NHCTC SkillAbility System Architecture Overview
User Hierarchy Admin / Super User Creates Look and Feel, Domains, Skill Cards, Competencies, Certifications, Jobs, Users, etc Consultant / Training Provider Manages Employers and Internal and External Coaches. Creates Course Catalogs. Employer Selects a Consultant to Work With and Manages Apprentices Apprentice Maintains Personal and Skills Profiles Internal Coach/Counselor Works with Apprentice and Validates Dos, Knows, and Performance Metrics. External Coach/Counselor Matches Domain Competencies to their Coaching Skills. Works with Apprentice and Validates Dos, Knows, and Performance Metrics.
SkillAbility User Types Admin / Super User – The Super User is responsible for managing all users, creating the default look and feel of the system, and building the required domains that all other users of the system are presented with when using SkillAbility. –Adding Domains –Skill Search/Job Search –Customizing the Site –Managing Users Admin / Super User
Adding Domains A Domain is similar to a major in college. A Domain consists of the courses, certifications, hours (of coursework and work experience), and skill competencies required to complete a Domain. Create Skill Cards that belong to a Domain Create Competencies that belong to a Skill Card Create a Domain Add a Do (demonstrable) Add a Know (knowledge) Add Performance Criteria Add More Competencies or Save Skills Card Publish Domain to System END Admin / Super User
Skill Search/Job Search Job descriptions are added to competencies to create a complete career mapping of the necessary skills required for a job. An Apprentice may search a job title and the necessary skills, courses, certifications, and work experience required for that job. An Employer can search for Apprentice(s) with a job description, skill competency, or zip code area to view potential candidate’s online profiles for job or project prospecting. Map Competencies to that Job Save the Job Type in a Job Description Apprentice Searches for Job Skill Requirements Domains, Competencies Displayed Apprentice Registers for Domain ADD Apprentice SEARCH Employer SEARCH Employer Inputs Job Description Employer Inputs Skill Requirement Input QTY, City/State/Zip Matches Displayed, Profile Drilldown Available Admin / Super User
Customizing the Site SkillAbility is extremely customizable. You can add your own graphic header and footers, add menus to the system, create agreement requirements to participate in the system, flows for skill confirmations, and even manage schedules. Add Header/Footer Add Menus Web Settings General Settings Modify Default Agreements Customize FAQ Customize Text END Admin / Super User
Managing Users The Admin can manually assign User into the system or setup User signup through menu systems which can be seen as a default menu that all Employers, Consultants, and Apprentices can access from their website. Manually Sign-up General Settings/Menu Manager Manage Users Modify Register Menu END Employer/Consultant/Coach Additional Admins Sales People for CRM Employer/Consultant/Coach Admin / Super User
SkillAbility User Types Consultant – The consultant is the second most powerful user in SkillAbility. A consultant manages multiple Employers, manages SkillAbility features on the Employer’s behalf, creates custom curriculum mapping for Employer’s systems, and approves and assigns external and internal Coaches to candidates. –Mapping Curriculum to Domains –Managing Employers –Managing Coaches Consultant
Mapping Curriculum Curriculum are courses offered by Consultants or Employers that match content to the competencies of a Domain. This is similar to the college course requirements required for a major. However, these courses are mapped specifically to skills that Employers validate. Map Competencies to a course Publish the course to the Consultant’s course catalog Create a course Select courses from the Consultant’s catalog to add to the Employer’s catalog Customize Employer’s offering by adding specific courses and competencies to the Employer’s catalog Add additional competencies to a Domain required to meet a specific Employer’s needs Publish to Employer’s Apprentices END Consultant
Managing Employers Consultant’s engage Employers to manage Employer’s candidates. A Consultant can manage all aspects of an Employer’s deployment with the exception of final exit criteria signoff of an Apprentice. This responsibility must be performed by the Employer’s Internal Coach. Employer grants management privileges to Consultant Consultant manages Employer’s deployment Consultant solicits Employer END Selects DomainsAdds CandidatesCreates look and feel Adds and qualifies Coaches Validates courses and certifications Consultant
Managing Coaches Consultant’s engage External Coaches, (guns for hire) who have special competency signoff skills that assist an Apprentice in preparing for exit criteria signoff by an Employer’s Internal Coach. The Consultant is responsible for qualifying and validating to an Employer that Coaches, (Internal and External) are ready to take on the responsibility to validate the skills of a Candidate. External Coach is assigned by Consultant to Candidate END Assign to ConcentrationAssign to Candidate(s) Assign to Specific Competency(s) External/Internal Coach is identified or created Consultant validates External/Internal Coach skills Consultant
SKillAbility User Types Employer – The Employer is the collection point for all Apprentice activity. When the Employer registers with the system a website is created where all Apprentices log into the Employer’s system. This website holds all Apprentice data, course data, coach data, and skill data. The Employer has the ability to run reports through the system to track and manage these data groups. An Employer also has the ability to search the SkillAbility web for Apprentices as potential Employees. –Choosing a Consultant –Adding Apprentices –Managing Coaches –Running Reports –Search for Apprentices Employer
Choosing a Consultant Each Employer must have a Consultant to manage their site. It is up to the Employer to determine what services the Employer will manage and what services are handed off to the Consultant to manage on behalf of the Employer. Negotiate Contract with Consultant and enter Consultant # into system END Receive Solicitation from Consultant Access Consultant Locator Locate Consultant Determine Management Privileges of the Consultant Employer
