Effects of Smoking on Corneal Thickness Candice Giordano, MD February 25, 2011
Smoking and the Eye Cataracts Thyroid eye disease Macular degeneration Polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy Uveitis Macular edema
Background Cigarette smoking is known to increase systemic reactive oxygen species. It is not known if smoking decreases the antioxidant properties of the aqueous humor. –IL-6 has been shown to be elevated in the aqueous of smokers. It is known if the aqueous is unhealthy, then corneal thickness increases.
Background Corneal thickness has also been found to be a predictor of glaucoma risk and can increase after intraocular surgery and in unhealthy eyes Corneal guttata, which can be related to corneal thickness, have been shown to be associated with a 20 pack-year smoking history.
Background A transcription factor known to bind the antioxidant response element and activate antioxidant defense, is down-regulated in Fuchs ’ endothelial corneal dystrophy Ex vivo, oxidative stress caused characteristic morphological changes and apoptosis of corneal endothelium Significantly higher levels of oxidative DNA damage and apoptosis were detected in FECD endothelium compared with normal controls.
Hypothesis It is hypothesized that a positve smoking history will be associated with increased corneal thickness. The objective of this study is to determine if smoking is related to corneal thickness as well as recovery from intraocular surgery.
Methods Observational case series involving persons 18 years old or greater. The patients are being questioned regarding: –their smoking history including duration of smoking and number of packs per day –history of ocular surgery –history of antioxidant use
Methods Examination includes the following: –visual acuity –intraocular pressure –corneal pachymetry –anterior and posterior eye exams if indicated for that visit.
Currently in data collection….
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