Salmonid Life Cycle
Eggs Alevin Fry Smolt Adult Spawner Freshwater Estuary Ocean
Coho Salmon (Silver Salmon) Chinook Salmon (King Salmon) Steelhead Trout
Eyed Egg
Eggs Need: Cool Water Clean Water Flowing Water
Hatching Eggs
Eggs and alevin
Alevin Alevin with yolk sac
Swimming fry
Fry School of fry with parr marks
Fry Need: Protection from predators Food Cool, clean water
Smolts Salmonid smolts are silver-colored.
Smolts live in an estuary. Estuary: a place with both fresh water and salt water.
Adult Salmonids Adult salmonids live in the ocean.
Returning to the River…
Spawner Salmon Need: Safe access
Spawner Salmon Need: A place to spawn
Spawner Salmon Need: Clean gravel
Building a Redd…
Male vs. Female Spawners
Salmon are Part of the Food Web
Salmon Food Salmonids eat: -Insects -Krill -Other small fish
Salmon are food for many animals
Salmon need: FOOD & CLEAN WATER Caddisfly larvae are salmon food.
Salmon need: SHELTER & SPACE
Salmon need: Protection from predators
What can you do to help protect salmon and their home so they can survive?