College Knowledge College Admissions
GPA Irondale uses a 4.0 scale to calculate Grade Point Average A = 4.0 B = 3.0 C= 2.0 D= 1.0 (+/-.33 each ex. B+ = 3.33, A- = 3.67) Calculate you own GPA now (number of A’s x 4.0, number of B’s x 3.0, etc)
The PLAN test The PLAN® Program helps tenth grade students each year prepare for future academic and career success. PLAN contains four curriculum based tests: English, Mathematics, Reading, and Science. These standardized multiple-choice tests are based on the major areas of high school and postsecondary instructional programs. Performance on these tests has a direct relationship to a student’s educational achievement. As a tenth grader at Irondale you are required to take this test next October.
The PSAT test A comprehensive assessment program that measures college readiness in three academic areas, critical reading, mathematics and writing skills and provides students with the tools they need to start planning for the future. Used by National Merit Scholarship Corporation as an initial screening of entrants in its annual competitions for recognition and college scholarships (juniors only). You have the option of taking this test as a sophomore or as a junior but it is not required at Irondale.
The ACT test This test is used by colleges to decide if you should be admitted or not. The test measures your college readiness on four subjects: Reading English (grammar/usage) Math Science
The ACT Test ACT averages out your sub test scores to give you a composite score. This helps you and the colleges determine if a particular school is a good “fit” for you. Score ranges = Community/Technical colleges = Community Colleges/4-year colleges = 4 year colleges/Selective colleges 28+ = Selective/Highly Selective 4 year colleges
SAT and SAT II Highly selective colleges and universities often want students to take these tests. The SAT is a general admissions exam, like the ACT. It helps schools determine if you are a good fit. The SAT II’s are subject area tests that help colleges compare your performance in particular classes like U.S. History or Chemistry or Spanish to other students in the admissions process.
The Accuplacer Test
Advanced Placement (AP) AP Exams are rigorous, multiple-component tests that are administered at high schools each May. High school students can earn college credit, placement, or both for qualifying AP Exam scores. Each AP Exam has a corresponding AP course and provides a standardized measure of what students have learned in the AP classroom. AP Courses offered at Irondale include U.S. History, English Language and Composition, Spanish, Physics and Studio Art
CLEP tests The College Board’s College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) is a credit-by- examination program. This rigorous program allows students of a wide range of ages and backgrounds to demonstrate their mastery of college-level material in introductory subjects and earn college credit. Students can earn credit for what they already know by getting qualifying scores on any of the 33 examinations including Sociology, Principles of Marketing and Pre-calculus.