Sex Largely defined in biological terms Male – Female Gender Largely defined in social/cultural terms Masculine – Feminine “Being female may be biological and thus unavoidable, but being woman is cultural and therefore changeable”. – Ricki Wilchins SEX AND GENDER
Gender role: The patterns of socially defined behaviors and expectations, associated with being female or male Gender Theorists: West & Zimmerman: “doing gender” Butler: “performativity” CU040Hqbas&feature=related CU040Hqbas&feature=related ROLES AND PERFORMANCE
Attire Language Interests Gender is realized through interaction! It’s not what we are, it’s what we do. HOW DO WE PERFORM GENDER?
SOCIOLOGICAL THEORIES ON GENDER Structural functionalism suggests social roles are better suited to one gender than the other; divisions and differences lead to stability. Conflict theory suggests that men have historically had access to most of society’s material resources and privileges. Patriarchy refers to male domination over women in all aspects of a society. Symbolic interactionism suggests that gender identities arise through our everyday interactions, such as performativity.
ESSENTIALIST FRAMEWORK The essentialist framework suggests that sex is permanent and purely biological; our gender is directly related to our sex. It proposes that there are no social or cultural influences on either sex or gender. It frames only two categories of sex, gender, and gender expression: male and female, boy/man and girl/woman, and masculine and feminine.
SOCIAL CONSTRUCTIONIST FRAMEWORK Sex and gender are framed as separate components of our identity. Gender roles/identities are socially determined. They vary by time, culture, and even individuals. Sex and gender labels are points on a spectrum rather than halves of a dichotomy. We have the agency to choose our gender identities. “Sex is between the thighs, gender is behind the eyes”.
L.G.B.T. = Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans(gender/sexual). Identity related to our sexual desires WHAT IS SEXUALITY?
“Gender-Normative” Transgender –no surgery/hormones Transsexual –surgery/hormones Transvestite –“Drag Queen” Intersex –“hermaphrodite” Genderqueer family-ryland-transgender- son_n_ html?ncid=fcbklnkushpmg family-ryland-transgender- son_n_ html?ncid=fcbklnkushpmg FORMS OF IDENTITY
DRAG “ We’re born naked and the rest is drag”.
Multiple-sexed organisms (fish) Difference in body size Who gives birth (geese) Chromosomal Diversity (chickens) Multiple-gendered species (primates) Lack of appearance differentiation Who lactates (bats) Homosexuality in nature Females with penises?!?! SEXUAL DIVERSITY IN NATURE
Sexism: the belief that there are innate psychological, behavioral, and/or intellectual differences between women and men and that these differences connote the superiority of one group and the inferiority of the other SEXISM
GENDER & WORK The second shift refers to the unpaid housework and childcare often expected of women after they complete a day of paid labor. There is a definitive gender pay gap in the U.S. where the average full-time female worker earns only 77% of what a full-time male worker makes. The feminization of poverty refers to the economic trend that women are more likely than men to live in poverty. There is a sharp division of gendered jobs; those jobs that are labeled as strictly for women are referred to as pink-collar jobs.
FEMINISM A feminist is a person who believes in the social, political, and economic equality between the sexes. The concept of intersectionality suggests that our race, class, gender, and sexuality are interconnected aspects of our identities.
Matrix of domination Identity conflict INTERSECTIONALITY
Institutionalized discrimination Glass ceiling: invisible barrier that prevents women from moving up the corporate ladder Laws Religion Double standards A standard that is used to measure one gender and/or sex differently than another Sexual activity Female authority INEQUALITIES
Masculinity is largely defined in opposition to femininity. R.W. Connell- one of the original founders of the social construction of Masculinities and related theories. Hegemonic Subordinated Complicit Marginalized MASCULINITY/FEMININITY
Boys and men must continuously distance themselves from anything considered feminine and follow a heterosexual imperative. Homosexuality is framed as the antithesis of masculinity, thus Homophobia not just anti-gay but also anti-woman. MASCULINITY/FEMININITY
If the worst insult you can call someone is a woman or feminine, how are we supposed to be equal!?!? CLASS DISCUSSION
CLASS ACTIVITIES In 2 minutes, write down 5 things you did to gender yourself before you left your house this morning. The WALK: 1.One male-bodied and man-identified individual and one female- bodied and woman-identified individual needs to volunteer. 1.The woman is going to “walk like a man” and the man is going to “walk like a woman”. The rest of the class will “coach” the person walking, giving them instructions and suggestions to “improve” their performance and and make it more believable.