Construction Site Best Management Practices and the Project Design Process
Why are you here As Caltrans staff from Design (or other divisions) you need to know how to Assess your project for implementation of appropriate Construction Site BMPs Incorporate selected Construction Site BMPs as separate bid items (lump sum is not an option) Develop the engineer’s estimate of separate Construction Site BMPs Incorporate a Construction Site BMP strategy into the Storm Water Data Report 2 To complete these tasks, you also need to know About the Standard Special Provisions
Agenda 3 ModuleTopic Time 0Overview 60 Minutes IIntroduction 45 Minutes II Soil Stabilization (SS) and Sediment Control (SC) BMPs 60 Minutes III Tracking, Wind Erosion, and Construction Site Management BMPs 60 Minutes IV Incorporation of Construction Site BMPs into the Design Process 90 Minutes VFinal Wrap-Up 45 Minutes
Course Administration Sign-in and attendance forms Breaks Restrooms Emergency exits Classroom etiquette 4
Course Administration Expenditure Authorization (EA): Special Designation:G
Introduction: Your Facilitators Who am I? What is my background? What is my storm water background? 6
Introduction: About You Who are you? What is your storm water background? What do you want to learn from this class? 7
The Pre-Test Evaluates your current level of knowledge Covers course topics Time limit: 15 minutes Same test will be given at the end of the course to evaluate what you learned Answers will be reviewed at the end of the course Results will be used to evaluate the effectiveness of this training 8
Pre-Test 9
Module I Introduction 10 ModuleTopic 0Overview IIntroduction II Soil Stabilization (SS) and Sediment Control (SC) BMPs III Tracking, Wind Erosion, and Construction Site Management BMPs IV Incorporation of Construction Site BMPs into the Design Process VFinal Wrap-Up
Module I Objectives The student will learn about –The regulatory background –Department policy and goals –NPDES definitions –The Caltrans manuals available to designers 11
Clean Water Act Enforced by USEPA NPDES Permit Enforced by SWRCB SWMP Overseen by Caltrans Department Policy Incorporate Construction Site BMPs at the Design Phase 12 Regulatory background Department policy and goals NPDES definitions Caltrans manuals Regulatory Background
Caltrans Statewide NPDES Permit California General Construction Permit Caltrans Storm Water Management Plan 13 Implementing the Caltrans Storm Water Quality Program Regulatory background Department policy and goals NPDES definitions Caltrans manuals
Issued in 1999 by the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) Implements year-round program throughout state to control storm water and non–storm water discharges from all Caltrans properties Caltrans must comply with the California General Construction Permit Appropriate best management practices (BMPs) must be installed Caltrans Statewide NPDES Permit 14 Regulatory background Department policy and goals NPDES definitions Caltrans manuals
Applies to projects that disturb > 1 acre (0.4 ha) of soil Disturbance means any construction activity that creates exposed soils Applies to smaller areas if part of a larger common plan of development Requires development of a storm water pollution prevention plan (SWPPP) Enforced by the RWQCBs General Construction Permit 15 Regulatory background Department policy and goals NPDES definitions Caltrans manuals
The Storm Water Management Plan (SWMP) was adopted in May 2003 and includes the following: –How Caltrans is organized –The responsible people –The process to disseminate information to staff, contractors, and public –A self-audit program Caltrans SWMP 16 Regulatory background Department policy and goals NPDES definitions Caltrans manuals
Department Policy The storm water data report should describe the strategy for incorporating construction site BMPs into the contract documents. Designers are required to consider the BMPs as separate bid line items for all projects. Preferred types of BMPs may vary from district to district; therefore, Design and Construction Divisions should be in concurrence with the strategy. 17 Regulatory background Department policy and goals NPDES definitions Caltrans manuals Where did I read about this? PPDG
Department Goals Better projects can be achieved by Helping contractors develop more accurate, competitive bids for all Caltrans construction projects Reducing construction costs arising from contract change orders (CCOs) and claims Facilitating implementation of preferred temporary BMPs during construction of the project 18 Regulatory background Department policy and goals NPDES definitions Caltrans manuals
What is a “best management practice (BMP)” A measure implemented to protect water quality and reduce potential pollutants associated with storm water runoff Any program, technology, process, siting criteria, operating method, or device that controls, prevents, removes, or reduces pollution NPDES Definitions 19 Regulatory background Department policy and goals NPDES definitions Caltrans manuals
