Learning, Working, Thinking Styles “I desire that there be as many different persons in the world as possible; I would have each one be very careful to find out and preserve his or her own way.” Henry David Thoreau
Learn about the different ways individuals learn, work and make decisions; Better understand how our learning/working styles influences the ways we interact with others and function in groups; Improve our capacity to work effectively with each other and our community. Today we will…
Learning, Thinking, Working Styles ~David Kolb~ Helpful to: Understand Self Natural instinctive strengths In your groove Understand Others Why others do what they do Reduces blaming Create the best group result Serves everyone’s needs Involves all in effort Works for family, work, friends, church, community…
Learning, Thinking, Working Styles ~David Kolb~ Not intended to: Put people in boxes Suggest people don’t stretch Suggest one “style” is better than another You don’t get harmony when everyone sings the same note!
Reflective Observation Watching Concrete Experience Feeling Active Experimentation Doing Abstract Conceptualisation Thinking © concept david kolb, adaptation and design alan chapman , based on Kolb's learning styles, 1984Kolb's learning styles Not to be sold or published. More free online training resources are at Sole risk with user. Kolb's learning styles
Reflective Observation Watching Concrete Experience Feeling Active Experimentation Doing Abstract Conceptualisation Thinking Processing Continuum how we do things Perception Continuum how we think about things © concept david kolb, adaptation and design alan chapman , based on Kolb's learning styles, 1984Kolb's learning styles Not to be sold or published. More free online training resources are at Sole risk with user. Kolb's learning styles
How we take in information People Concrete Experience Feel Hear See Touch Taste __________________________________ Experts Theory Abstract Conceptualization Books 85% 15%
How we use information Active Experimenters Reflective Observers 80-85% 15-20%
Reflective Observation Watching Concrete Experience Feeling Active Experimentation Doing Abstract Conceptualisation Thinking Processing Continuum how we do things Perception Continuum how we think about things Assimilating (think and watch) AC/RO Diverging (feel and watch) CE/RO Converging (think and do) AC/AE Accommodating (feel and do) CE/AE © concept david kolb, adaptation and design alan chapman , based on Kolb's learning styles, 1984Kolb's learning styles Not to be sold or published. More free online training resources are at Sole risk with user. Kolb's learning styles
The whole picture Top-LeftTop-Right Bottom-LeftBottom-Right 10% 70%10-15% 3-5% What If? Why? What? How?
Assimilating (think and watch) AC/RO Diverging (feel and watch) CE/RO Converging (think and do) AC/AE Accommodating (feel and do) CE/AE Community Leadership Initiative Wome n’s 2014 Sherri Bell Marialena Kalamau Mary Burney Olivia Franks Stefanie Mullins Kelley Rodriguez Shannon O’Neil Genie Fisher Tanya Burney-Dobbin Amy Flores Margaret Gonzales Kelly Holmes Sondra MacDonald Claudia Margiotta Jessica Matthews Kate Moore Leslie Patterson Victoria Ramirez Kana Gilbert Rose Glanton Kimberley Kosik Collet Thornton Courtney Chapin Kelly Mannix
Learning, Working Thinking How does it work? Concept beginning to end Stretching Build Relationship – Be interested in others Action Plan Invite ____ to coffee / lunch
Let’s plan a party! Smaller groups of assigned to the SAME Learning Style One piece flipchart paper and marker PLAN and Record details on paper to share with whole group
Roles Facilitator Help keep the group on task Watch the time to assure that the group completes its task Assure that everyone is able to participate – no one is dominating, no one is excluded Encourage people to respect and use their different perspectives and views Recorder Listen for key words, do not edit – use exact words or gain permission from participants to change words Capture the basic ideas, the essence of what was said – ask for feedback if necessary Write rapidly but legibly Write big enough (on a flipchart) that everyone can see what is being recorded Do not worry about spelling Presenter Listen carefully Report key points as requested at the end of the session Be ready to report when it is your turn Dannemiller Tyson Associates, Inc. (1994). A consultant guide to large scale meetings.
What will the party be like? Who will you invite? How will people be invited? How will your group work together to plan the party? What will happen at the party? Other ideas from the perspective of your quadrant…