Exchanges, Clearing & Settlement and TARGET2 Securities Richard Derksen 2nd Conference of Macedonian Financial Sector on Payments and Securities Settlement Systems Ohrid 30 June 2009 De Nederlandsche Bank
Agenda The world of securities and exchanges Risks in clearing and settlement of securities What´s going on in Europe? Code of Conduct clearing & settlement Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID) Consequences for central banks TARGET2 Securities
Securities chain trading clearing settlement Agreement to exchange securities for funds trading clearing Calculation of obligations Delivery of securities and payment of funds settlement
Clearing & settlement infrastructure Exchanges CCP National Central Bank CSD Issuer custodian custodian Agent bank Agent bank Agent bank Agent bank Agent bank Agent bank Investor Investor Investor Investor Investor Investor Investor
Entities in securities Issue/hold securities Issuer/Investor Central securities depositories: storehouses for securities and domestic settlement services providers CSDs ICSDs International central securities depositories: international settlement services providers, CSDs for Eurobonds National and international settlement services providers, typically banks Custodians platform for trade in securities Exchanges Central counterparties: central providers for clearing services CCPs Executes transactions for customers Agent Bank National Central Bank; provides settlement services, oversight NCB
Life cycle of securities transactions Transactions (by a telephone call or system) Entry in a system (buy or sell) Validation Authentication & authorisation Matching & confirmation Clearing Money settlement (usually t+3) Securities settlement (usually t+3) Custody (corporate actions)
Exchanges, CCPs and CSDs - basic model Buyer/ Seller EURONEXT Trading Member Trading Clearing Members LCH.Clearnet SA Clearing EUROCLEAR Nederland Securities settlement Partijen betrokken bij de infrastructuur van de financiële markten Euroclear group o.a. Euroclear Nederland ENL DNB / T2 Admitted Depository Cash settlmn. Institution
Clearing / CCP Role: Trade confirmation Netting Clearing Member Clearing House Clearing Member Role: Trade confirmation Netting CCP = central counterparty Issues: Counterparty credit risk concentrates at CCP. Default CCP might affect the whole financial system (so… Oversight) Door een CCP verdwijnt het tegenpartij risico niet, maar een CCP zorgt ervoor dat Het risico wordt beheerst Het risico verdeeld wordt wordt Ze doet dit middels een risico framework dat bepaalt hoe een member default wordt opgevangen en door wie de verliezen worden gedragen. Een CCP zorgt er bovendien voor dat het bilaterale risico vervangen wordt door een standaard risico tov de CCP. Het bilaterale risico verschilt steeds, want is afhankelijk van de clearing member. Kun je nog iets zeggen over de hoogte van het bilaterale risico tov het standaard risico? Het tijdstip van novatie heeft belangrijke implicaties voor de verdeling van tegenpartij risico tussen de CCP en de clearing members. Hoe later dat tijdstip, des te…???
Central counterparty CCP = central counterparty Interposes itself between buyer and seller of a security Guarantees clearing and settlement towards market participant Takes over exposure counterparty credit risk Novation: contract between buyer and seller replaced by contract between buyer and CCP and seller and CCP Pro: Decrease counterparty credit risk; CCP risk management for clearing member Cost reduction Trade benefits
CSD: settlement DVP Role: EUROCLEAR Nederland Depository DNB / TARGET2 ENL Settlement (ESES) Securities account A Securities account B Cash account A Cash account B Cash account A Cash account B DVP Role: Recording of changes in legal titles resulting from securities transactions Exchange trades settle on T+3 Issues: DVP: delivery versus payment to limit principal risk (Herstatt risk) SFD: Finality offers protection against unwinding
Central Securities Depository (CSD) CSD: Depository Aangesloten Aangesloten Instellingen Aangesloten Euroclear Nederland Instellingen Aangesloten Instellingen Central Securities Depository (CSD) Aangesloten Instellingen Admitted Instellingen Institution Role: Maintenance of securities accounts Facilitating reconciliation with any official register Facilitating the exercise of securities holders’ rights and corporate actions Issues: Immobilisation and demateralisation Operational risk