Caltrans-Approved Best Management Practices (BMPs) There are several Caltrans-approved BMPs: Design Pollution Prevention (DPP) BMPs Treatment BMPs Maintenance BMPs Construction Site BMPs 20 Regulatory background Department policy and goals NPDES definitions Caltrans manuals
DPP BMPs are permanent water quality controls used to reduce pollutant discharges by preventing erosion. Design Pollution Prevention BMPs 21 Flared End Sections Regulatory background Department policy and goals NPDES definitions Caltrans manuals
Treatment BMPs are water quality controls used to remove pollutants from storm water runoff prior to its being discharged from the Caltrans right of way. Treatment BMPs Litter Removal with Inclined Screen Device Profile 22 Gross Solid Removal Devices Regulatory background Department policy and goals NPDES definitions Caltrans manuals
Maintenance BMPs are water quality controls used to reduce pollutant discharges during highway maintenance activities and during the operation of the facility. Maintenance BMPs 23 Storm Drain Stenciling Regulatory background Department policy and goals NPDES definitions Caltrans manuals Sweeping Operations
Construction Site BMPs are temporary controls used to control pollutant discharges during construction. Temporary Hydraulic Mulch (Polymer Stabilized Fiber Matrix) Construction Site BMPs 24 Regulatory background Department policy and goals NPDES definitions Caltrans manuals
Soil Stabilization Practices Sediment Control Practices Tracking Control Practices Wind Erosion Controls Non-Storm Water Controls Waste Management and Materials Pollution Controls Construction Site BMP Categories 25 Regulatory background Department policy and goals NPDES definitions Caltrans manuals Construction Site BMPs are separated into six BMP categories as follows:
Temporary Implemented only for the duration of the contract Will be removed Permanent Installed as part of the construction work Will not be removed Temporary vs. Permanent BMPs 26 Regulatory background Department policy and goals NPDES definitions Caltrans manuals
Active Areas are construction areas where soil disturbing activities have already occurred and continue to occur or will occur during the ensuing 21 days. Active vs. Non-Active Areas 27 Regulatory background Department policy and goals NPDES definitions Caltrans manuals Non-Active Areas are construction areas (formerly active areas) that will be idle for at least 21 days.
Caltrans Storm Water Quality Handbooks Project Planning and Design Guide Construction Site BMPs Manual SWPPP and WPCP Preparation Manual 28 Regulatory background Department policy and goals NPDES definitions Caltrans manuals
Project Planning and Design Guide (PPDG) Provides guidance on the following: BMP selection and design process Incorporation of BMPs into PID, PA/ED, and PS&E Storm water data report (SWDR) BMP cost information 29 Recent version (revised May 2007) can be found at Regulatory background Department policy and goals NPDES definitions Caltrans manuals
Provides detailed information on Construction Site BMPs, including the following: Instructions for selection and implementation of Construction Site BMPs Working details for Construction Site BMPs Construction Site Best Management Practices Manual 30 Recent version (dated March 2003) can be found at Regulatory background Department policy and goals NPDES definitions Caltrans manuals
Guides contractors and Caltrans staff through the process of preparing the following: Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Water Pollution Control Program (WPCP) SWPPP & WPCP Preparation Manual 31 Recent version (dated March 2007) can be found at Regulatory background Department policy and goals NPDES definitions Caltrans manuals
PIDPS&EPA/ED Project Study /Project Scope Summary Report Project Report Working Drawings ID Potential WQ Impacts & BMP Strategy Refine BMP Strategy Select BMPs ID SSPs for Line Items Prepare Line items & Lump Sum Cost estimates BMP Cost Allocation Preliminary BMP Cost Estimate Construction Site BMPs and the Design Process
At each design phase ( PID, PA/ED, PS&E ), include the following: Temporary BMP information Quantity and cost information Construction Division concurrence information 33 Include Construction Site BMP Strategy in the Storm Water Data Report
BMP Strategy and Cost Estimate PID –General BMP Strategy –Cost Allocation PA/ED –Refined BMP Strategy –Refined Cost estimate PS&E –Detailed BMP Strategy –Select Construction Site BMPs –Select SSPs for Line Items –Prepare Water Pollution Control Summary Sheets –Estimate BMPs for Line Items and Lump Sum
Module I Summary These are the topics that we have just covered: The regulatory background Department policy and goals NPDES definitions The Caltrans manuals available to designers 35
San Mateo 1, Culvert Replacement Project Questions 36
Okay, I have a couple of questions What are the benefits of identifying Construction Site BMPs during the project design process? 37 What is Department policy concerning Construction Site BMPs and the project design process?