22.4 A BAD YEAR, 1968
TET OFFENSIVE Jan.1968, North Vietnamese & Vietcong sneak attack our forces during the Tet holiday We beat them back a month later But this event proved that the Communists in Vietnam would not give up. This turned many Americans against the war
1968 DEMOCRATIC ELECTION Eugene McCarthy was the anti-war Democrat seeking the Presidency LBJ dropped out of the race in March 1968 June ’68: Robert Kennedy was assassinated after winning the California primary Democratic race came down to Hubert Humphrey and Eugene McCarthy
1968 DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION Protesters were not happy with the Democratic bosses choosing Humphrey as the party’s candidates Protestors felt Humphrey wouldn’t end the war They took to the streets in Chicago (at the Democratic Convention) They were brutally beaten by Chicago’s police
1968 ELECTION A three way race: Nixon (Rep) 301 Humphrey (Dem) 191 Wallace (American Independent) 46 A.k.a. the racism party…