Role of central banks Services in central bank money Cash settlement in TARGET2: DVP model 2 (with ESES DVP model 1) Collateral management for CCPs And in the future… TARGET2Securities (Pan- European platform for settlement of trades, 2013) Oversight Financial stability – limit systemic risk Limit losses of participants Limit contagion to other markets Enhance confidence in payment systems
European developments Lisbon agenda 2010: European economy has to become stronger to compete with the USA and Japan/China National markets in Europe have remained isolated, cross border transactions too complex, too costly: there is no integrated European financial market Importance of clearing and settlement of those trades for smooth functioning of the financial system: inefficiencies have serious consequences European Union has identified 15 barriers for integration (Giovannini 2001) Technical, market practices (10) Legal and fiscal barriers (5)
What is the status of integration… Too high settlement costs - EU domestic costs range from 0.35 to 3.43 €; - … and are higher than US (+ 0.10 to 2.90 €); - Cross-border costs higher than domestic ones (19.5 to 35.0 €). Source: Oxera, LSE, CEPS
Integration & consolidation Financial integration for all market participants: Equal access Uniformal set of rules Treatment in an equal way Consolidation means a less number of service providers
Integration models in Europe Horizontal integration Clearstream Eurex Clearing Deutsche Börse Vertical integration Euroclear (ICSD) CIK (BE) Euroclear (FR) Euroclear (NL) CBISSO (IE) Crest (UK) Euroclear
Dynamics in the securities market Market integration, level playing field and harmonisation Consolidation of exchanges and SSSs in the market goes full speed on Markets in Financial Instruments Directive Code of Conduct for Clearing and Settlement CESAME Group to lift technical, market practices Giovannini barriers Internalisation: huge banks settle transactions internally
Post trade market in Europe No central system as in the US, but still very fragmented Different models: horizontal, vertical, user-owned, demutualised… High cross border tariffs, (semi) monopolies, low competition No EU Directive for clearing and settlement … so no European passport for cross-border services
Post trading infrastructures US Clearing Settlement cash Trading NSCC DTC NYSE NASDAQ FICC FED FEDERAL RESERVE Settlement securities
Post trading infrastructures EU Clearing Settlement cash Euronext Amsterdam + Brussels + Lisbon + Paris Luxembourg Stock Ex change Oslo Bors OM Nasdaq HEX GPW Trading Clearnet SA LCH LCH.Clearnet Group ltd Euroclear Nederland CIK Euroclear France Crest Co BOE BdF NBB DNB London Stock Exchange Borsa Italia na CC&G Monte Titoli Banca d´ Italia Deut sche Borse Eurex Clea ring Bundesbank Clearstream BL Clearstream BF BCL Nordic central banks VPS Nordic CSD Banca d´ Espana Iber clear Bolsa y Merc. Esp. KDPW CRBS Bk of Poland TARGET2 Settlement securities
EU initiatives for more efficient securities markets in Europe 1 EU initiatives for more efficient securities markets in Europe 1. Code of Conduct The solution from EU commissioner McCreevy (2006) Selfregulation: Code of Conduct Signed by 60 EU exchanges, CCPs and CSDs in November 2006 Objective: stimulate competition and decrease cross-border cost 3 parts Price transparancy – 1 January 2007 Interoperability – 1 July 2007 (Guideline) Unbundling & account separation – 1 January 2008
EU initiatives for more efficient securities markets in Europe – 2 EU initiatives for more efficient securities markets in Europe – 2. MiFID ´Markets in Financial Instruments Directive´, 1 November 2007 MTF: alternative trading platforms next to regulated markets Best execution moves trading to markets that offer the best price Art 34 and 46: the right of a market participant to access remotely a foreign CCP and/or CSD The right of a regulated market/MTF to choose a particular CCP/ CSD No double regulation
Results until now… Code of Conduct – around 2 years MiFID – nearly 1 year Guideline on Interoperability – 1 year Results: New MTFs and in their slipstream… New CCPs Around 90 requests for interoperability (links between CCPs and CSDs)
Results till now… Negative: Increased fragmentation and complexity No European passport, so a regulatory mess Not 1 link realised Positive: + Increased competition + Breaking down monopolies + Significant reduction in tariffs (in the Netherlands clearing cost from 0.65 eurocent to 0.05 eurocent per trade)
