving the new government powers it had denied Parliament
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