JunioR Parent Night April 24, 2012 Agenda Senior Year Timeline College Application Process Financial Aid/Scholarships Question & Answer
Timeline for Summer Visit campuses of your top-five college choices Continue to read – books, magazines and newspapers Practice filling out college applications Volunteer Explore different career/college options – get information from or Start thinking about and do a rough draft of a college and scholarship essay. PROOFREAD Start thinking about financial aid – how will you pay for school?
September October November December JanuaryFebruary- March April- June Visit colleges you are interested in and meet with representatives who visit the high school. Narrow down your choice of colleges and begin application process. Be aware of admission deadlines! Stay Focused! Grades earned in your senior year can affect your college admittance. Attend Financial Aid Meeting (date to be announced). Continue checking on local scholarships and complete college application if not already done. Notify colleges you have been accepted to but have decided not to attend. Register to take the ACT or SAT if not already taken or you plan to re-take. Register at Request high school to send transcripts to colleges to which you have applied. Arrange to have ACT scores sent. Continue to look for scholarship opportunities. Check list posted in the career center monthly, and be aware of deadlines! Complete FAFSA online or paper copy and submit as soon as possible after January 1 st. Notify counseling office where to send your final transcript. Identify adults who you will ask to write letters of recommendation. Search for scholarships and grants. Visit to obtain a pin number for financial aid. Both parent and student need a pin number. Review scholarship list monthly and apply for any you qualify for. Make an appointment with you counselor to review your transcript and post-secondary plans. Senior Year Timeline
ACT Test If you have not taken the ACT or would like to retake the test, you can register online at Or pick up a packet in the counseling office. Registration deadline for the June 9 th test is Friday, May 4th. Fee waivers may be available for students who qualify.
College Visits Seniors are allowed two days for college visits. To schedule a college visit, contact the Admissions office of the college you would like to visit and schedule a date to go. It is best to go when classes are in session so you can talk with other students and staff. It is also a good idea to visit the college financial aid office to find out about scholarships, deadlines, etc. Take advantage of college representative visits to our high school. This is a great opportunity to learn about the college before you visit. Dates for visits will be posted on Naviance and in the school’s bulletin.
Applying to Colleges Most colleges prefer online applications. Some colleges might waive the application fee too if done online. You can find the website of most colleges in Naviance, or visit Mrs. Lindberg in the Career Center. Once you have applied to a college, remember to request your transcript to be sent by the counseling office. You can do this through Naviance, or stop in the office and fill out a request form. Transcripts are usually sent within 2 or 3 days of the request. Allow up to four weeks to hear from the college on your acceptance.
Ten “Not so Good” reasons for choosing a college Your boyfriend/girlfriend is going there Your best friend is going there It’s a party school You decided in 7 th grade that you wanted to go there Your mom and/or dad went there It has a good football team Your school counselor told you to pick it The school is prestigious The tuition is low It looks good on the website/in the guidebook
Transcripts & how to read What is the difference between weighted & unweighted GPA and how is this information used? Why do I need one? How do I get one?
Weighted GPA & Class Rank Unweighted GPA & Class Rank
Scholarships Scholarship opportunities are listed in Naviance and on a monthly scholarship list, which is ed to parents and students. Write one or two “essays” and adjust them as needed – double check spelling and grammar Do a resume or a chronological list of your activities Eligibility and criteria vary March and April tend to be the months with the most “local” scholarships.
Financial Aid What is the FAFSA? – FAFSA stands for Free Application for Federal Student Aid. – How do I apply? After January 1 st, 2013, you will be able to complete the application at – Use the FAFSA4caster to give you an early estimate about your application. – The counseling office will be sponsoring a Financial Aid Night in next January, and a staff person from the Riverland Financial Aid Office will be here to explain the process and answer questions.
14 Overview of Naviance *What is Family Connection? Web-based resource that supports course, career, and college planning Specific to our school Linked with Naviance Succeed, a service that we use in the counseling office How do I access it ? Family Connection is on the Web, How do I register? Go to the above website and create an account. Your access code is stapled in the folder you picked up on your way in.
Main Page 15
After Sign in 16
Questions? A copy of this presentation is available on the Austin High School Home page under the counseling link.