Complexity European market increases Clearing Settlement cash Euronext Amsterdam + Brussels + Lisbon + Paris Luxembourg Stock Ex change Oslo Bors OM Nasdaq HEX GPW Trading Clearnet SA LCH LCH.Clearnet Group ltd Euro clear Neder land CIK Euroclear France Crest Co Bank of Englnd Banq. de France NBB DNB London Stock Exchange Borsa Italia na CC&G Monte Titoli Banca d´ Italia Deut sche Borse Eurex Clea ring Bundesbank Clearstream BL Clearstream BF BCL Nordic central banks VPS Nordic CSD Banca d´ Espana Iber clear Bolsa y Merc. Esp. KDPW CRBS Bk of Poland TARGET2 Settlement securities EU market = Incumbent trading, clearing and settlement + …
Complexity European market increases Clearing: New and existing CCPs Settlement cash Equiduct Chi-X BATS Trading: MTFs EuroCCP LCH.Clearnet SA Turquoise Euroclear Nederland CIK Euro clear France Crest Co Bank of Englnd Banq. de France NBB DNB Smartpool Bluenext EMCF Monte Titoli Banca d´ Italia Bundesbank Clearstream BL Clearstream BF BCL Nordic central banks VPS Nordic CSD Banca d´ Espana Iber clear Nasdaq OMX KDPW Bk of Poland TARGET2 Settlement securities Citibank Fortis Bank Nederland Settlement agents … MTFs and new CCPs
Consequences for central banks Services in central bank money Cash settlement also for MTFs and new CCPs – national silo´s disappear Collateral management for new CCPs Oversight What stability risks come with New CCPs and their settlement agents Increased complexity Interoperabiliteit Rely on foreign regulators, supervisors and overseers (MiFID art 34 and 46)
Risks in clearing and settlement of securities credit risk: replacement cost risk principal risk liquidity risk custody risk Risks legal risk operational risk risk of settlement bank failure systemic risk
Risks Credit risk: The risk of loss from default by a participant, as a consequence of its insolvency Replacement cost risk Principal risk
Risks Principal risk Risk that full value of securities or funds will be lost when either the seller or buyer fails to settle Can be eliminated by Delivery versus Payment
Delivery versus Payment (DvP) Securities cash NCB Bank A Bank B Sell Order Buy Order CSD A B 1 ^ 2 ^2 3 ^3 DvP
DvP in practice Sell/buy transaction The CSD blocks the securities in the account of the seller, followed by sending a payment instruction to the NCB The central bank transfers the funds from the buyer’s to the seller’s account and sends a confirmation to the CSD The CSD move the securities from the seller’s to the buyer’s account
Risks Risk of loss of unrealised gains Replacement cost risk Risk of loss of unrealised gains Due to price changes between trade and settlement Exposure depends on price validility and time gap between trade settlement (i. e. t+3)
Risks Risk of failure of a settlement bank Failure of bank providing cash accounts for payments Impact particularly severe if all CSDs use the same Approaches to control: use of the central bank money, limited purpose bank
Risks Systemic risk Failure of one institution could cause other institutions to fail Liquidity and credit problems may disrupt financial markets Liquidity is dependent on confidence in reliability of SSS Oversight function central bank
Risks Risk that counterparty will not settle an obligation when due Liquidity risk Risk that counterparty will not settle an obligation when due Costs depend on degree of liquidity Potential to create systemic problems
Risks Custody risk Risks that securities are not adequately protected by the custodians Either full loss or temporary inability to transfer securities Segregation of accounts
Risks Operational risk Due to deficiencies in systems and controls, human error or management failure Legal risk Due to uncertain legal rules (unenforceability of contracts, bankruptcy laws, delay in recovering funds or securities)
What is T2S? An integrated settlement platform of the Eurosystem for the DVP settlement of securities transactions in central bank money within the euro area : - All securities which have to be transferred - Cash needed for settlement Supports the integration of the securities settlement market infrastructure Making cross-border transactions domestic ones in the Eurozone The extension to other currencies will also be possible
