King Saud University Preparatory Year Deanship English Language Skills department Self-learning program Self-Learning Final Project Week 10
Socratic Dialogue Assessment What is the best point made during the dialogue? What ideas do you agree with? What ideas do you disagree with? Did you like the dialogue? Why? The feedback questions (to be answered by the observers):
C reating means making new ideas, products, or ways of viewing things. C reating involves designing constructing, planning, producing, and inventing. The Self-Learning Project is a creative project. Creating in Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy
The Final Project Outcomes By the end of the project, you will be able to: Show your creativity by making a creative project. Show that you understand the thinking levels in Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy. Use some Self-Learning tools to make your project. PPractise speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills.
The Final Project Requirements UUse original writing with a certain word limit as follows: -Entry level 1&2 students (not less than 120 words for the individual work and 160 words for the pair work) -Entry level 3& 4 students (not less than 160 words for the individual work and 200 words for the pair work) -Entry level 5&6 students (not less than 200 words for the individual work and 250 words for the pair work) CCreate a paper-based project or a media tool, for example a video, audio presentation, or website. UUse original drawings and illustrations. The Self-Learning final project must fulfill the following requirements:
Bring up a useful idea for your project that can be helpful for others. If you choose to do a TV,radio or drama shows, it must be shown in not less than 5 minutes. Use appropriate computer applications. Use critical thinking skills learned in Self- Learning lessons. The Self-Learning final project must fulfill the following requirements: The Final Project Requirements WWrite the sources of any information that you used (for example, the address of a web site).
Here are some project ideas: A persuasive leaflet/brochure -A book of English proverbs/idioms -A medical dictionary -A multi-topic magazine -An illustrated or digital story -A website built as a personal profile or a learning tool -A play or mini-drama/a puppet show -A TV/ radio talk show with a Socratic Dialogue
The Final Project Guidelines D ecide on a project that meets the given requirements and suits your interests. D o it individually or in pairs. S ubmit a soft copy to your teacher. S ubmit a hard copy if the project is in a paper-based format. P lan for your project. A sk your teacher if he/she approves your project idea. T he deadline for submission is Monday 12/12/2011
-24 hours after the deadline (Tuesday 13/12/2011), 25% will be deducted from the overall mark of week hours after the deadline (Wednesday 14/12/2011), 50% will be deducted from the overall mark of week 13. -If a project is submitted after 48 hours (Saturday 17/12/2011), 75% will be deducted from the overall mark of week 13.No projects will be not accepted after this date. Plagiarism is strictly prohibited = a Zero for the whole project except for the planning stage. T he late submission policy includes the following procedures: Plagiarism and Late Submissions
The 4 Ps Stages Planning stage Preparing stage Producing stage Presenting stage
Planning stage Learning Project Objectives (LPO)
Planning Stage: Week 11 Criteria LPO is not submitted Completed but submitted Late Requirements are partially met Requirements are fully met Evidence of LPO (Learning Project Objective) 0123 The Final Project Rubric