GIVEN REVIEW QUESTIONS Q: Explain When you would use the print layout and Read Mode views: A: Print Layout – to see how the document would look when printed. Read Mode – When giving a presentation, for an easier read. Q: What is the use of the buttons on the view slider? A: The use of the buttons is to change the view of the document. Q: How can showing the formatting codes be beneficial (using Show/Hide)? A: Showing the format codes shows you what you have inserted into the document, such as non- printed characters. Q: How does Auto Correct help you when you’re too busy inserting text to catch grammatical errors? A: Auto Correct helps you because if you are not paying attention to how you spell something you typed, it will correct the word depending on how close the spelling was. Q: How do you insert the copyright symbol? A: Click symbol under the insert tab, and if the copyright symbol isn’t given under the first list, click “More Symbols”
GIVEN REVIEW QUESTIONS (CON.) Q: How do Paste Options work when inserting a copied text? A: Depending if you want to merge the formatting in your document, or keep the format the text originally has, decides what paste option you choose. Q: Why would you want to add multiple items to the Office Clipboard? A: It shows you a preview of the item added, so you don’t have to go from document to document, you just find it on the clipboard. Q: When might you use the pages option on the Navigation Page? A: If you search a word, and need to know what pages that word is included on. Q: Why might you use the more button in the find and place dialog box? A: It displays more options for the search criteria.
MICROSITE QUESTIONS 1.The icons mark where the cursor was last positioned in the document before you closed it. 2.The ability to enlarge the text display is useful when you are working with a small font size. 3.auto correct automatically detects wrongly spelled words and corrects them & auto complete displays a complete word then the user types the first few characters of a word. 4.If you move the text, a “drag” icon will show up 5.Special is used when you need to find things such as a column break or paragraph character.
WHAT DOES THE “PASTE ALL” OPTION DO WITH THE ITEMS IN THE CLIPBOARD? Pastes all the items currently in the Clipboard in the same order they appear in the clipboard. EX.
WHAT ARE THE 4 PASTE OPTIONS AND WHAT DO THEY MEAN? Keep source formatting (k) – Keep the formatting for this text as it was set in the original document. Merge formatting (m) – merge the formatting for this item from the original document with the formatting set in the current document. Use Destination Styles (s) – Use a style that exists in the current document pasted item. Keep text only (t) – removes any formatting that existed with the original item and keeps only the text.
WHY IS CHOOSING THE “UPDATE AUTOMATICALLY” OPTION WHEN ENTERING THE DATE AND TIME CONVENIENT? If you make a document on one date, and then go to update it a different day, the date and time (whatever date it is and whatever time you open the document) will update on its own.
WHAT’S THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN SELECTING CONSECUTIVE TEXT AND NON-CONSECUTIVE TEXT? Selecting consecutive text is selecting word that are all together such as a paragraph or a sentence. Selecting non-consecutive text is selecting pieces of a text that are not together or scattered throughout the text.