Manifest Destiny The belief that the US was to expand to the Pacific Ocean and into the Mexican Territory. We believed that it was our God given right.
Temperance Movement The effort to prohibit the drinking of alcohol. Many felt that society would improve if alcohol was removed.
Who supported the temperance movement? Women Industrial Leaders Religious Leaders
Abolitionism The social movement to end slavery in the south. Was popular in the North. Most supporters were middle class from New England.
Frederick Douglass Runaway slave who become the most powerful speaker against slavery. William Lloyd Garrison – Created the abolitionist news paper the Liberator.
Sarah & Angelina Grimke Began as abolitionists. Moved into women’s rights when men told them that abolition work was for men.
Educational Reform Horace Mann wanted both boys and girls to have access to public education. – He thought it was important for the success of democracy.
Seneca Falls Convention Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott hold a women’s rights convention. Stated many of the same points mentioned in the Declaration of independence. Equal rights and suffrage.
North 90% of nations industry Around 75% of Railroads Most immigrants moved to North Opposed slavery – Morally wrong – Did not want to spread to North – Workers could not compete with slavery
South Remained a rural society. Southerners still mainly used rivers for transportation. Few immigrants moved south because there was no demand for labor (because of slavery).
Wilmot Proviso Proposed amendment to prohibit slavery in newly acquired Mexican territories. Passed the House but rejected by the Senate. Slavery becomes a bigger political topic.
California Gold rush brought necessary population to apply for statehood. Applied to be a free state. Alarmed south because most of state was below 36”30’ line. President Taylor supported California. Southerners began talking secession.
Compromise of California would become a Free state. 2.Mexican Cession would be divided into Utah and New Mexico and slavery will be determined by popular sovereignty. 3.Ban on slavery in Washington D.C.. 4.A new strictly enforced fugitive slave law.
Underground Railroad Secret network of tunnels, trails, and safe houses that helped slaves escape to the North. Harriet Tubman was the most famous conductor of the RR. – She helped about 300 slaves escape.
Uncle Tom’s Cabin Written by Harriet Beecher Stowe Portrayed the real slave experience. – The harsh, cruel conditions that slaves had to endure. Led to larger scale protests by abolishionists.
Kansas and Nebraska Act Proposed by IL Senator Stephen Douglas. Wanted a RR built through IL (increase value of his land). – Needs southern support Divided Nebraska Territory into Nebraska and Kansas. Slavery would be determined by popular sovereignty. Violated Missouri Compromise.
Bleeding Kansas Supporters from both the North and South poured into Kansas to try and influence the vote. Proslavery supporters set up a government in Lecompton and antislavery supporters set up a government in Topeka Violence erupted throughout the state
Bleeding Kansas John Brown was an abolitionist who believed God wanted him to fight slavery. – Led a raid into proslavery are and killed five proslavery men. – Pottawatomie Massacre About 200 people were killed in violence.
Election of 1856 Republicans nominate John C. Fremont of California. – Platform: No expansion of slavery, protective tariffs, and internal improvements. Democrats nominate James Buchanan of Pennsylvania. – Platform: Slavery is not an issue for the US government.
Election of 1856 Know-Nothings nominated former president Millard Fillmore. – Platform: Against new immigration and against Catholics Most new immigrants were Catholic.
Dred Scott Scott was a slave belonging to an army officer. He had been taken from MO to the free territory of Wisconsin and moved back to MO. His lawyers that he lived in a free territory so that made him a free man. Supreme Court was made up of mainly southerners.
Dred Scott Courts Decision: – He had no right to sue because he was not a citizen. – Congress could not deprive any person of their property without due process of law. – Ruled that the Missouri Compromise was unconstitutional.
Lincoln-Douglas Debates Stephan Douglas running for reelection to the Senate (IL) Lincoln spoke out against slavery and said the nation could not survive divided. Freeport Doctrine: Douglas supported popular sovereignty which contradicts the Dred Scott decision. Helps him win the election but losses support among Souhterns.
John Brown-Harpers Ferry Led a small band of followers into Virginia and attacked a federal arsenal. He wanted to arm the slaves so they could revolt. Brown was caught by US military (led by Lee) and was hanged. Southerners thought it was proof that the North was planning to support more revolts.
Election of 1860 Republican: Abe Lincoln Northern Democrat: Stephen Douglas Southern Democrat: John Breckinridge Constitutional Union: John Bell Split Democrat cost them election…Lincoln wins.
Southern Secession Southern states began to secede from the Union after Lincoln was elected. Jefferson Davis was elected leader of the Confederate States of America.