XXVII World Nut and Dried Fruit Congress NATIONAL SOCIETY OF AGRICULTURE Sociedad Nacional de Agricultura Luis Schmidt Montes President
Sociedad Nacional de Agricultura (SNA) About Us The National Society of Agriculture (SNA) was founded in 1838 and is one of the oldest agriculture business association in the world. It is the main agricultural association, which supports Chilean producers and agro-businesses. SNA has a broad mission that include all the main agriculture sectors, such as: wine, cattle and grain industries, fruit, vegetables and dairy producers etc...
Main Goals of SNA National Society of Agriculture (SNA), has a mandate to promote, development and protect agriculture, agro-industry and other related activities, as well as to represent its associates, and lookout for the general interests of the sector. Promote and defend the conditions that facilitate the creation and maintenance of business initiatives, and a legal and economic setting that favors free competition and growth of businesses operating in Chile. Promote and divulge the ethic principles that the private business sector should use as the base for the development of its actions. Represent the opinion of the agro-business sector before the government, political entities and other institutions. Improve international economic relation and trade: SNA works actively with government authorities and participate in free trade talks negotiation in relation to agriculture commerce.
Chile open to the world In the past 6 years, Chilean agriculture exports (excluding forestry export) has growth at a rate of 10% per year, reaching in 2007 more than US$ 11,000 millions. Chile has set a goal to become a mayor player among the food exports countries in The Chilean Agriculture Sector has showed its entrepreneurship capacity. Its products are competing today in the most demanding markets of the world.
Evolution of Agriculture Exports
Chilean Agriculture Products in the Most Demanding Markets of the World FTA China 06 TA India 06 FTA Corea 04 FTA P4 06 FTA Canada 97 FTA USA 04 FTA EU 03 FTA EFTA 04 TLC México 99 TLC Colombia 96 TA Mercosur 96 TLC Centroamérica 02 TA Ecuador 95 TA Perú 96 TA Bolivia 93 FTA Japan 07 From 2003 onward, Chile has signed free trade agreements with 87% of the world GDP and 55% its population.
Future Strategic Orientations Deepening and strengthening our trade relations Improvements of the free trade agreement signed. Permanent support for an open global trade and for the reduction of trade barriers and subsidies according to WTO rules. Research and development for the improvement of our high added value agricultural products.
What does the world want? Animal welfare Animal welfare Products low in low inCalories Care for the environment GAP GAP Easy to Cook Easy to Cook More MoreXLess Productthatlastlonger Traceability Nutrition and Inocuity Nutrition and Inocuity
Chilean Dried Fruit Exports The world consumption of this products is constantly growing. Dried fruits it's a recent business in Chile. Chile participate with not much quantity but has the advantage of quality and off season production. Exports (Millions US$ FOB) Product Dried Prunes54,993,4 Raisins56,987,1 Walnuts31,076,0 Almonds17,732,1 Dried Apples22,230,2 Dried Mosqueta0,10,9 Dried Peaches0,2 Dried Apricot0,00,1 Hazelnut0,10,0 Total183,2320,0
Evolution Surface in Production There will be 14,700 new hectares in production for the year 2012 Surface in Production Hectares 2007 Prunes7,015 Walnuts9,366 Almonds5,554 Hazelnut2,851 Source: Census 1997 and Census 2007
Evolution of Dried Prunes Exports From 2004 to 2007 dried prunes increased their exportation in 70% Principal destiny: Mexico – Germany - Russia
Evolution of Raisins Exports From 2004 to 2007 raisins increased their exportation in 53% Principal destiny: EEUU – Mexico – United kingdom
Evolution of Walnuts Exports From 2004 to 2007 walnuts increased their exportation in 145% Principal destiny: Brazil - Italy - Spain
Evolution of Almonds Exports From 2004 to 2007 almonds their exportation in 81% Principal destiny: Venezuela – Brazil - Argentina - Italy
Competitive advantage Off season production: The main dried fruits producers are in the north hemisphere, there aren't outstanding producers in the south hemisphere and these dried fruits can’t be stored for long. Chile can arrived with fresh products after the harvest time has ended in the northern hemisphere. Mediterranean climate: there aren't many countries with this type of climate. Sanitary advantages: because of the natural geography Chile is free of many quarantine diseases. Mediterranean climate
(Millions of US$) Ranking of food export countries Chile is the 17º exporter by 2018 we expect to be top ten Top Ten exportes Source: FAO - Faostat: included "Food and Animals" + "Beverages" + "Fish, Food“ Projection made by Chilealimentos. 2005: million of US$ Food Sector 2007: million of US$ Agriculture + forestry sector
Our goal for the year 2018 Agro-food Exports: US$ millions Fresh fruits + processed fruits: US$ millions Salmons : US$ millions Wine : US$ millions Poultry products: US$ 500 millions Pork meat: US$ millions Dairy products: US$ 400 millions Beef meat : US$ 100 millions Others : US$ millions