Who Da Man?? 100 people in 100 days #81-90. James Monroe  5 th president of the US  Known as “Era of Good Feelings” - touring the states and nominating.


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Presentation transcript:

Who Da Man?? 100 people in 100 days #81-90

James Monroe  5 th president of the US  Known as “Era of Good Feelings” - touring the states and nominating cabinet members from both north & south  Monroe Doctrine - Americas should be free from future European colonization, and interference with independent countries in the Americas would be considered a hostile act toward the United States.

John C. Calhoun  Vice President under Jackson  A famous “warhawk” along with Henry Clay  Was for nullification of federal laws and became the first VP to resign due to conflict with Jackson.

Benjamin Banneker  Self-educated mathematician, astronomer, compiler of almanacs, inventor & writer  Surveyed land for Washington DC  Invented America’s first working clock carved out of wood

Stephen Austin  1 st American settler in Texas (when it was still Mexico)  Capital of Texas named after him  Considered “Father of Texas”

Vasco de Balboa  Spanish explorer & Conquistador  Discovered the Pacific Ocean  Walked across the Isthmus of Panama that connects Central and South America

Meriweather Lewis Francis Cabot Lowell  Instrumental in bringing the Industrial Revolution to the US  introduced the power loom and the integrated factory system to America  Pioneer in hiring women which became known as the “Lowell Mill Girls”

Henry Knox  Served in the Continental Army and the US Army  1st Secretary of War  Artillery commander under Washington during the Revolutionary War

William Tecumseh Sherman  Union General during the Civil war  Fought in the 1 st Battle of Bull Run – afterwards put on leave being deemed “unfit for duty”  Best known for his march to the sea and the burning of Atlanta

Cyrus McCormick  Virginia farmer who invented the mechanical reaper after his dad tried unsuccessfully  He also was the first to sell on credit  Eventually became known as the International Harvester Co.

Prince Henry the Navigator  Portuguese explorer, soldier and prince  Rarely explored himself, but sent many expeditions to west coast of Africa for mapping routes, spread Christianity, defeat Muslims & establish trade routes  Started a Navigation School