Adding Apprentices An Apprentice can be added to the system by their Employer or self register from the Employer website. Either the Consultant or Employer determines what Domains an Apprentice can register for and then customizes the additional courses, or competencies required for that Apprentice to complete their skills validation process. Once determined, the Consultant or Employer assigns Coaches to a group or individual Apprentice for skill signoff. Customize Domain Create Apprentice END Add/Modify CoursesAdd CompetenciesAdd Internal Coaches Manually Add Apprentice Profile Batch Upload with Apprentice Manager Employer
Managing Coaches Only an Employer can take the responsibility to validate an Apprentice's skills. The Employer assigns an Internal Coach, (usually a line manager) to validate the performance measurement performed by the Apprentice. However, an External Coach may assist the Apprentice in becoming competent in a competency and can sign off the do and know associated with a performance measurement. Coach registers from Employer website Create Coaches END Manually Add Coach Profile External Coach is assigned by Consultant Employer
Running Reports SkillAbility provides two types of reports: 1) A snapshot of an Apprentice's skill validation progress, 2) A trend comparison of the Apprentice’s skill progress over time to correlate overall improvement and productivity. A report can be “rolled up” from an individual Apprentice, to a Coach’s group of Apprentices, to all Apprentices in a Department, or an Employer wide report. Choose a Report Snapshot Trend Determine Criteria END Date RangeRollupDomain Generate Report Employer
Search for Apprentices An Apprentice profile containing validated information about their certifications, education, skills and experience is a powerful Employer resource for sourcing potential Employees for a project within a company, or as an early access mechanism for sourcing new candidates for positions. Access Job Search Report Determine Criteria END LocationCompetencyQuantity Generate Report System determines privacy criteria set by Employer and Apprentice Employer
SkillAbility User Types Apprentice – Once an Apprentice has a profile in SkillAbility, this profile is a permanent repository belonging to the Apprentice. It will contain validated information of all the education, skills, work experience, certifications, and continuing education the Apprentice achieves over the course of their career. –Populating a Profile/Choosing a Domain –Skills Validation Process Apprentice
Populating a Profile/Choosing a Domain An Apprentice chooses a Domain to pursue for validation based upon a pre- created list of domains generated from the Employer. The Apprentice is allowed to pursue more than one Domain at a time. The Profile begins to be populated with past/continuing education, work experience, certifications, and other background information about the Apprentice. Apprentice logs into Employer website END Apprentice begins to fulfill Domain requirements Populates Profile Chooses a Domain from Employer list Employer approves registration EducationCertificationContinuing Education Jobs Survey Information Apprentice
Skills Validation Process When an Apprentice logs into the system, they can manage the entire skills validation process of their Domain from their profile. When the Apprentice is ready to be validated on a skill, the Apprentice selects the readied skill and the system notifies the Coach to communicate with the Apprentice for validation. Once the Apprentice skills have been validated by the coach, the system updates the profile, credits courses, work hours, certifications, and keeps recorded transactions of Coach/Apprentice interactions. Once all criteria is met for a Domain, the system generates a certificate of completion and notification to all parties. Apprentice logs into Employer website Requests validation of a Competency END Coach validates Competency in system System notifies Coach Meeting takes place between Apprentice and Coach System coordinates and records meeting Validate More Competencies Domain complete Certificate generated Apprentice
SkillAbility User Types External Coach – Many times, a Consultant will require outside expertise to work with Employers and Apprentices to assist in the validation of the Do and Knows of a Competency. An External Coach is an individual or company who has such expertise. They can remotely assist in the skills validation process and provide the detailed guidance sometimes needed to have an Apprentice become proficient in a skill that the Consultant or Internal Coach do not possess. –Signup/Validation/Assignment Process External Coach
Signup/Validation/Assignment Process for External Coach An External Coach signs up to counsel Apprentices by going to the Consultant's website. Once registered, the Coach will receive their own website and login and begin to map their competency expertise to domains and competencies that are published in SkillAbility. The Consultant then approves the skill set of the External Coach and assigns validation rights. Complete Registration and create website Signup through Consultant SkillAbility website Consultant reviews competencies with Coach and approves Coach for assignment to Employer’s Apprentices END Coach submits competencies to Consultant for approval Consultant attaches External Coach registration number to specific Employer Consultant assigns Apprentices, Domains, or Competencies to External Coach External Coach
Admin / Super Users –Sonia Wallman Login Name: swallman Login Password: xxxxx –Tim Dubuque Login Name: tdubuque Login Password: xxxxx –Deb Audino Login Name: daudino Login Password: xxxxx
Consultants –Tim Dubuque Login Name: tdubuque Login Password: password
Employer: Lonza –Representative Monica Jurrisen Login Name: tdubuque Login Password: password –Internal Coach Monica Jurrisen Login Name: mjurrisen Password: password
Employer: Lonza (cont.) –Apprentice Paul Linehan Login Name: plinehan Login Password: password
External Coach: NHCTC –Deb Audino Login Name: daudino Login Password: password
External Coach: SST –Carolyn Kelley Login Name: ckelley Password: password