Why (1)? The current initiatives: Deutsch Börse Gruppe T2S: a workable solution for DVP cross-border settlement of securities within central bank money Euroclear Group APK Euroclear NL NTMA Euroclear BE Clearstream FFM NBB Clearing Clearstream Lux OeKB Euroclear FR Monte Titoli SCL Bilbao BOGS SCL Barcelona Interbolsa Iberclear CSD SA Siteme SCL Valencia
Why T2S (2)? The model can offer advantages in terms of efficiency and cost-cutting provided that a critical mass of CSDs actually join and the system can be developed at reasonable costs Commitment CSDs Cost estimations to be further investigated It will benefit financial stability (enabling cross border securities settlement in Central Bank Money)
Background: Essential concepts T2S concerns only settlement in central bank money Investor Investor bank Custodian bank or ICSD CSD central bank money commercial bank money
How? CSDs outsource the administration of securities accounts to T2S Credit institutions transfer cash to T2S, real time DVP is now possible During or at the end of the day the securities return to the CSDs and the money goes back into the TARGET2 payment system CSDs retain the remaining functions such as custody and notary functions
OeNB, NBB, BBK, BdE, BoF, BdF, BoG, CBFSAI, BdI, BcL, DNB, BdP TARGET2 – Securities outside of operating hours Euroclear (BE, FR, NL) Euroclear (BE, FR, NL) Securities accounts Euroclear (BE, FR, NL) Securities accounts Siteme Securities accounts Siteme Siteme Securities accounts BOGS Securities accounts Securities accounts Securities accounts OeKB Securities accounts Clearstream Securities accounts TARGET2 - Securities NBB Clearing Securities accounts Monte Titoli Securities accounts TARGET2 NTMA Cash accounts Iberclear Securities accounts Securities accounts Other CSD’s APK OeNB, NBB, BBK, BdE, BoF, BdF, BoG, CBFSAI, BdI, BcL, DNB, BdP Securities accounts Securities accounts
OeNB, NBB, BBK, BdE, BoF, BdF, BoG, CBFSAI, BdI, BcL, DNB, BdP TARGET2 – Securities during the operating hours Euroclear (BE, FR, NL) Siteme BOGS OeKB Clearstream TARGET2 - Securities NBB Clearing Sub-cash accounts Securities accounts Monte Titoli TARGET2 NTMA Cash accounts Iberclear Other CSD’s OeNB, NBB, BBK, BdE, BoF, BdF, BoG, CBFSAI, BdI, BcL, DNB, BdP APK
Where are the benefits coming from What is T2S? Where are the benefits coming from 3 sources of cost savings fee savings: economics of scale elimination of the cross-border aspect collateral savings (single pool of collateral) back-office savings (one or few technical interfaces) Non-quantifiable benefits driver for harmonisation enhanced competition in market infrastructure market liquidity (dynamic effect)
Uncertainties Success of T2S depends on the decision of the CSDs to participate (voluntary) Concentration of risk, monopolisation of settlement Prerequisite of the project: harmonisation of legal structures and operating rules Removal Giovannini barriers, especially Barriers 4, 6 and 7: T2S may ensure common operating hours and finality rules for domestic and cross border transactions
The T2S User Requirements Scope of assets All types of securities which CSD’s are settling today (debt instruments, equities, investment funds, warrants) Scope of services Whole life cycle of a transaction: receiving settlement instructions, providing matching facilities, verifying availablity of securities and CeBM etc T2S Four central banks develops the platform: Deutsche Bundesbank, Banco de Espana, Banque de France, Banca d’Italia (real time liquidity transfers between T2 RTGS accounts and T2S sub cash accounts will be possible automatically and on demand)
Legal issues Legal basis Article 22 Statute ESCB/ECB Governance Enables the Eurosystem to provide facilities to deliver efficient and sound clearing and payment systems Governance The infrastructure will be wholly owned by the Eurosystem (I)CSDs and users are involved during specification phase
Impact T2S Fosters competition among CSDs Reduces intermediary costs Reduces collateral needs and costs Reduces back-office costs Facilitates cross border business with easier and cheaper cross-CSD settlement.
Timetable T2S July 2008: Decision Governing Council to launch T2S 2009: Specification- and development phase Possibilities External (non-Euro zone) CSD settlement 2010-2012: Building, Testing and Migration phase 2013: Operational phase
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