The Climate-Transportation Connection
A broad, growing coalition T4America: A Broad, Growing Coalition ➔ Began May 2008 ➔ Members include American Public Health Association, AARP, National Association of Realtors, Environmental Defense Fund, Silicon Valley Leadership Group ➔ Local staff in MT, MN, CA, NY, NJ, CT, IL, & MI ➔ New Blueprint unveiled in May 2009 provides a roadmap for reform.
#1 – The Climate- Transportation Connection is here to stay
Scenario: VMT +1.4%/yr, CAFE 55 mpg in 2030, Fuel: -15% GHG
If VMT -10%/capita, (vs. 2005): 33% < 1990 GHG in 2030
#2 – There’s no silver bullet – cleaner fuels and vehicles are necessary but not sufficient
8 Bay Area Performance Based Transportation Plan Target: Reduce CO 2 40% below 1990 levels by 2035
#3 – CO2 emissions reductions aren’t mode specific
10 Price Matters Core Pricing: Driving is more expensive in the urban core with parking costs and bridge tolls
#4 – Start measuring CO2 and VMT to get ahead of the curve
#5 – Transportation plans and programs that reduce CO2 are part of a broader, smarter approach
14 Even longer term policies must start now Short Term Long Term Parking Policy EV Infrastructure Carbon taxes/Road Pricing Compact & Complete Communities Transit-oriented Employment Centers
35% Less VMT with Compact Development
M M M M M Lower Density Zoning Lower Density Zoning Arlington, VA-- Smart growth at the corridor level Smart growth encourages development around transit stations
➔ DOT and EPA set national goal for transpo CO2 reduction commensurate with overall CO2 goal ➔ States and metro areas to develop CO2 targets comensurate with national goal ➔ DOT and EPA provide technical assistance to states and metro areas ➔ Bill provides planning funds and capital funds to help areas meet CO2 targets Boxer-Kerry Bill - S.1733
The New Transportation Bill National Transportation Objectives HR2724 Performance Based “Blueprint Planning” “Smart Communities” program for ITS and land use Green Ports and Freight Flickr user: Flickr user: karolik