教学设计过程实例 北京教育科学研究院 基础教育教学研究中心 张玲棣. The Easter Bunny Easter is a Christian holiday and a holiday celebrating the rebirth of nature. It occurs on a Sunday.


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Presentation transcript:

教学设计过程实例 北京教育科学研究院 基础教育教学研究中心 张玲棣

The Easter Bunny Easter is a Christian holiday and a holiday celebrating the rebirth of nature. It occurs on a Sunday in the spring. Children enjoy this holiday because on Easter Sunday they have an Easter egg hunt. Parents hide candy eggs, chocolate rabbits and chocolate chickens after children have gone to bed the night before Easter Sunday. In the morning, the children take baskets and hunt for the eggs. Eggs, rabbits and chickens are all symbols of fertility. They represent the new season that begins in the spring. Children believe that the candy and chocolates they find have been hidden by the Easter Bunny. "Bunny" is a children's word for rabbit. Later, they will understand that the Easter Bunny is a mythical figure, not a real creature. The Easter Bunny has its origin even before Christianity. Rabbits were symbols of new life in the spring. The myth of the Easter Bunny seems to have started in Germany in the 1500s. Now, children eagerly await the arrival of the Easter Bunny, almost as much as Santa Claus at Christmas.

The Easter Bunny celebrating hunt for represent Easter is a Christian holiday and a holiday celebrating the rebirth of nature. It occurs on a Sunday in the spring. Children enjoy this holiday because on Easter Sunday they have an Easter egg hunt. Parents hide candy eggs, chocolate rabbits and chocolate chickens after children have gone to bed the night before Easter Sunday. In the morning, the children take baskets and hunt for the eggs. Eggs, rabbits and chickens are all symbols of fertility. They represent the new season that begins in the spring. have been hidden to have started as much as Children believe that the candy and chocolates they find have been hidden by the Easter Bunny. "Bunny" is a children's word for rabbit. Later, they will understand that the Easter Bunny is a mythical figure, not a real creature. The Easter Bunny has its origin even before Christianity. Rabbits were symbols of new life in the spring. The myth of the Easter Bunny seems to have started in Germany in the 1500s. Now, children eagerly await the arrival of the Easter Bunny, almost as much as Santa Claus at Christmas.

课堂教学设计 课堂教学设计前必须回答的问题: 学生将要学什么? 学生学完后将能做哪些他们以前不会做或做不 好的事? 设计教学的最佳方法是从所期待的教 学结果进行逆推。 教学设计 阅读了解有关 Easter 的信息 理解表达节假日的词汇和结构 用所学过的词汇和结构 仿照介绍自己所了解的节假日 中国节假日、词汇、结构

Developing clear and specific objectives Students will be able to 1. get the information about Easter 2. find out the meaning of the new words 3. talk about Easter or one of the holidays in China in their own words.

Writing the step-by-step procedures Pre-reading Finding a way to lead in and develop the students' interest in what is about to be taught What is the picture about? What do we know about Easter? Prediction: What will be mentioned about Easter in the text? Watching the short play and talk about what people do on Easter. New words? 目的 : 聚焦复活节;体验阅读预测策略

Writing the step-by-step procedures While-reading Read for general information When is Easter celebrated? What do people do on Easter? New words? 目的 : 体验阅读策略 : 获取基本信息

Writing the step-by-step procedures While-reading Read for specific information Find the facts EasterFactsHow to express Whenon a Sunday in the spring Activity Symbols Reason New words? 目的 : 体验阅读策略 : 获取细节信息

Writing the step-by-step procedures While-reading Focus on language EasterFactsHow to express Whenon a Sunday in the spring It occurs on… Activity Symbols Reason New words? 目的 : 语言聚焦

Writing the step-by-step procedures While-reading Read and find out the meaning of the new words underline the words Read the sentences Guess the meaning Check the meaning of the words in pairs 目的 : 语言聚焦。体验阅读策略,推测词义

The Easter Bunny celebrating hunt for represent Easter is a Christian holiday and a holiday celebrating the rebirth of nature. It occurs on a Sunday in the spring. Children enjoy this holiday because on Easter Sunday they have an Easter egg hunt. Parents hide candy eggs, chocolate rabbits and chocolate chickens after children have gone to bed the night before Easter Sunday. In the morning, the children take baskets and hunt for the eggs. Eggs, rabbits and chickens are all symbols of fertility. They represent the new season that begins in the spring. have been hidden to have started as much as Children believe that the candy and chocolates they find have been hidden by the Easter Bunny. "Bunny" is a children's word for rabbit. Later, they will understand that the Easter Bunny is a mythical figure, not a real creature. The Easter Bunny has its origin even before Christianity. Rabbits were symbols of new life in the spring. The myth of the Easter Bunny seems to have started in Germany in the 1500s. Now, children eagerly await the arrival of the Easter Bunny, almost as much as Santa Claus at Christmas. (179w) When something occurs, it happens.

The Easter Bunny Children believe that the candy and chocolates they find have been hidden by the Easter Bunny. "Bunny" is a children's word for rabbit. Later, they will understand that the Easter Bunny is a mythical figure, not a real creature. The Easter Bunny has its origin even before Christianity. Rabbits were symbols of new life in the spring. The myth of the Easter Bunny seems to have started in Germany in the 1500s. Now, children eagerly await the arrival of the Easter Bunny, almost as much as Santa Claus at Christmas. 目的 : 语言聚焦。体验阅读策略,推测词义

Writing the step-by-step procedures Post-reading Talk about Easter What does Easter occur/ happen? (Calendar…) What do people usually do on Easter? (Colorful eggs, chocolate bunny…) Why do people celebrate Easter? (Spring) 目的 : 内化过程,初步运用

Writing the step-by-step procedures Post-reading Holidays in China Example: Mid-autumn Festival Some other holidays you may choose from: Spring Festival (Chinese New Year) Dragon Boat Festival Laba Festival Lantern Festival 目的 : 学生在类似情景中 自主应用语言 FactsHow to express When Activity Symbols Reason

Assessment 1. What holiday do the group members talk about? Please write it down. 2. Do they talk about the holiday facts clearly and correctly? Please tick them. 目的 : 评价标准为小组活动和全班交流的质量提出要求,也检 查本节课的目标达成情况 GroupHolidayWhenActivitySymbolsReason 1 2