Los Angeles Virtual Academy A learning portal to the future
2 The purpose of the Los Angeles Virtual Academy (LAVA) is to provide online instruction that allows equity and access to a quality education for all LAUSD students LAVA will offer Credit Recovery AP Courses A-G Courses Intervention Tutoring Professional development
3 LAVA Overview LAVA will offer District high school students equitable access to rigorous standards-based curriculum delivered over the Internet Model includes both face-to-face and and online delivery Accessed over LAUSDnet 24/7 access to courses and resources There is current legislation, AB 294, that will provide ADA for online courses.
4 AB 294 Authorizes secondary school pupil participation in an online interactive course to count as instructional time for the purpose of generating Average Daily Attendance (ADA) Limits total participation in the program to 40 school sites, and restricts any one school district under the program to no more than 5 school sites. Requires school districts that provide online curriculum to meet RFA requirements for applying to the State Department of Education for participation in the program.
5 LAVA Campus Courses taught by Certificated LAUSD Teachers Delivers content online Face-to-Face and online instruction included in the model School site proctored exams School site mentors Establishes an online learning community for the LAUSD
6 LAVA Campus
7 Synchronous Environment
8 Which feels more like school? This?Or this?
9 LAVA Guiding Principles LAVA is an virtual learning system specifically designed to meet the needs of students while closing the achievement gap. LAVA addresses the following Superintendent’s Strategic Plan goals : 1 - Literacy 2 - Mathematics 3 - Educator Quality 5 - Classroom Space 6 - Efficiency 7 - ELL and Standard English Learners 13 - Parent Involvement
10 LAVA Guiding Principles cont. LAUSD Instructional Guidelines Principles of Learning Practices The Content Standards for California Public Schools The LAUSD Instructional Technology Plan LAUSD staff/teacher expertise
11 Aligns with: California Content Standards Blueprints for Secondary Schools Periodic Assessments Designed to: Build a community of learners Address different learning modalities Allow for 24/7 access to the curriculum
12 LAVA Will provide all students with access to high quality, standards-based, content- driven learning experiences to meet their needs and expand the boundaries of the classroom. Will also provide alternative learning opportunities to ensure that every student within the District has equitable access to a quality education.
13 Content
14 Professional Development On-going Will Include Pedagogy and Methodology for teaching students online Creating Online Learning Communities Course development Course delivery Student Assessment
15 LAVA Will promote culturally relevant course work through professional development for teachers, counselors, and support staff. In order to meet the needs of diverse learners, teachers will engage in professional development activities that will help them implement specific instructional strategies, such as: Assuring academic rigor within the content Scaffolding the learning Building knowledge about culturally responsive pedagogy Applying methodologies that bridge diverse learners’ cultures, learning styles and strengths
16 Program Assessment Formative and Summative Internal and External Evaluators Feedback available for continuous course modification
17 Digital Divide LAVA will redress the digital divide by: Gathering information regarding students’ access to computers Providing access to computer labs at schools Loaning computers to students who have limited or no access to computers while they are enrolled in a course of study
18 Future Enrollment Intervention Students Students needing additional A to G Courses Students enrolled in Options Schools Independent Study Community Day Schools Home Bound Students Hospital Home study College and University Partnerships
Los Angeles Virtual Academy A learning portal to the future