1 Dhiman Chattopadhyay Ranjan Dasgupta Rohan Banerjee Ankur Chakraborty December 2, 2012 Event Driven Video Surveillance System using City Cloud A solution compliant with Sensor Web Enablement Architecture
2 Motivation Manual monitoring in traditional video surveillance system is tedious and error prone. Cumbersome and time consuming manual process for event retrieval from huge archive. Lack of interest based alert dispatch mechanism. Problems in storage of large binary data. Constraints on display devices.
3 Highlights of our work Deliverable : A framework for generating real time event dashboard using video analysis. Event based classification and dispatch of events to registered subscribers. Mechanism for third party app developers to query stored events via web-services. Blob storage of video event in remote server. Metadata storage in geospatial database Device agnostic rendering on plethora of connected devices. Scope of work : Development of Video capture, Edge analytics, event and metadata generation,event display and posting to Backend server Out of scope : Storage,event retrieval and query at backend server Reference of the work by TCS Backend team : Smart city Surveillanceleveraging benefits of cloud data stores : Swarnava Dey, Ankur Chakraborty, Soumitra Naskar and Prateep Misra, goSmart 2012 workshop in conjunction with LCN 2012,Florida,Oct 21-25
4 Proposed Solution Architecture
5 Event Archival in Storage Reference : Smart city Surveillanceleveraging benefits of cloud data stores : Swarnava Dey, Ankur Chakraborty, Soumitra Naskar and Prateep Misra,goSmart 2012,Florida, Oct 21-25,2012
6 Web Service for 3rd Party App Developer
7 Search Portal for Geo Spatial Query of Events
8 Lists of Events with Thumbnails
9 Event Clip Showing a Motion
10 Event Dashboard with Event Player
11 Conclusion An event triggered video surveillance system is proposed. Publishing of selective events to dedicated customer can make the solution citywide applicable. Backend can be hosted on cloud based platform for intelligent city application The picture quality, average latency between publishing and receiving of events depends on video codec, camera specification and network speed respectively. Lack of standardization on video codec support for HTML5 fails to suggest any specific browser for universal viewing purpose.
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