I Know Stuff Quiz
Name this country Australia
Name this sport Baseball
Storybook character Cinderella
Name the artist Da Vinci
A Famous Scientist Einstein
Mountain in Japan Fuji
Name this animal Giraffe
Famous Wizard Harry Potter
What is this? Igloo
Island in the Caribbean Jamaica
A martial art Karate
Capital city of England London
Name the movie Madagascar
Name the city New York
President of the USA Obama
Paris Capital city of France
Who is she? Queen Elizabeth
Storybook character Rapunzel
Famous Korean King Sejong
A Famous Ship Titanic
Korean Island Ulleungdo
Name this sport Volleyball
Capital of USA Washington DC
Name this movie X-men
Traditional Korean Game Yunnori
Name this animal Zebra
This game is based off a popular Irish quiz game called ‘I know stuff’. Change the questions to suit your age group. The first letter of the answer should match the letter on the slide. Please don’t delete any slides, even blank slides. This will mess up the game. For this game I like to make one star = ten points. Students enjoy playing for ‘big numbers’. I hope you enjoy playing this game and I welcome any feedback you may have