2010 CMD Family Conference Live CMD Learn CMD Connect CMD
Cure CMD All volunteer organization with primary focus on moving the CMD agenda on multiple fronts: Identifying targets Raising awareness Registering the global population Establishing scientific resources Funding research looking at treatment targets Making CMD clinical trials do-able and a realistic goal
Cure CMD Volunteers Cure CMD Board Cure CMD Scientific and Medical Advisory Board: Carsten Bonnemann, Francesco Muntoni, John Porter, Markus Ruegg, Alexandre Mejat, Edward Kaye, Petra Kaufmann Project Support And Advocacy Lead: Susan Sklaroff- Van Hook, Diane Smith- Hoban, Ann Cloud, Jackie Nelson 2010 CMD Family Conference Support: Susan Sklaroff-Van Hook, Diane Smith Hoban, Mike Newton, Terri Clausen, Mari Schindele, Linda Gowarty, Alan Tuttle Administrative and Communications/IT Becky May, Meera Gandhi, Rachel Alvarez, Joey Bower Grant Team: Charlene York, Sandee Lefcoe, Erin McGuirk, Michael Davis CMDIR Advisory Board: Jiri Vajsar, Madhuri Hegde, Vanessa Rangel Miller, Jan Kirschner, Susana Quijano-Roy, Susan Sparks
Cure CMD Collaborators and Sponsors International CMD Community families, clinicians, allied health professionals, scientists, advocacy, pharmaceutical industry and federal agencies
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Conference Logistics Dr. Kurt Fischbeck Dr. Russ Butterfield Sign ups: CMD BioBank blood CMD BioBank skin biopsies Pulmonary video: general advice CMD Advocacy