IFAP Special Event: Information and Knowledge for All, Emerging Trends and Challenges Major trends Access to the public domain information: Russian experience Tatiana Murovana Russian IFAP Committee Access to information
IFAP Special Event: Information and Knowledge for All, Emerging Trends and Challenges Information of critical importance for people, communities, nations, states, humankind Information initiating, facilitating, supporting and maintaining the search for solutions to essential problems and tasks, the implementation of these solutions, choosing for a constructive development option and following this choice Which information should be accessible?
IFAP Special Event: Information and Knowledge for All, Emerging Trends and Challenges Technical means and channels of communication (both traditional and digital) Adaptability for disabled people Media and information literacy and motivation to acquire access Information quality Language Long-term information preservation Legal regulation Access management Legislation and state policies Accessibility aspects
IFAP Special Event: Information and Knowledge for All, Emerging Trends and Challenges WSIS + 10: expectations and reality Universal accessIncreasing digital divide Amazing opportunities for education Reduced access to educational and scientific information Free and independent mass media Privatization, centralization and tabloidization of the media Focus on information qualityFocus on speed, brevity and fun Internet as an additional source of information … Internet as the only source of information …
IFAP Special Event: Information and Knowledge for All, Emerging Trends and Challenges Balancing the interests of all stakeholders of the information access system: – Users – Information producers – Information mediators – The state – Non-profit establishments (libraries, museums, educational and research institutions) – Businesses Tackling the problem of regulating the information sphere (a complex integral structure of mutually intersecting and interdependent interests) Access to information: the current stage
IFAP Special Event: Information and Knowledge for All, Emerging Trends and Challenges Defining the essence of equitable access to information Elaborating a balanced framework for regulating the information sphere The first step: preparing an international analytical report on information accessibility problems Using the potential of IFAP, its cross-sectoral approach and integrated vision of humanitarian issues of information society/knowledge societies UNESCO and IFAP’s role
IFAP Special Event: Information and Knowledge for All, Emerging Trends and Challenges A network of centres for access to public domain information has been created since 1998 (over 15,000 centres of which 8,000 are library-based) Stakeholders: Spetssvyaz FSO of Russia, Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, local authorities, libraries, NGOs, businesses Centres provide free access to information, assist in navigating and arranging information, give consultations (in particular, on legal issues), develop information literacy and hold public events Access to legal and public domain information: Russian experience
IFAP Special Event: Information and Knowledge for All, Emerging Trends and Challenges Russian UNESCO IFAP Committee has been contributing since 2002 by: – Popularizing the network and raising the awareness of authorities and public at large – Monitoring the network activities on a regular basis – Holding seminars and conferences – Publishing books, analytical and statistical materials – Certifying centres (in cooperation with the specialized government service) By 2013 Russian legal information centres have been established in 35 countries worldwide Access to legal and public domain information: Russian experience
IFAP Special Event: Information and Knowledge for All, Emerging Trends and Challenges Tatiana Murovana Executive Secretary Russian Committee UNESCO Information for All Programme