Presented by: Alexander Romanov & Jake Kutkevicius Appendicitis Presented by: Alexander Romanov & Jake Kutkevicius
Description Appendicitis is the swelling or inflammation of the appendix. The appendix is a finger-shaped organ attached to the beginning of the large intestine.
Description cont. Some doctors believe it is a vestigial organ with no purpose in the human body. Other doctors believe it serves a function as part of the immune system. Either way, there are no known harmful effects from the removal of the appendix.
Symptoms of Appendicitis Pain Reduced appetite, vomiting, and low fever Pain near the lower abdomen at McBurney’s point Symptoms consist of: chills, constipation, diarrhea, fever, shaking, vomiting
How to diagnose Appendicitis Pain will increase when the doctor gently presses on the lower right belly area Rectal Exam Doctors can diagnose appendicitis by: The description of the symptoms The physical exam Lab tests Abdominal CT Scan or Abdominal ultrasound
Appendicitis Normal Appendix
Treatment Antibiotics are begun as soon as evidence for appendicitis is discovered. However, antibiotics don’t work very often and if they do it is generally because the problem was not so great to begin with. Surgery on the appendix called an appendectomy is usually needed.
Appendectomy There are two types of appendectomy's. They are laparotomic and laparoscopic appendectomy. Laparascopic is where small incisions are made on the side of the abdomen and a small camera is used to remove the appendix. Laparotomic is where larger incisions are made on the front right side of the abdomen and the appendix is removed. The main difference is that it takes less time to recover from a laparoscopic appendectomy.
Mechanism of Appendicitis Blockage by Stool Foreign Object Cancer May also occur from infection and swells