Student Background 24 females, 4 males Approx years old 7 students reported creating a web page prior to course (template format only) Most students familiar with word processing and internet surfing ; several reported knowledge limited to word processing (no or internet) Only 2 students reported creating a web page previously for an education course—teacher directed format
Reflections on the web page project in relation to other College of Education projects (Fall) The Good: Usually the most creative/interesting thing we get to do is create a poster on a topic/type a paper. Time-consuming, but I feel much more able to use technology in the classroom. The assignment (integration) made the project worthwhile. The most intellectually challenging and worthwhile project I have ever done! I liked it because it was directly related to other courses. It was out of my “comfort zone”, but it is actually relevant to my teaching and I’m glad we did it.
Reflections Continued The Bad (& Ugly) Unclear instruction/not enough lab time I don’t like having to be creative. Tell me exactly what to do! I wasn’t learning how to do it in a formal computer class so it was stressful! Introduce requirements immediately in the semester for both courses—work on it all semester. How does this relate to teaching? Will I ever use it?
Reflections on how web page assignment changed student views on technology (Fall) Teachers always told me that taking kids to the lab is a pain. I am going to try my hardest to implement technology because these pages are so great. I see now what a powerful tool it is! I’ve always thought it was important but didn’t know how to do it. You’ve done us a huge favor—thanks!
Reflections on web pages as a teaching strategy following internship (Spring) I will use my web page or create another one. It has been a great tool for interviewing for a job. Several students reported publishing their page on their own domain. My students loved it! I saw motivation in some students who rarely displayed it. I can use this in so many ways! I’ve made one for a unit and want to make one for my cheerleaders. I’m not sure how this experience will impact my classroom later.
Short-Term Results of the Web Page Instruction All of the students created an additional web page for classroom use (INTECH) 1/3 of the students reported utilizing the web page they created in the course in their Internship classroom Nearly ½ reported creating another web page, in addition to INTECH page for use in their internship classroom, for future use, or for their cooperating teacher
Perceived barriers to developing/utilizing web pages during internship Web page created in the course was not appropriate for the grade level/curriculum of their internship Lack of student access to computer equipment at schools Restraints placed upon intern by cooperating teacher
Reflections on the most difficult part of creating the web page Choosing an appropriate topic for integration Getting started—I depended on classmates to help me when I was stuck. Instructions need to be very clear. Choosing a background and centering everything. Creating links. Choosing information to include so that it supported unit.
Additional Information (For presentation information and student web pages) e/eval.html (For information on web site evaluation and creating web pages for instructional purposes) e/eval.html